
Chapter 59 Slums (13)

As the dust began to clear, I took a quick look around. Even though the explosion had been powerful, I was mostly okay. My Spider senses and quick moves helped me avoid getting hurt. But I was worried about the people nearby, especially Mr. Hilton and Chris.


Thankfully, I soon spotted Mr. Hilton and Chris emerging from the rubble, battered but alive. Relief washed over me as I hurried to their side, helping them to their feet.


"Is everyone alright? Are you okay, Mr. Hilton? And you, Young Hilton?" I asked, my concern evident in my voice.


"We're okay, Spider-Man," Conrad Hilton said, his voice filled with gratitude as he brushed dust from his suit. "Thanks to you."

Chris blinked groggily, trying to make sense of his surroundings. His head throbbed with dull pain as he slowly regained consciousness. He glanced around, his vision still blurry, before focusing on Spider-Man and his father.

"We're fine, Spider-Man," Chris said, managing a weak but reassuring smile. Even though he felt sore all over, he tried to show his thanks to the hero who had rescued them.


"Thank goodness everyone's alright," I breathed a sigh of relief before continuing, "I gotta go now. There's something I need to take care of." I made up an excuse, knowing that now that the danger had passed and Teacher Thomas was here, he could protect everyone. Plus, I had sensed the police arriving earlier through my chi sense, so I knew they'd be able to handle the situation from here. As why I know they are police because the chi I sensed in them isn't wicked; it's as if they're trying to save something. It's kind of complicated, but you'll know it if you feel it.


"Wait, Spider-Man," Conrad interrupted, catching my attention. "What is it, Mr. Hilton?" I asked, a bit confused by his sudden interest.


He paused for a moment, then continued, "Your potions, they're really something. How about making a partnership with me?" Conrad Hilton proposed, his business-oriented mind already seeing the potential.


Chris Hilton, his son, couldn't help but interject, exasperated, "Seriously, Dad?"


I chuckled at Conrad's proposition. "Maybe next time, sir," I replied politely, then with a nod of farewell, I swiftly swung away, leaving the Hiltons behind.


(After the incident-Outside the rundown base in the slum area)


Mark Fletcher, a 15-year-old with a tall, lanky frame and violet hair, remarked, "So, Spider-Man saved you, and there's this villain who's really powerful and can generate electricity?"


Chris Hilton, also 15 years old with black, unruly hair, replied, "Yeah, it was intense! Like, pow, pew!" as he tried to mimic sound effects. He continued, "I almost died by that electric-powered guy. He was tough, but I don't regret it. Facing him helped me conquer my fear of going up against someone stronger than me." Chris couldn't help but recall the time when he froze up during the school incident with Teacher Dan's killer, unable to fight back. Now, he felt proud to have found the courage to confront a formidable opponent in order to save spiderman.

Emily, Mark's girlfriend, listened closely to the story, her eyes widening with worry as Chris recounted the intense showdown with the villain. As Chris talked about overcoming his fears and confronting the powerful enemy, Emily's respect for him deepened. She held Mark's hand tightly, silently showing how proud and supportive she was of his friend's courage.

Then Emily looked at him with a big smile, really impressed. "Chris, that's amazing," she said, genuinely amazed. "You're like a superhero, stepping up to fight villain."

Chris blushed slightly at the compliment, scratching the back of his head. "Thanks, Emily," he replied modestly. "But I couldn't have done it without Spider-Man swooping in to help me."

Loe, a 15-year-old boy with a buzzcut, chimed in, "Sure, sure, big talk."

Chris, curious about Loe's identity, directed his gaze at Loe. "I've never seen you before. Who are you?"

Mark, sensing the tension, stepped in, attempting to diffuse the situation. "He's a friend, Chris, just someone I know."

But Loe retorted, "Who's your friend, dumbass?"

"Umm, Loe's just messing around, Chris," Mark said with a nervous chuckle, trying to downplay the escalating confrontation. "Let's not make a big deal out of it."

(Then Mark suddenly change the topic.)

"And Also, Chris," Mark started, his tone filled with concern, "let's backtrack to when you and Michael stormed that gangster mansion to save Teacher Thomas. You remember, right? You told me everything before you got snatched up. You and Teacher Thomas, facing off against those gangster. And Michael, he was there too, being his usual brave self, distracting the other gangster so you guys could handle some gangsters."

Mark paused, his expression growing more serious as he continued, "Then, boom, out of thin air, that sleeping gas gushed in, knocking you out cold and take you away. Then Teacher Thomas, he did his best to save you, but, well, you know how it turned out. But, Chris, what about Michael? He was there with you guys. Did he get away? Is he okay?"

Chris scratched his head, his face showing worry. "Oh Shit, I totally forgot about Michael," he admitted. "Last I saw him, he was leading the other gangsters away. But then the gas came, and everything went blurry. I don't know what happened to him after that."

"Hey, don't worry, kids," Thomas Halloway interjected, stepping forward with a reassuring smile. "Michael's okay. His father called him back, so he's probably safe at home by now."

Mark's initial relief upon hearing that Michael was safe quickly turned into a mix of feelings. He felt thankful that his best friend was okay, but also guilty for not remembering him sooner. As Chris described what happened before his abduction and the chaos that followed, Mark couldn't help but imagine the worst-case scenarios for Michael if things hadn't turned out as they did.


[Eddie Side]

Meanwhile, on the other side, Vice Captain Eddie Thompson expressed his gratitude to Sir Conrad Hilton for his cooperation regarding the incident. "I appreciate your cooperation, Sir Conrad Hilton," he said, acknowledging the assistance. "I must depart for now as there are still terrorists I need to accompany to the police station."

"Got it, Vice Captain," replied Conrad Hilton respectfully.


