
I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

The first few chapters are a bit rough since I wasn't sure what I wanted the story to be like. And the story is a bit rushed until chapter 20-25ish since I wanted to get to the point after the kids get their spirits. After that, the story breaks from canon and slows down the pacing. Hopefully, you will give the story a chance. The joke at the beginning with sage is not indicative of how the story will progress, I just thought it would be funny at the time. ... You already know how it is. Someone gets reincarnated as Rimuru and decides that he wants to have a new life with a kingdom, a harem, and strong skills. I am a first-time writer so if you have any tips let me know. It's obvious but I don't own tensura nor its characters and the picture for the fanfic is not my art. If you are the artist of it let me know and I'll change it or add your name I just found the pic on google and wasn't sure who the artist was. I'll try to update regularly but I do have a full-time job so I probably can't do it daily.

BonAurevoir · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
123 Chs


After teleporting the army to their locations Ramiris and I got ready to leave. Ramiris was going to take Treyni and she had requested to borrow Beretta. She said that her own golem was too big and it would be troublesome to take it. So she now owed me a favor that I would cash in later. I was going to go with Nyx and with Shion as my assistants. We were standing ready and waiting for the person who would take us to our location.

A woman with green hair wearing a maid outfit appeared in the middle of the room. The moment Ramiris saw her she perked up and asked with a smile.

"Mizeri, It has been ages since I last saw you. How are you doing?"

"I am doing well, thank you for asking, it is good to see you once again Miss Ramiris. I am here to take you and Mister Rimuru to the meeting hall. Please follow me."

Walking through a gate she had created we arrived at a large room with a round table in the middle.

'Raphael, hide as many of my Ultimate skills as you can. Leave Beelzebuth as I will use it during my fight with Clayman'


The moment we walked in I could see a shirtless man wearing a dark jacket. Crimson red hair, and releasing a large number of magicules from his body, this was Demon Lord Guy Crimson. I had told Raphael not to attempt analyzing the people in here as they would have many ways to protect themselves from the skill. Not only that, but plunderer was out of the question. Its use could not be completely hidden, it could be detected by the other party and resisted as the skill analyzed both the mind and soul of the target in order to copy and steal. I made eye contact with him and gave him "The nod" as a greeting. He only responded by giving a slight smirk. I made my way towards an empty seat and sat down.

The next person to enter was a gigantic person with blue hair. Even with all the strength he had, he had a calm aura around him. Yet that calmness felt like it could explode at any moment. Even without analyzing him with the skill, you could tell at a glance that he had an amount of magicules that could match Veldora. As he entered the room he gave me a look and raised his eyebrow. Yet no words left his mouth. He walked directly towards an empty seat next to Guy and sat down. This was Demon Lord Dagruel.

Following after was a well-dressed man with your average vampire cloak. He had blonde hair and an aura of elegance around him, he was the substitute Demon Lord Valentine. Walking in behind him was an old man with a butler look and a young woman wearing a maid's outfit. The woman had silver hair and both her eyes had different colors, one red and one blue. She was stronger than the one in front of hair by a large margin, she was the real Demon Lord Valentine.

The moment they walked into the room she looked directly at me. Not bothering to hide her observation she appeared to be looking for something in me. She hadn't broken her calm facade until I felt the Ultimate skill Asmodeous resonate with her own Unique skill Lust. Her eyes widened for a moment before she broke eye contact. A look of contemplation showed for a moment before it was replaced with a complete poker face.

After Valentine, came a groggy man with grey-blue hair and a streak of purple. He appeared to be quite tired, but once he saw Ramiris a mischievous smile appeared and he made a comment directed towards her.

"My, my, they shrink so fast. The last time I saw you you were about this big" he said while raising his palm near his height. "You even brought your two babysitters, eh? Since when do you have servants?"

"Shut your mouth Dino, at least I have friends now. I bet the only reason you came by yourself is because no one wants to follow you!"

The two were about to begin arguing like siblings, but after Dino gave a glance to Guy he decided to just head to his seat and nap until everyone arrived.

After that Frey arrived with two servants. She had silver hair and sky blue eyes. Wearing a revealing outfit she was showing off her curves. One of the servants was a man with wings wearing a lion mask and the other one was another big breasted harpy that bore a slight resemblance to Frey.

Next walked in the man who had summoned Shizu, Leon Cromwell. With long platinum blonde hair, a well-defined face, and blue eyes. He didn't have a trace of emotion on his face and he walked directly towards his seat.

At this moment in time, there were only two people missing. And as if he had been waiting for everyone to enter before him Clayman arrived. Carrying a small fox in his arms, he was currently walking behind Milim. Milim at the moment had a blank expression as if she was lost in thought. Walking next to her Clayman tried to show off his strength by punching her but the moment he swung his fist I vanished.

"Watch where you are walking Clayboy. Did you never learn to respect your superiors? Tsk tsk, I bet your parents are disappointed with how childish you are acting. How about you go to your seat." I had appeared in the way of his punch and stopped it by grabbing his fist.

