
I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find themselves in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Orgininal Novel : https://www.qidian.com/book/1015503197.html Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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Mr. Moore's Entrustment

Beidou had a pleasant personality, and Yuga found it easy to chat with him. After talking for a while, they headed to the base's cafeteria together. During their stay here, they would have their meals at this cafeteria. Before going to their lodgings, Ux had already shown them around the cafeteria.

Through their conversation, Yuga learned that Beidou was from the Ever Grande City Day Care Center. However, he had just joined the center recently, so he wasn't very familiar with his colleagues. That's why he had been assigned to share a room with Yuga.

But Yuga didn't feel like he was being excluded by his teammates. After all, it was natural for colleagues to be more familiar with each other, and he was the newcomer in this context. Typically, his teammates were quite considerate.

However, Yuga did find this situation somewhat like a subtle form of exclusion. If they really wanted to take care of Beidou, shouldn't they have split themselves up and left the newcomer with his own team?

Nevertheless, one couldn't really fault the actions of these people. After all, they had no obligation to take care of someone with whom they had no prior connection. That's just how human nature worked.

And so, Yuga and his group of trainers spent their first night quietly at the base.

The following day, after having breakfast, Mr. Moore assembled Yuga and the others.

"We are currently on an island called Illuma Island. Of course, it didn't have a name before; we just settled on this recently. Let me give you some information about Illuma Island!" Mr. Moore addressed the trainers below.

Everyone listened attentively, as information was often crucial during wilderness adventures.

"I'm sure you saw it from the sky when you flew here on your Flying Pokémon; this island is very large and the largest in this area. Moreover, it has never been developed before. This means that there may be unknown dangers here, so please be cautious during your operation.

Next, our target for this mission is the gathering of Fire-type Pokémon, which is located near the dormant volcano in the center of the island. In other words, your destination is there.

However, don't think that just because the Fire-type Pokémon gather near the dormant volcano, the rest of the island is safe. You would be gravely mistaken.

Through our investigations, we've discovered that the island's forests are teeming with numerous other types of Pokémon, and they are all quite powerful. If you're not careful, your life could be in danger.

Your mission isn't just to deal with the Fire-type Pokémon near the dormant volcano but also to find a relatively safe route for our mining team to enter."

Additionally, Mr. Moore informed them about three massive groups of Pokémon on the island's other sides, warning them not to provoke these groups lightly.

To the east of the island, there was a territory belonging to a group of Shiftry, Nuzleaf, and Seedot. They were numerous, and their leader was exceptionally powerful.

To the south, there was a territory of Ursarings, and though their numbers weren't as large as the Shiftry group, they were exceptionally fierce. Their overall strength exceeded that of the Shiftry group.

To the north lay the territory of Aggron, the most potent group among the three. Their leader was a legitimate Elite-level Pokémon.

These three groups of Pokémon were beyond what Yuga and his group of trainers could handle. All they had to do was quietly handle the relatively safe western coast, and they could ignore the other three sides.

Mr. Moore emphasized that they should not cross over into those territories under any circumstances. Otherwise, they would bear the consequences.

Mr. Moore's purpose in coming here was solely to help Yuga and the others deal with the excessively powerful Pokémon on the western coast near the dormant volcano.

Furthermore, they were warned never to take a shortcut by flying directly to the dormant volcano in the center of the island. If they did, they would meet a gruesome end.

Because your actions will undoubtedly attract the attention of numerous Flying-type Pokémon, potentially leading to them attacking in groups.

Mr. Moore gave Yuga and the others a general overview of the island's situation, and now they could begin their mission.

Before their departure, Mr. Moore secretly approached Yuga.

"Young man, there's a somewhat awkward request I'd like to make. I'm not sure if I should bring it up."

Seeing Mr. Moore's somewhat embarrassed expression, Yuga was puzzled. What could be bothering the old man?

"If you have something to say, just tell me. There's no need to be so polite."

Yuga felt grateful to the kind old man who had given him the Vulpixs.

In a hushed tone, Mr. Moore spoke to Yuga, "Here's the thing, you see, Flannery's abilities are still lacking a bit, and I'm somewhat concerned about her. So, I hope you can look after her a bit more. I might have other matters to attend to, and I won't be able to watch over her."

Yuga suddenly understood. The old man was also going through a tough time. While children needed to grow through their experiences, Mr. Moore was also deeply attached to his granddaughter, which led him to seek Yuga's assistance.

Flannery's abilities were indeed not particularly strong, but given her young age, it was understandable.

"Don't worry, to the best of my abilities, I will take care of her."

Yuga readily agreed, as it wasn't a difficult task for him.

"Alright, thank you very much. Just make sure not to tell her that I approached you; otherwise, she will definitely be upset!" Mr. Moore confessed, feeling somewhat guilty.

Yuga smiled and reassured him, "Don't worry! I won't tell her."

With that, Mr. Moore felt at ease and left to attend to his own matters.

After Mr. Moore departed, Yuga found Flannery and said, "Flannery, since both of us are on our own, how about we team up for this mission?"

Hearing Yuga's proposal, Flannery's eyes lit up with joy. "Really? That's great!"

Previously, Flannery had watched others forming groups with their organizations, while she was all alone. She had been quite anxious, so Yuga's suggestion was like a ray of hope for her.

After making some preparations at the base, various teams gradually set off into the forest, and Yuga and Flannery were no exception.

The forest on this island was extremely dense, with large leaves blocking out the sun overhead. Only sporadic patches of light broke through, illuminating the ground or the trainers' clothes.

Yuga released his Vivillon to keep watch in the air while Absol stayed close to protect him.

Seeing this, Flannery followed suit and released a Houndoom.

Yuga nodded in approval. Houndoom, a Dark-type Pokémon, was well-suited for wilderness exploration due to their strong sense of smell and vigilance.

However, compared to Yuga's Absol, Houndoom fell slightly short.

While Houndoom lacked the keen sense of smell, Absol's exceptional perception, especially when it came to danger, was unmatched by most Pokémon.