As Conrad turned towards the rescued prisoners, noticing them It looks like their backgrounds similar to his own, he couldn't help but think to himself, "There's the Hawkins family, the Albarado family, the Windsor family, the Gallagher family, the Adani family, the Escobar family, the Nakamura family, the Yoon family, the Meyer family, and many more..."


Realizing the potential for him to expand his influence, Conrad's gaze fell upon Chris. Suddenly, Chris's words echoed in his mind: "Yeah, it seems like I need to atone for my mistakes that I have done for my family."


(Meanwhile- Michael pov)

In the midst of everything that's been happening since the fight with Sephiro, I found myself in a quiet spot, trying to check my system after hearing a notification.

Suddenly, a familiar chime through my mind

Quest Complete!


Quest Name: Guardian of the Slums

Objective: Defeat the villains who have captured the innocent.

Reward: 2 million points, 200 experience points

I blinked in surprise at the unexpected notification.


"What? I have a quest and a reward? I didn't know that," I muttered to myself.

"Yes, host, you have a quest. You probably didn't notice because you were too focused on saving everyone. You already have a superhero mindset, host," replied the AI system.


"I should head home now," I muttered to myself. "I can't shake the feeling that Mark, Emily, and Chris will be concerned about me. They know I was with Chris during that fight with the gangsters to save Teacher Thomas. But showing up where they are... that would only raise suspicion. It'd be foolish of me. Yeah, I better head home for now."

I'm worried about them, But I trust that with the police and Teacher Thomas helps, they're safe.


Just as I was about to head home, a sudden system notification chimed in my mind.


"Chain quest activated:

Quest: Today, you must join Kevin Bridget and his comrades, police officers, to defeat the vampires lurking in Queens.

Reward: 2 million shop points

Additional rewards: 200 experience points"


My heart dropped with disappointment. "Seriously? I can't go home now?" I mumbled to myself, annoyed and resigned. I let out a big sigh, realizing my evening plans were ruined.

"System, what time is it?" I asked, hoping that perhaps there might still be some time left for me to head home early.

"The time is 5:30 PM, host," the AI system responded promptly, its tone indifferent, which only added to my frustration.


"Dang it, what should I tell my parents? What excuses can I come up with?" I pondered, feeling the weight of the situation. With a sigh, I decided to call my father first on my mcall device.

I muttered a curse again under my breath, I knew I had to come up with a good excuse to explain why I wouldn't be home. As I hurriedly dialed my father's number on my Mcall device, racking my brain for a believable story.


"Dad?" I said nervously.


"Michael, is everything alright?" My father's voice came through the mcall device with a tone of concern.


"Yeah, Dad, everything's fine," I replied, trying to sound composed despite the anxiety that filled inside me.


"You sound troubled, son. What's on your mind?" His brows furrowed with worry. Then he said something he realize "Wait, did something go wrong? I thought I told you to head home already."


"I,--Its not like that,-I uh, just wanted to let you know that I might be out late tonight," I stammered, struggling to find the right words.


"Late? Where are you planning to go at this hour?" His tone became more serious.


"Dad, it's for a classmate," I quickly improvised, hoping he wouldn't press for more details. "She needs some help with a school project, and I volunteered to assist her."


There was a brief pause on the other end before my father spoke again. "Is Mark with you?" he asked, his tone indicating his concern.


"No, he's not," I replied, trying to sound casual. "We split up after school. He's got his own stuff to take care of." I lied shamelessly because I can't just tell him that [Dad, Mark, got kidnapped, and then I saved him blah blah. It sounds pretty foolish, to be honest.] Then suddenly, Dad interrupted my thoughts.

"Okay, it's still 5 PM as I checked," Edward Wilson said, his voice carrying a mix of concern and authority. "Be back by 8 PM, okay?"


"Got it, Dad," I replied, feeling the weight of my deception press down on me even more.

As I hung up the phone, a pang of guilt washed over me. "Sorry, Dad," I muttered under my breath. "I lied."


After reassuring my father, I knew I had to inform my mother, Emberly Wilson, as well. "Mom," I began, trying to sound as composed as possible, "I'm going out to help a classmate with a school project. I'll be back around 8 PM."


There was a pause before my mother responded, her voice tinged with skepticism. "Another school project?" she questioned gently. "Are you sure, Michael? You seem to have a lot of these lately."

"Mom, you know our school got destroyed," I explained quickly, hoping she would understand. "We have to pick up the slack with a lot of school projects."


There was a brief pause on the line before my mother responded, her tone softening."Ah, Michael, I see now. That explains it. I apologize, darling. Just stay safe, alright? And make sure you return by 8 PM."


"Of course, Mom," I replied, feeling a mix of relief and guilt for bending the truth. "I'll make sure to get back on time. Love you."


As I hung up, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry, Mom," I whispered to myself, knowing she couldn't hear me. "I lied. It's not like I can tell you I'm Spider-Man saving the world."...

With that, it was time for me to head to where Mr. Kevin Bridget and his comrades were.



"This must be the talk of vampires lurking around," remarked the African man as he strolled through Queens.

As the African man walked confidently through the streets of Queens, he couldn't ignore the whispers and rumors about the vampires hiding in the queens. This man was Jamal Afari, a seasoned vampire hunter who would one day mentor Eric Brooks, also known as Blade. However, in this timeline, he was still in his prime, facing off against formidable vampires with his skill and determination.


As the clock struck 5 PM and somethings going on across the streets of Queens, the paths of Spider-Man and Jamal Afari seemed destined to cross. But will these two powerful heroes team up to fight the vampire menace and rescue the people of Queens from imminent danger?


(Vampire Arc Start)

To be continued

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