
I Am Serra Kim

Arin Louella de Rozelleo is a Royal princess that was executed for a sin she never committed. Surprisingly, as if God has given her another chance, she wakes up in another body. A body she never expected to be in: Serra Kim's body, the long lost daughter of the mafia Kim family.

Ash_Kim · Fantasy
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25 Chs


"Good afternoon, miss Kim. My name is Im Chung Hee and I own Bella Boutique. "

"Yeah whatever. You got it from dad. Don't act like it's made from your sweat and tears..." a girl who look like my age comments on the side.

Scoffing, miss Chung Hee shush her down.

"I apologize. This is my sister, Im Nana. She wasn't supposed to be here but I had to bring her since she's a total troublemaker when left alone." she then fixes her stance and shows her collections.

Her sister on the other hand, rolls her eyes while using that thing called smartphone.

"You know what? I don't understand why you're in this industry when you can't even wear fashion yourself. Just look at those old baggy pants and you even dared to pair it with a checkered polo?! You call me messy but you're a mess yourself," she fights back.

Okay. I've never witnessed a younger sibling be this rude to her older sibling. it was too much to watch that I feel like I had to do something.

Unknowingly, my hand slips and hits the back of her head. I can't help it! I was always nagged whenever I try to fight back with my older brother before. What she did hit something in me.

She hisses and stands up to face me.

"How dare you hit me?!" she says slowly and eerily.

I suddenly want to back out but when I look at Rizza, I remembered who I am now. She calls me master and the only lady of this house.

On the other hand, these people are just merchants who are here to sell their products. I cannot back down. I shouldn't.

Therefore, I stand proudly before raising my eyebrow.

"Yes. I hit the back of your head because in my point of view, you are being rude."

What I said made her eyes goggle.


"I hope you realize that you are still in our house and that you are being too loud. Miss Chung Hee is selling me something so why are you interfering wih our transaction? Also, I don't really want to meddle with your personal relationship but by age, she is still older than you. If you have the right manners, I think you should know how to respect older people."

Annoyed, she shrugs. "Well, just to inform you, I'm mannerless so I'll be leaving this stupid hellhole first, little miss perfect!" she shouts before marching out of the room.

Oh wow! What an imbecile.

"Oh gosh! I apologize, miss Kim! I shouldn't have brought her here! It's my fault! I'm sorry you had to deal with her!" Miss Chung Hee pleads, almost kneeling.

"Miss Chung Hee, I understand she's trouble but I don't think the head master will let her get away with being disrespectful—"

I quickly put my hands up to stop Rizza.

"I don't think it's necessary for my...father to know about this. It was just a small misunderstanding. I think, we should just continue from where we left earlier. Miss Chung Hee?"

And just like that, I was forced to choose the most presentable I could find in her collections. I was planning to choose just a few but Rizza told me I need more clothes. Thankfully, we agreed with thirty pairs of the most presentable there is that I could find.

"I'll tell the head master I'll look for another boutique that might be able to provide you with what you like," Rizza offers as soon as Miss Chung Hee left.

I wanted to argue but maybe I could buy more decent clothing. The ones we bought today makes me look like a rebellious child...just like that girl earlier. She probably have anger issues.

Just then, I hear three knocks.

"These are your brothers. Can we...uhm...come in?"

Oh. They can learn proper etiquette easily. I'm amazed.

Rizza and I look at each other. I am still wearing one of my new clothes but I think I look better than yesterday.

"You...may enter," I say after clearing my throat.

The two of them enters proudly while scanning my room.

"So you were buying your clothes? You should buy more tomorrow. These are not enough for my little sister. You need to have a separate room full of accessories and clothes just like girls your age. What do you think, big brother?"

The other one scans me from head to toe and I can't help but feel shy.

"If she wants it then why not?"

Hmm... They both look really friendly but I'm not sure how to address them yet...and I don't even know anything about them. Well, I've heard about their talents but beyond that, nothing. I don't even know how they will treat me in private...without anyone looking.

My brother never really liked me calling him "brother" since he's the emperor and he finds me annoying so I'm not sure about these two but...

"Uhm..." I clear my throat. "I don't really know you two...yet but they said that you are my bro—I mean step-brothers. My name is Serra...Kim." I'm really not sure about this but a child should act like a child. "Can...I call you my brothers?" I ask as innocently as I can.

Please don't get mad! Please don't get mad! Please don't get mad!

It feels lile a minute have past before I hear one of them chuckle. Soon, a hand rests on top of my head.

"Why do you even asked? The moment you were born, we're already siblings. We may look antisocial but we're a family. Our big brother here calls me Sam but you may call me big brother. My full name's Kim Samsik," one of them introduces. He's that first boy I met here.

Shamelessly, I glance at the other one. He flinches but manages to keep his cool in a second.

"My name's Kim Jin Woo. Close acquaintances call me by my nickname "Jwo" but you may just call me big brother as well," he introduces curtly.

Oh. In contrast to my second elder brother's enthusiastic attitude, our eldest brother is quite... How do I say it? Dead? Well, he lacks emotion but still good looking.

Even father and big brother Samsik are both good-looking. I guess it's in the genes of this family since even though Serra looks plain with her black hair and black eyes, she still looks...like a darling. I bet she'd be bewitching boys when she comes of age.

Ah...of course, the God would not let a past royalty like me live my second life in a not so pleasant body. Right? Right.

"What are you thinking, our little sister?" big brother Samsik asks.

Ah! I got too immersed in my own thoughts.

"What about my other...brother? Is he not here? I still haven't...met him..." I ask.

"Oh Yona? That snobbish asshole is probably hiding in his room, worshipping papers," Big brother Samsik says before shrugging.

Soon, he receives a slight smack on his arm.

"Your words. Our sister is still young. At least refrain from cursing in front of her for now," big brother Jwo nags with a frown.

"What gives?! Are you even aware that brother Raphael thought me the word "bullshit" and "motherfucker" the moment I learnt to walk?! And our household isn't full of religious people to begin with," he tries to reason back.

What does those words even mean? They sound evil though. It's as if he cursed someone. It gives me the same emotion when someone says "consarn" and "thunderation". I don't know. They just really sound bad.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Sam. Serra is still eight—"

"Yeah right! I'm eleven and you're thirteen. Yona's ten this year and he curses people like a madman when triggered. Relax brother. We're no saints," big brother Samsik says but big brother Jwo seems to have lose his patience because he's now holding both of big brother Samsik's shoulders.

"But our Serra... She's an angel," he says in a slow and caring tone.

And with that, they both turn their heads toward me as if lightning stroke them.

"Angel? Oh... Oh! You're right! She radiates light! Shi—I mean, stupid me! Ha! Of course! She's our little angel!"

I don't know why but after that day, the people of the house would look at me as if I'm a beloved treasure.
