
I am the 'Supreme' Spider-Man

Becoming the 'Supreme' Spider-Man– A normal man died and found himself taking over the identity of the 'Spider-Man' Lead A.K.A Peter Parker! Web of Destiny become intangible and messy, because of his sole existence, countless tragedies were coming to his life.... Fortunately, the most basic 'Gift' for a Transmigrator was acquired by him–a System! Living in a Marvel Universe where a single flick of a finger the world can END. Countless Powerhouses linger in the shadows! Peter Parker– what will he do? Will he change his Fate? Will he be able to fight for the World he resides in? Most of all.... Can he protect those who he treated as.... a Family? Follow Peter Parker on his journey to become the Supreme Spider-Man! However..... Gwen: "P-Pete.....r?" Peter Paker: "Gwen?" Gwen: "Why is there a yellow box in front of me? Pfft..." Peter: "???" Peter: "Y-You! Gwenpoo–" Gwen: "Damnit! Don't spoil the fun Petehr! Shh... Shh.... Readers will be spoiled...." Gwendolyn Stacy: "Wha- Who's that Peter!!!" Peter: ┐⁠( ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌ . . . . Note: To tell you the truth I didn't even read Marvel Comics, I just wanted to write this for fun, haha! This has a smut scene also. Cover photo not mine–CTTO.

Barfk · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

"I Will..... Love You Too."

It was already around 6:00 in the morning when May arrived wearing her working clothes, she wore a tight skirt and blacktop tailored working clothes, and she wore a high heels, as her long slender legs were wrapped by a fishnet stockings. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail, and she has her bag in her hand hanging, she was a little bit sweaty, as she felt haggard from her work– Naturally for her age, she didn't want to–she wasn't supposed to work–but due to Ben's disappearance she applied on a certain building, a business–sometimes she felt too tired for her age, but she needed to support Peter's schooling and for him to be able to ready when he goes to college. After all, it was near already.

May sighed tiredly, as she open the door of her house, she put her bag on the dining table atop of it.

Seeing the time on her phone, May looked at Peter's room, "Hmm, better wake him up early." She then walks towards Peter's room.


To her surprise, Peter's room which was always locked was unlocked, but May threw such useless thought.


The sound of the door opening was heard, and immediately May's eyes shook, as she yelled worriedly, but her expression was horrified, "Pete—r!"

"Peter! Pete–W-What happen....!?" May found Peter lying on the mattress, his body was like poured by a bucket of sweat, as May touched Peter, immediately her eyebrows shook, as Peter's body was burning.

May held Peter's head, as she put his head on her lap, as she caressed his hair gently, tears have fallen down her cheeks, "I—I can't.... Pete.... Don't leave me too.... please... please..." May cried, as she was still scared by Ben's disappearance, and seeing Peter in this state, her emotion overflowed out, as she hugged Peter's head on her chest, she look down at Peter's expression that seems to be frowning, blood leaks from the side of his lips, as May didn't know that Peter bit his. May noticed his breath was abnormal, and it made her more worried.

May grabbed her phone from her pocket, as it was fortunate that she brought it with her, as her tears rolled down, a single drop landed on Peter's face, May was about to call the ambulance but abruptly Peter's eyes opened, as they beamed with red glint for a second. Seeing May calling the ambulance, Peter used his remaining force to stop her, it was unnecessary after all, he grabbed May's hand, and as he successfully canceled her call, "May....."

Peter's voice was hoarse, as his Aunt May's eyes moistened more.

"You're awake—Peter–you're awake....." May was like a broken record repeatedly saying that line, as she embrace Peter's head tightly.

Peter's eyes opened, and as he look at May's expression, he felt a little worried about her state, she kept on mumbling, as her eyes were kinda scary, "May–it's fine..... I'm all good."

Peter now felt his body can move a little, as he sat by May's side, though his head was still buried in her chest, her musky scent, the mallow softness of her breasts was felt by him. He wrapped his hands around May's back, as he rubbed her back gently.

"May." Peter finally caught May's attention, as it was an hour since they embrace each other, he separated his head from her, as Immediately Peter saw May's disheveled appearance, her hair was messed up, her tiny bit of makeup as well, though tears were slowly running down of her cheeks.

"Take a deep breath and relax for a sec." Peter made May inhale and exhale, he lied about a second.

