
I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version)

The rewritten version of the story. Contains content from Manga and light novels. — — — After accidentally being struck by lightning, and dealing with an overworked god, our protagonist is thrown into the body of Rimuru. He wants to find a comfortable way of living, have some beautiful girls, and not have to deal with the pain of managing a kingdom. After using his dragon brother's name in vain he becomes known as the Prophet, a fortune teller that can see the future. Gaining the devotion of his followers, he will continue to deal with the repercussions of his new name as he builds the Tempest Empire. — — — Pa treon.com/BonVoyageFF

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39 Chs

Journey to Fulbrosia

After a few more days of preparation, a small group of four set off for Fulbrosia: Rimuru, Milim, Souka, and Ranga. Only those with wings had any rights in the country of Harpies, so Rimuru kept the group small and chose Souka, the best of the winged Dragonewts, to accompany them.

Shion had wanted to join him as his bodyguard, but the combination of lack of wings and the fact that the Eurazania envoys could arrive at any moment were good enough reasons to leave her behind. So she would stay and protect Tempest whenever they arrived.

"They like it when you call them pigeons. They always chuckle whenever I make my famous pigeon joke. Frey is a bit serious, but I've seen her smile here and there. Every time I go to bother her, she ends up actually helping me, so I know she's nice," Milim began, sharing her knowledge of Fulbrosia. Given her status as a walking Nuke, her experiences likely differed from those of ordinary people.

With Milim by his side, their journey was straightforward. They flew over the trees, thanks to their ability to fly, while Ranga stayed within Rimuru's shadow.

"Hey Rimuru, you know what would be really funny?" Milim said, flying through the air with a mischievous smile. "If I just pretend to be a random person, and then when she tries to talk down to me, I take off my disguise, and then, boom! She's going to have to apologize to me."

Rimuru gave her a questioning look. 

"Are you sure about that?"

"Trust me, it'll be hilarious!" Milim nodded enthusiastically. 

[The likelihood of Milim causing a disturbance by accident is set at 95.208%.]

[Notice. Calling a Harpy a pigeon is likely to start a fight.]

'You don't say, Sage.' Rimuru thought, already regretting bringing Milim on a diplomatic mission.

Milim had set up a direct route for him to meet with Frey, since she had promised to send a message letting her know to expect them, so he owed her one, but he needed a safety net.

"Milim, I have a very cool gift I made for you myself," Rimuru said, hearing a gasp of joy as Milim tackled him mid-air.

"Gimme!" she said, but Rimuru's next words caused her to pout.

"But I will only give it to you as long as you don't make a big mess. If you start a fight, then I'm going to have to keep the gift to myself."

Seeing her expression, Rimuru added. 

"I mean, this shouldn't be too hard unless you were already planning on making a mess, right?"

Milim let out a small giggle, looking around as if she were innocent before coughing. 

"Me? No. I could never. I promise I won't make any messes, and if I do, I'll fix them myself."

Shaking his head, Rimuru sighed, hoping his small bait was enough to keep her in check.

As they approached Fulbrosia, the lush forest gave way to towering cliffs and expansive skies. The city of Harpies was a breathtaking sight, with structures built into the cliffs and connected by intricate networks of bridges and walkways. Harpies soared gracefully through the air, their wings glinting in the sunlight.

Upon landing, they were greeted by a group of Harpy guards, their expressions stern and wary. 

"State your business in Fulbrosia." One of them demanded, eyeing the group with suspicion.

As the leader of the group, Rimuru stepped forward, making the bat wings behind his back as large and intimidating as possible. 

"I am Rimuru Tempest, the Ruler of the Forest of Jura. I am here on a diplomatic mission, and I believe Demon Lord Milim should have sent a message about my arrival."

The guards exchanged glances, their expressions growing serious as they raised their weapons. 

"We have not heard of any messages about you. And we have never heard of a Rimuru Tempest."

Hearing this, Milim, who was next to him wearing a cloak as a disguise, let out a few awkward coughs as she felt Rimuru's side-eye.

"I… I forgot… Whoops," she said before hiding her face under the cloak.

Rimuru sighed, his patience wearing thin. He disliked going through all of these formal procedures, and he was sure Milim felt much the same. He recalled that when visiting Frey, Milim usually just barged in, but he unfortunately had to follow procedures. He was not as close to Frey as Milim was, and barging in may make Frey feel disrespected, making an alliance much more difficult to acquire.

