
I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version)

The rewritten version of the story. Contains content from Manga and light novels. — — — After accidentally being struck by lightning, and dealing with an overworked god, our protagonist is thrown into the body of Rimuru. He wants to find a comfortable way of living, have some beautiful girls, and not have to deal with the pain of managing a kingdom. After using his dragon brother's name in vain he becomes known as the Prophet, a fortune teller that can see the future. Gaining the devotion of his followers, he will continue to deal with the repercussions of his new name as he builds the Tempest Empire. — — — Pa treon.com/BonVoyageFF

BonVoyage · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

The Royal Guard **

Originally, Rimuru had expected the Little Nuke, Milim, to bring chaos to Tempest, but instead, she brought a lively energy to the city. She had immediately gotten attached to his slime form, hugging and carrying him everywhere. It reached the point where they had to create a pillow version of Rimuru so he could move around freely without making her pout.

"But this one doesn't feel as nice to hug!" she would complain. But oh well, nothing a little honey didn't fix.

Inside, Rimuru knew that Milim was actually quite mature and intelligent when she chose to be, but boredom often got the better of her. So now she was… this.

As she ran around hugging her Rimuru pillow, she drew countless amused and admiring gazes from the people of Tempest. Their eyes began to sparkle as if they had discovered the key to eternal life, and just like that, the Rimuru pillow became a new bestseller in Tempest.

And with how many people were buying the pillows, he was even getting worried about what they were doing with it. He had heard a few rumors about some of the citizens in Tempest starting a religion around him. At first, he wasn't sure what to think about it, but if that gave them holy magic in the future, so be it. He just hoped they wouldn't get too out of hand in the future.

Even though holy magic only required faith in a person, not to see him as a god, the new religion they were starting would probably make it easier for them to use holy spells.

"Rimuru! I'm bored! Do you want to go try out some new clothes with me?" Milim asked, jumping up to hug him, causing Eros to immediately activate and draw some magicules from her.

As it did, she let out a happy giggle, rubbing her cheek against him.

"We literally just did that yesterday. You have to give them some time to make new designs," Rimuru said with a chuckle, watching her complain while still clinging to him like a koala.

"It's not fair. How come you get to spend all this time with Shuna but not with me? We are besties."

"We're working most of the time, and she's my wife. I already spend a good amount of time playing with you, but I have a city to run. Plus, I am preparing for our trip to Fulbrosia, so things are busier than usual," Rimuru explained.

"Fulbrosia? Are you gonna visit Frey? Can I come? I can tell her to be nice to you, plus you said I get to brag about you. I wanna see her face when I tell her about you. I bet she's gonna be so jelly of us."

Rimuru paused, having a long internal conversation with Sage using thought acceleration before nodding his head.

"You can come, but only if you promise not to fight against Charybdis unless I ask you to. That's my main bargaining chip, so if you say you'll deal with it, I'll be out of luck."

Milim nodded, a bright smile appearing on her face as she gave a thumbs-up.

"Leave it to me! I got your back!" Then she giggled and added, "It's gonna be so funny to pretend not to want to fight Charybdis… Wait… You're gonna let me fight him, right?" Milim asked, her smile fading.

"Uh… we'll see. I want my troops to gain experience fighting, and if we just let you take care of everything, we'll end up weaker for it. I personally want to fight Charybdis myself. The more I can eat, the better. Plus, if we draw out the fight, we can gather a lot of resources from it."

Milim pouted slightly, but after Rimuru threw her a jar of honey, she caught it with a smile and wandered off.

"I'm going to go play with your army. They're still too weak to be fun, but they're getting better."

"Have fun."

"Hehe, I will. I'll come back with some snacks when I'm done." She said before flying away to terrorize Benimaru and his army.

— — —

A few days later, on the training ground, Shion and Rimuru were engaged in an intense battle. Thanks to his fight with Gazel, Rimuru had managed to refine his Shunpo technique from a prototype to version 1, making the battle even more challenging for Shion. However, through sheer determination, she was able to block and parry some of his attacks.