After that, May seems to be back at her rationality, as she looks at Peter with trembling hands, "What happened..... Why are you unconscious....?"

Peter sighed, looking at May's worried eyes, as when he saw her crying, he remember through Old Peter's memories, May only cried at Ben's funeral–and now thinking about it, he felt a little guilty..... She was anxious and seems to care a lot for him, yet he shrugged it off.

But, like he always said, not all of the truth can be casually stated–Lying sometimes is necessary.

"May.... I–" he was about to reply but May interjected.

"Truth.... Peter, tell me the truth..... I–I'm your Aunt–your family.... remember?" May held Peter's hands tightly, looking at him seriously.


Peter was silent, but shook his head and look back at May's eyes, "You see–May, I started working out and you know it, you saw me after all. That's the reason you found me dropped on the floor, also lack of sleep." Peter caressed May's cheek, as he brushed her running tears, and then put some strands of her hair at the back of her ear, "You panic and came to a conclusion quickly–but, I am in the wrong...."

May seems to believe him a little, as she saw him doing some exercise back then, but looking at his lips, where blood was smeared, "D...Did you got bullied again.....?"

"Bullied by who–Flash and his friend? No, May. That's all in the past....."

"Peter.... You're lying to me again–why is there a blood–"

"May, it's still fresh–I landed my face first on the floor."


"May— stop." Peter felt tired of arguing with his Aunt, so he surrendered, as he held May's head and they look at each other, "I'm really fine–every risk has its aftermath. Don't be stressed out muchly, Old Peter is long gone–I'm a new Peter that's trying to risk every possibility for myself to improve. Relying solely on you, when I'm already old enough is simply an embarrassment, Uncle Ben's words were kept deeply inside of me, you took care of Peter enough–this time. Let me pay for those." Peter kissed May on the forehead, and May unconsciously closed his eyes, hearing his words that held with an egotistical profound tone and his eyes that gazed at her full of seriousness.

Peter put May's head on his chest, and he gently rubbed May's head, her hair was smooth, as May didn't say anything and her eyes closed, before falling asleep, May muttered as she reach Peter's chin, "Don't leave.....me–too...."

Peter held May's hand and he said with a smile, "I won't."

"I love you... Pete...." May's eyes finally closed, as she sleep soundly, she said that with familial affection and care for Peter.

The Drama and Peter's act finally ended, May's concern for him was troublesome to ignore, her love for Old Peter is too much, starting from her husband's death.

Peter didn't know what to do, as he followed his heart, his lips for the first time arched into a gentle smile, breezing winds passed, as no one witnessed such a scene, he embraved May and mumbled under his breath.

"I will..... love you too."

He look at May, as Peter sighed heavily, after all, if it wasn't for him regaining his rationality before May came fully inside– Peter look at his hands that unconsciously tremble, seeing May in his embrace sleeping–He didn't want to imagine what's supposed to happen to her if he didn't regain himself–he was about to rip and eat May's flesh, suck her blood–he didn't know...


Peter unconsciously swallowed his saliva, as he accidentally cast a gaze at May's white sweaty neck, his thirst for blood is what he desired, tempting him to plunge his fangs into Sleeping May's neck.


Peter's mouth was salivating, his lips open apart, as he breathed heavily, his two mini-fangs were ready to be tainted.

Though Peter look aside, as he closed his eyes that was about to beamed with bloody red light. He tried to calm and control himself.





A/N: Drama for May's starting line on becoming Peter's woman–i don't want her to just suddenly fall in love with Mc after all, where's the thrill of Taboo there, right?

It's exciting to imagine them fu—

If u found this FF disappointing there's too many Spider-Man's fiction, i would recommend Firstly:

'I Am Peter Parker'–

Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger–

Chef's Harem in Multiverse–

Spider-Verse: Stealing Abilities Marvel–

Marvel: I'm a Symbiote–

The Spider.– Warhammer System in Marvel–

Peter Parker's New Groove–

But, it's me the real Spider-Man–

U can pick and read one of those–mine is just mid or below the ratings compared to this legendary FF.

Also about the skill: Red Mode– I don't want mc to just received skill like there's no aftermath. It's not ma taste.... After all, every beginning has an ending, Red Mode is just that ya know.