'Sage, prepare for any problems we might encounter..'


Rimuru took a deep breath, addressing the guards with a calm yet firm tone. 

"We are here for peaceful negotiations. If you could contact Lady Frey directly, she will confirm our intentions." To emphasize his words, he released his magicules, showcasing his strength. The guards raised their weapons in fear before Rimuru ceased the display.

"As I said, I am here for diplomatic reasons. I do not plan on causing any harm to your country. I am here to talk with Lady Frey about the threat of Charybdis and how we can work together to stop it."

The lead guard hesitated before nodding. 

"Very well. Wait here while we verify your claims."

Rimuru couldn't help but give Milim another side-eye, who was trying and failing to whistle as if she had done nothing wrong.

A few tense minutes passed before a Harpy messenger arrived, whispering urgently to the lead guard. The guard's demeanor shifted instantly, and he bowed slightly. 

"Our apologies, Lord Rimuru. Lady Frey will see you soon. She asked us to guide you through our city while she prepares to welcome you."

As they began their tour, Rimuru took in the magnificence of Fulbrosia. The city was a marvel of engineering and natural beauty, seamlessly blending with the towering cliffs and expansive skies. Structures were built into the cliffs, connected by intricate networks of bridges and walkways that spanned the vast chasms. The architecture was both elegant and functional, designed to accommodate the Harpies' ability to fly.

Harpies were a race of mainly females only, so as they flew, they drew a lot of curious glances since Rimuru and his group were clearly outsiders, but other than watching from the distance, the Harpies didn't do much else.

Rimuru noticed that they all moved with grace and agility, which made their flights seem effortless. And despite the lack of traditional roads, they all flew from place to place without getting in each other's way.

Looking down to the ground below, Rimuru could see a large group of people working on mining and farming, all without wings, unable to ever reach the city above them. All the non-winged workers worked tirelessly under the kingdom, farming, and mining to provide resources that they would never be able to truly enjoy. Even without their wings, it was clear that they were the main backbone of their economy.

— — —

Meanwhile, while Rimuru was being given a tour, Frey sat on her throne, holding ancient pieces of parchment in her hands with a frown. A Harpy with her eyes wrapped in bandages kneeled in front of her.

"My queen, the magicules in the air are in an excited state, almost as if an extraordinary event has just taken place. I believe it is time for our oldest prophecy to take shape. The prophecy that the first queen was given by the Hero. With the rebirth of Charybdis soon, I believe the time has finally come," Naya, the leading priestess of Fulbrosia, said with her head lowered.

Frey was usually careful and cunning; she was the queen of the Harpies, so her main goal was to lead them to success. With Charybdis drawing ever nearer, she was considering taking Clayman's offer to deal with their sworn enemy, but doing so would make her owe a favor to him.

She would like to avoid it if possible since she knew what kind of man Clayman was; you gave him an inch, and he would take a mile. His recent changes only highlighted his more undesirable traits. However, she started to run out of options as Charybdis drew nearer and nearer.

If she didn't stop the monster, then her whole Kingdom could be destroyed. So, after thinking for a few moments, she spoke up

"Naya… are you sure about this? This would mean that the prophecy of the Sky and the Storm…" Frey began, looking at the parchment in her hands, which was older than the kingdom itself.

"Put him to the test, my queen. If he truly is the Child of the Storm, then he must be able to prove his worth." Naya advised.

Frey chuckled slightly, shaking her head as she asked.

"You can't be suggesting what I think you are, right? Do you want me to offer him the Skybound Trial? You know what that means for Fulbrosia."

If it had been any other person suggesting it, Frey would have had them exiled immediately, but Naya was her trusted advisor, someone who worked in the shadows. Someone she trusted even more than her own three daughters.

Naya, however, remained silent at the question, her expression resolute.

"Very well." Frey said, standing from her throne as she spoke to her guards.

"Bring him in."

— — —

As Rimuru's tour concluded, they were led to the grand hall where Lady Frey awaited. The Harpy Queen's presence was commanding and regal, her sharp eyes assessing the newcomers.

She had short, silver hair and a beautiful appearance. A small crimson crystal decorated the middle of her forehead. She was wearing a revealing bodysuit that allowed her two large, angel-like wings to sprout from her back.

"Welcome to Fulbrosia." she greeted, her voice cool and authoritative. "What brings you to my domain?"