"Today is the day I get that reward from you!" Shion shouted with a smile, gripping the new sword Kurobe and his team had created for her. It was made of pure magisteel, a weapon unlike any other. She had named it Gorikimaru.

Shion was improving at an astonishing rate, even surprising Hakuro as he observed her growth. No matter what technique he introduced to the army, she was always among the top three to master it the fastest.

Rimuru, in his combat mode, had adopted a slightly more mature appearance due to Milim's constant hugs and Eros' continuous draining of magicules, making him look closer to 13 years old. Still young, but every bit helped.

"Let's see if you've got what it takes," Rimuru answered with a slight smile. He had been ready to "reward" Shion for some time, but she had insisted on earning it through her own efforts.

Their swords clashed with a resonating force, each strike precise and powerful. Rimuru's movements were fluid and calculated, utilizing the enhanced Shunpo to appear and disappear rapidly, testing Shion's reflexes and adaptability.

Shion's eyes narrowed in focus, her grip tightening on Gorikimaru. She anticipated Rimuru's next move, her body reacting instinctively. When he reappeared behind her, she spun around, her sword meeting his in a shower of sparks.

"You're getting faster," Rimuru noted, a hint of approval in his voice.

"Thanks to you," Shion replied, her breathing steady despite the intensity of their duel. "I've learned a lot from our battles."

Then, as they continued to fight, whether by luck or pure chance, Shion swung her sword exactly where Rimuru had moved to, striking him in the arm and sending him backward.

"I… I did it." Shion said softly before a large grin appeared on her face. She launched herself at Rimuru, hugging him tightly. "I did it!"

She squeezed Rimuru as hard as she could, and due to the current height difference, she ended up burying his face into her chest—not that he would complain. After a few moments, she finally let go.

Rimuru took a moment to shift back to his older appearance, looking at Shion with a smile. He gently held her head up with his hand.

"Are you ready for your reward?" he asked, causing her to blush slightly as she closed her eyes and stuck out her lips.

Leaning in, he gave her a soft kiss on the lips, feeling her entire body relax as she wrapped her arms around him. When he broke the kiss, she beamed with the brightest smile.

"Hehe, this reward was really worth the wait."

Then, with a mischievous smile, Rimuru asked her.

"Who said that was the reward?"

As soon as she heard that, a blush crept onto Shion's face as she subconsciously swallowed, holding back the smile on her face. 

"There's… more?"

A mischievous grin appeared on Rimuru's face as he asked her.

"Do you want there to be?"

With a blush, Shion nodded softly, and the next thing she knew, she was being scooped up into Rimuru's arms.

Using Shadow motion, the two of them moved until they arrived at a small cabin that had been built overlooking Tempest. It had originally been built as a small planning station for everyone to meet up and discuss the expansion of Tempest, but with time, it had stopped getting that much use. 

They were currently planning on repurposing it as a small home for Rimuru to use away from the city. It was hard to have private moments back in his room in the capital building with how much running around there was, so he had rebuilt the interior with Sage's help.

Shion, for her part, was giddier than ever. She was a simple woman; she loved to fight and admired strong people. Since Rimuru had named her, she had dedicated herself to him, but she never expected him to be so powerful that she struggled to hit him even once with her sword.

She had witnessed his growth firsthand, from an absolute novice to a monster who could rival Hakuro. It was incredible how he would observe a fight, learn his opponent's moves, and create new techniques seemingly out of nowhere.

She was sure she hadn't even seen him go all out since he had never used his skills during his practice. She had been busy with Laplace, so she had missed out on his fight with the Orc Disaster.

The fact that Rimuru had given her the title of his royal guard meant she had to work harder than ever to become stronger. Otherwise, she would be nothing but a burden. She knew many of the Kijin and Goblinas admired Rimuru and would do anything to be with him. He could have had anyone he wanted, but what warmed her heart the most was that he continued to train her personally.

Rimuru saw something in Shion, and no matter how busy he was, he would always make time for another training session. Even when she pretended to be unable to fight just to get his attention, he would play along, sharing his energy with her through a kiss.

