
I Am The Owner Of A Pokémon Day Care In The Pokémon World

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find themselves in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Orgininal Novel : https://www.qidian.com/book/1015503197.html Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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The Shiny Ariados

Watching Flannery cautiously, Yuga suddenly asked, "Flannery, are you afraid?"

Yuga knew that Flannery was experiencing the wilderness far from human society for the first time. Previously, she had only engaged in outdoor activities near Lavaridge Town. That's why he asked this question.

The wilderness near human towns was significantly different from remote wilderness areas like the Illuma Island.

Wild Pokémon in the wilderness near human towns had adapted to human presence over time. They knew that most humans wouldn't harm them; at most, they might capture them. And they didn't mind being captured because it often meant a better life.

However, in places like the Illuma Island, it was a whole different story. To the Pokémon here, humans might be considered potential threats, a part of their food chain, or invaders into their territory, and they would attack without mercy.

Children in the Pokémon world typically began their journeys around the age of ten, exploring only the wilderness near towns that had been scouted and explored by generations of trainers. They wouldn't venture too far, or else they'd risk facing countless dangers.

Only experienced trainers would venture far from human towns for adventures. So, the Pokémon world's wilderness was categorized by difficulty levels.

After hearing Yuga's question, Flannery hesitated for a moment and then confidently replied, "Afraid? How could I be?"

Yuga considered it and realized that with Flannery's carefree personality, the word "fear" probably didn't even exist in her dictionary.

Suddenly, a white silk thread shot out of nowhere, binding Flannery's ankle, and it looked like she was about to be hoisted up into the trees.

"It's an Ariados!"

Yuga immediately spotted the spider-like Pokémon hidden among the leaves.

Perhaps sensing it had been discovered, the Ariados no longer concealed itself. It crawled out of the leaves boldly, glaring menacingly at Yuga and Flannery.

"How dare it ambush us! Houndoom, use Flamethrower!"

Flannery was furious and gave the order for her Houndoom to retaliate. A scorching stream of flames shot towards the Ariados.

The Ariados turned out to be all show. As Houndoom's Flamethrower hit, it plummeted from the tree, smoking, but luckily, the forest's moisture prevented any wildfires. Otherwise, Yuga and Flannery would have had to worry about using Fire-type moves.

Just as Flannery was celebrating her victory over the Ariados, Yuga tugged her and said, "Don't get too excited! Look up."

At Yuga's words, Flannery looked up.

Upon seeing what lay ahead, her joy turned into astonishment. They had unknowingly been surrounded by over a dozen Ariados.

What was more intimidating was that their leader was a shiny Ariados, larger than the others.

Ordinary Ariados had red heads and abdomens with black markings, while their back appendages and legs were yellow with purple patterns.

This one was the opposite.

Its head and abdomen were purple, with red patterns, and its back appendages and legs had red markings.

This marked the second shiny Pokémon Yuga had encountered, the first being his own Florges.

Flannery couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow! This is so exciting! We've only just entered the forest!"

"How else would your grandfather describe this forest as dangerous?" Yuga said, scanning the shiny Ariados.



Type: Bug, Poison

Ability: Sniper

Gender: Female

Potential: Green

Level: 35

Moves: Swords Dance, Focus Energy, Toxic Spikes, Pin Missile, String Shot, Poison Sting, Megahorn.


This Ariados, living in the wild, had an impressive set of moves. It not only had moves like Swords Dance to enhance its skills but also inherited powerful Bug-type move, Megahorn.

However, Ariados, in general, wasn't known for its strength, and this shiny Ariados was already the strongest among this group of Ariados.

"What should we do?" Flannery asked Yuga after he remained silent for a while.

"What else? We fight head-on!" Yuga didn't think much of a group of Ariados with mediocre strength.

As Yuga spoke, all the Ariados simultaneously used String Shot on Yuga and Flannery.

Flannery's Houndoom and Yuga's Absol were ready, and they unleashed Flamethrower and Dark Pulse, respectively, to repel the spider silk threads.

In the air, Vivillon had already strengthened itself with Quiver Dance when the first Ariados appeared. Golden threads descended from the sky, trapping the Ariadoses.

The electric currents in the threads caused the trapped Ariadoses to shriek in pain.

However, the shiny Ariados was exceptionally fast. It swiftly evaded the assault from Vivillon's Electroweb by moving all four legs at once.

Seeing its Electroweb dodged, Vivillon was surprised. It flapped its wings, instantly appearing in front of the shiny Ariados, blocking its path.

Vivillon, with its Indigo Potential, was one of Yuga's fastest-growing Pokémon, second only to Dragonair. Currently at level 42, it was close to catching up with Absol at level 45 and Florges at level 48. Its strength was remarkable.

Seeing Vivillon standing in its way, the shiny Ariados didn't hesitate and showered it with Poison Stings.

Vivillon didn't mind the Poison Stings. Its eyes gleamed, and it redirected the incoming stingers right back at the Ariados with a psychic redirection.

This was Vivillon's Psychic Redirection, a technique it had developed based on its Psybeam move. The Indigo Potential Pokémon showed incredible potential.

The Ariados hadn't expected its own attack to be turned against it. The Poison Stings controlled by Vivillon's Psychic Redirection struck it directly.

Being a Poison-type, Ariados was naturally weak to Psychic-type moves. Vivillon's Psychic Redirection instantly took out half of its remaining health.

Watching as their companions were trapped in Vivillon's Electroweb and subsequently defeated by Absol and Houndoom, the shiny Ariados decided it was time to flee.

But a golden thread of Electroweb blocked its escape route.

Realizing there was no way to escape, the Ariados jumped from a tree branch. Its forehead's white horn emitted a bright light, extending sharply, aimed straight at Vivillon in the air.

This was the shiny Ariados's most powerful move, Megahorn.

However, this move didn't affect Vivillon, which was known for its agility. It easily dodged the attack and, with a swift motion, struck back with another Psychic Redirection.

With only half its health remaining and immobilized in the Electroweb, the shiny Ariados fell from the air, incapacitated. Yuga promptly captured it with a Poké Ball.

"Let's go!" Yuga said after all the Ariados had been dealt with.

"Do you want the other Ariados?" Flannery, being a Fire-type trainer, had no interest in Bug-type Ariados. She pointed to the other Ariados and asked Yuga.

"No, thanks," Yuga shook his head and continued exploring the forest.

Flannery quickly followed, accompanied by her Houndoom.