Rimuru inclined his head respectfully since he was on her territory before looking at her with the dignity of a King, using what he had learned from Gazel.

"I am Rimuru Tempest, the King of Tempest. The one chosen by Veldora and the Dryads as Ruler of the Forest of Jura." He began, causing her to raise an eyebrow in surprise, yet she didn't interrupt, allowing him to continue. "I seek to establish an alliance between Jura and Fulbrosia. I believe our nations can benefit greatly from cooperation, especially in light of the impending threat of Charybdis."

He could sense Milim smiling to herself, but she remained silent, waiting for the perfect opportunity to reveal herself. But even then, she was giggling slightly occasionally, drawing a few curious eyes.

Frey appeared thoughtful momentarily, her eyes narrowing as she scanned Rimuru's face before nodding.

"Very well, let us discuss the details. I will have my guards entertain your followers for the time being, unless they are needed for our discussion?." 

Rimuru shook his head, indicating that they could proceed without Milim or Souka. Even as Milim tried to give him a subtle sign to have her join the meeting, he simply ignored her.

As the group split off, he followed Frey up to a room at the mountain's peak, which opened to reveal breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

The room was elegantly furnished, with large windows that allowed natural light to pour in, highlighting the intricate carvings and decorations that adorned the space. Frey gestured for Rimuru to sit at a beautifully crafted table, where refreshments had been laid out.

"Please, make yourself comfortable, Sir Rimuru." Frey said, her tone polite but with an underlying edge. "Before we discuss an alliance, I need to understand more about you and your intentions."

Rimuru nodded, taking a seat. 

"Of course, Miss Frey. I understand the importance of trust in such matters."

Frey took a seat opposite him, folding her hands gracefully on the table. 

"Tell me, Sir Rimuru, why should Fulbrosia ally with The Forest of Jura? Ignoring the threat of Charybdis, what do you offer that others do not? What do you want in exchange?"

"These are some of Tempest's finest products," Rimuru began, smiling confidently.

Frey's eyes widened slightly as she inspected the potions. 

"What are these? High Potions?"

"They are Full Potions." Rimuru explained. "They're 99% pure extracts from Hipokute Herbs."

Frey's eyes widened in surprise as she gestured to her assistant, who was serving tea.

"Bring one of our injured workers here. Let's see how effective these potions really are."

As the assistant hurried away, Rimuru presented a few pieces of clothing. 

"These robes were designed specifically for you," he said, holding up a silk garment. "They're made with magic threads from Hades Moths and Ghost Spiders."

Frey raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Magic threads? What makes the threads special?"

"Yes," Rimuru replied. "Watch." He handed her a knife. "Try slashing at it."

Frey took the knife and made a careful cut. To her amazement, the fabric began to repair itself, the threads weaving back together seamlessly.

"Impressive," she admitted, examining the robe more closely. "It behaves like Magisteel weapons, adapting and repairing with time and magicules."

Rimuru nodded and then produced several weapons. 

"These were crafted by Kurobe and his team. They're made from almost pure Magisteel and forged with precise skill. Not so long ago his team were able to improve their technique to this point, and they are only getting better by the day."

After obtaining the Food Chain from the Orc Disaster, Rimuru was able to pass down a few skills to control fire and resist the high temperatures even more. Which meant an even higher level of quality.

Frey picked up one of the weapons, feeling its weight and balance. 

"Remarkable quality," she said, testing the edge. Her face grew more and more impressed with each item she held.

A few minutes later, while they were still showcasing some of Tempest's items, the assistant returned with an injured worker, who had a visibly missing limb. Frey handed him a Full Potion. As he drank, the wound began to heal rapidly, regrowing the missing limb. The room buzzed with astonishment.

"These potions can heal even missing limbs," the assistant confirmed, wide-eyed.

Frey turned back to Rimuru, her skepticism giving way to curiosity. 

"Tell me more about your country."

Rimuru launched into a brief overview of Tempest, detailing their plans for expansion and the progress they had already made. Frey's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Tempest was only created less than a year ago." She remarked. "You've achieved all this in such a short time?"

"I do not know if you heard the rumors of the Orc Lord going around in the Forest of Jura. But I defeated him and then took in his army as my own." Rimuru stated. "I have the help of 200,000 workers at my call. That is without taking into account the Kijin, the Tempest Wolves, the Hobgoblins, and the Lizardmen."