Right now, she felt as if she was in heaven. As she continued to kiss Rimuru, the warm energy coursed through her, making her mind go numb with happiness. 

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Shion landed on the bed with a soft thud, and she could feel Rimuru's hands exploring her body. They traced a path to her large breasts, his thumbs expertly brushing over her sensitive nipples.

As he squeezed them gently, he felt like he was playing with two plush, warm pillows.

The sensation was overwhelming, sending a surge of pleasure coursing through her body. Rimuru leaned in to capture her lips in another heated kiss, his tongue tracing along her lower lip before delving into her mouth. 

With each passing moment, Eros's strength grew, exponentially increasing Shion's pleasure.

Her hands moved to grip his shoulders, feeling the muscles tense under her touch. 

Rimuru's lips trailed down her neck, igniting a fiery sensation in their path. They came to rest on her nipples, as he expertly suckled them and pressed her breasts against his mouth. Shion arched into him with pleasure, letting out a soft moan as he explored every inch of her body with skillful teasing.

"Lord Rimuru," she moaned, her breath hitching as she felt the heat of his body enveloping hers. As he began to explore her with his lips and hands, she couldn't help but surrender to the intense pleasure coursing through her veins. 

Every touch, every kiss, sent a jolt of electricity through Shion's body. She couldn't think straight, her mind clouded with pleasure. His very touch pleasured her very soul directly, thanks to Eros. 

"Please... let me serve you," Shion pleaded as she clung to Rimuru's shoulders. Her face flushed, and her breath quickened.

Swapping positions, Shion took off her clothes, revealing her large breasts and hard nipples. 

She quickly lowered herself onto Rimuru's body, kissing him and then moving into position so that she was face to-face with his manhood. With her breasts, she engulfed his member. Once her breasts were enveloping him, she lowered her mouth and gave it a gentle lick, feeling another buzz of electricity coursing through her spine as she did.

As she continued to pleasure him, Rimuru couldn't help but marvel at Shion's passion. Her dedication making up for her inexperience. She was truly a natural, and he couldn't help but enjoy every moment of it.

Shion's hands roamed over Rimuru's body, massaging and caressing as she guided him into her mouth. She felt the hardness of his member against her lips as she suckled him gently. Her moans vibrated around him, sending waves of pleasure coursing through Rimuru's body.

Unable to resist any longer, Rimuru shifted their positions and positioned himself at her entrance. Before he could even enter her, Shion eagerly wrapped her legs around him and pushed him inside.

"Mmmph!" Shion moaned loudly as the heat between them intensified even more.

Rimuru's hips began to move rhythmically, thrusting inside Shion as they both found their natural rhythm. The bed creaked beneath them, echoing their passion. Their moans and gasps filled the air, mingling with the sounds of their bodies slapping together. Shion's nails dug into Rimuru's back, pulling him closer to her with each thrust.

Rimuru could feel Shion's walls clenching around him, drawing him even deeper into the feeling of being one with her. The pleasure surged within him, a tidal wave of ecstasy that threatened to overwhelm him. He could feel her own desire building within her, matching him thrust for thrust.

Shion's breath came in short gasps, her body writhing wildly underneath Rimuru. Her eyes flickered open, staring deeply into his as she panted.

"Rimuru… I... I can't hold back anymore. Please, I need you to go faster, harder," she begged, her voice trembling with need and desire.

Rimuru, feeling the heat of Shion's passion, quickened his pace, thrusting deeper and harder each time. Their bodies slapped together with a wet, slick sound, her skin glistening with sweat. The room was filled with their heavy breathing.

Shion's nails dug even deeper into Rimuru's back, her body writhing wildly as she met his every thrust. Her hips bucked in rhythm with his, matching him in their shared ecstasy. She let out a primal cry, her body tense with pleasure as she climaxed, her inner walls clamping down on Rimuru's erection.

— — —

Special Thanks to my Beta Readers/Editors: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) and @Kiyan Tribe (FF.net/AO3/QQ/WN) | kiyan_tribe( Discord)