Frey leaned back, contemplating. 

"It sounds almost too good to be true. I'll need to verify your claims."

"Feel free," Rimuru said, unfazed. "I'm confident in what we've built."

He had come prepared to impress here and, more importantly, to leave her wanting. If he hadn't pulled out the best of the best, she would have kept some of her more important items to herself. But now, she had to showcase something that matches his quality; otherwise, Fulbrosia might not be able to obtain a beneficial trading agreement.

Frey studied the items thoughtfully before nodding. 

"You've brought impressive goods Sir Rimuru. Let me show you what Fulbrosia has to offer." She motioned for her attendants to bring forth their own samples.

An attendant stepped forward, holding a large, elegant crate with a small yet powerful baby Hippogriff. 

"Our country prides itself on our Hippogriff farm," Frey explained. "We have countless trained Hippogriffs ready for aerial combat."

This was the Harpies' pride and joy, and after witnessing his items she had decided to open with her strongest card.

Another attendant presented a collection of jars filled with vibrant herbs and spices. 

"These unique plants grow only in the high elevations of Fulbrosia's mountains." Frey continued. "We've spent centuries perfecting them."

Finally, a third attendant unveiled a chest brimming with gems, minerals, and metals. 

"Our mountains are rich in resources." Frey said. "But we lack the skill to work metal, so we trade these for weapons."

It was clear from Frey's serious expression that she wasn't satisfied with what she offered. While her items were good, compared to his, they fell behind.

Nodding at her items, Rimuru smiled.

"Your items are impressive, however…." He began, pausing for just long enough for Frey to nod in understanding. "I have one condition that can help bridge the gap."

He paused, meeting her gaze before speaking. 

"Support during Walpurgis should I ever decide to become a Demon Lord."

A smile tugged at Frey's lips as she heard him. 

"That's an interesting proposition."

Their discussions continued, each side presenting and countering offers. However, Rimuru couldn't shake the feeling that something else was on Frey's mind. Eventually, he decided to address it directly.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

Frey hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. 

"I apologize; with the return of Charybdis, there is a lot on my mind. However, I think I have heard enough from your side. I have a proposal to make." She paused, her eyes locking onto his. 

"When it comes to our trading agreement, I am in full support. However, when it comes to Charybdis, I have one more condition. I cannot place the lives of everyone in my country out without verifying your strength personally, as the leader of Jura. Milim's support is one of the big reasons I am considering this, but I need some… insurance."

Hearing her, rimuru chuckled internally. It seemed that even with her disguise, she couldn't fool Frey. However, to be fair, she also wasn't doing the best job of hiding her identity. She had her own unique quirks that came out from time to time.

He then focused once again on Frey. Even with her great acting skills, she couldn't fully escape Sage's analytical eyes, so he knew she was probably after this challenge since the beginning.

However, neither he nor Sage detected any hostility from her side. He was still wary of her since she knew Frey was smart enough to hide her intentions and also experienced enough to trick even Clayman. However, just this once, he decided to go with his gut.

"That is perfect. I was also searching for a chance to test your own strength." Or, in other words, to let Sage analyze how the Harpies fought in order to create an aerial combat protocol for him.

Frey let out a small smile as she spoke.

"In that case, are you willing to perform a Skybound Trial with me? It will be a fight until one of us can no longer stand. If you win, I will agree to join Tempest as an ally, and if you lose, that will prove that you are not worth joining forces with."

Rimuru's eyes narrowed slightly. He could tell that she wasn't telling the whole truth, but….

[Notice. No hostility was detected. It is predicted that completing the Skybound Trial will result in an alliance forming between the two countries. Due to her current status as Demon Lord….] Sage began listing off all the reasons why he should accept.

After a mental sigh, Rimuru nodded.

"I accept your challenge, Lady Frey. When do we begin?"

Frey smiled, standing up gracefully.

"In three days. Skybound Trials are a very rare and important occasion for my people, so there will be some preparations to be done. I will have one of my assistants find a place for you and your companions to rest. Feel free to explore tomorrow; I will ensure everyone knows not to interfere with you."

— — —

Special Thanks to my Beta Readers/Editors: The one, the only, the amazing @Basilisk, the Aussie @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) and @Kiyan Tribe (FF.net/AO3/QQ/WN) | kiyan_tribe( Discord)

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