A crazed expression appeared on Clayman's face. He looked ready to start a fight at this very moment. Taking a glance at the people sitting at the table he saw their mocking smiles and he regained peace for a moment. He had a thought,

'That's right, all I gotta do is humiliate this Slime in front of everyone. If I get mad now the other Demon Lords will not respect me for losing my cool so easily. With Milim as my slave they will be forced to accept my strength. It doesn't matter if my plans to kill him failed, all I have to do is finish this meeting and I will be free to take everything from him.'

Clayman took back his fist and walked directly towards his seat, ignoring me. And acting as if nothing had happened he cleared his voice and addressed the crowd.

"Now that we are all present, let us begin this Walpurgis. The reason this meeting was called was to discuss my request to take over the territory of the slime. Let me explain the reason I wish to rule over his land.

The slime who is sitting there has killed one of my most faithful servants for no reason. I had sent my servant Mjurran to talk with him in hopes to keep an eye on him, maybe even invite his nation to form a friendly relationship with my own. However the moment the slime returned to his land he murdered her without giving her a chance to explain her reason for being there.

Not only that, in his search for power, this slime even worked with Demon Lord Carrion and tricked him into helping him gain a name as a Demon Lord. With Carrion's help, he called upon an army from Falmuth and killed them all with Carrion's assistance.

The slime continued to create plots for power and eventually set his sights on my life. He wished to kill me in hopes to take my seat as a Demon Lord. He even attempted to manipulate Milim into helping him gain strength. Concerned for her friend Carrion, she attempted to reason with him, however, Carrion's mind had been tricked to the point that he tried to kill Milim. In the fight that ensued, Carrion lost his life…. "

Continuing to go on and on he stalled for time for his servants to collect souls, taking full advantage of his position as the chairman

A role he only had due to the fact that he was the reason this meeting was called.

A slight look of worry and a few nervous sweats appeared in his face from time to time. He must have felt the connection to his servants begin to disappear one by one. Since he couldn't delay the meeting to gain souls for his evolution as something had gone wrong Clayman stopped his speech and asked the two Demon Lords that had objected to his take over their reasons.

"Demon Lord Valentine, why did you object to my request? Are you perhaps interested in the territory of the slime?"

"I am not, I objected to your request as I hold interest in what will become of the territory of the slime. To grow such an advanced city in such a short time, it would be a shame to let someone like you stop it. After all, how long have you led Jistav for? In comparison, the only reason your nation hasn't stagnated is due to all the knowledge and treasures that are in its ruins." Valentine stated plainly.

A small frown appeared on Clayman's face yet he didn't say anything and turned towards Ramiris.

"What about you, Demon Lord Ramiris?"

"I believe he is more fit to lead the forest of Jura. I spoke to my servants, the dryads, and the report I was given about him was a perfect 10/10. On the other hand, I have heard reports of the trouble you tried to stir up in the forest. Are you sure that you are a good match for the territory?"

I had just received reports from my people on the successful take over of Jistav. So I might as well speed this up.

"If I may, Clayman has already wasted our time for too long. I'd like to present a request and a counterargument to all that has been stated by him. After all, it is all lies, and unlike the unprepared Clayman that only has the words of his servants I have proof."

Taking out papers filled with evidence, Shion picked them up and passed them to everyone sitting around the table.

"Not only has Clayman wasted all of our time here but he wasted it with lies. You are more than free to verify the facts at any given moment of time.

First of all, Mjurran is still alive. I just removed the control that Clayman had put on her. After that, she was more than happy to tell me all about his plan to destroy my city using Falmuth. Details of the plan are written on the first page-"

"Impossible, he is taking us for idiots. I saw him kill her with my own eyes." Clayman interrupted

"He is telling the truth! I spoke with her. I know she is alive" Ramiris said.

"Anyways, I can tell you are all tired of this. If you have any questions about any evidence I have brought you are free to ask. I will state my request. Since Clayman has been targeting not only me but my territory, it is only fair that I also state my wish to take over Jistav." By now most people here were tired of listening to Clayman and wanted to finish this meeting. So most didn't even bother looking at the evidence at the moment. With Guy and Valentine as notable exceptions. Turning towards Clayman I spoke. "And second, I want to fight you. Let's just finish this here."

Now the second request caught the attention of the people gathered. Guy took this chance to speak.

"Anyone disagrees with Rimuru's request to conquer Jistav?"

With the silence that followed Guy continued talking.

"No? In that case, let them fight. Whoever wins gets to solve their grudge and keep the other's territory. Any objections?

Clayman tried to speak but he was interrupted by Guy.

"For someone that has been referring to him as just a slime I wasn't expecting to see you try to complain. Don't you call yourself a demon lord? Then defend your title."

Gritting his teeth Clayman answered. "In that case, I will agree."

Milim jumped and tried to attack me but I teleported out of the way. Dropping the fox he was holding Clayman send it to attack me. Shion and Nyx were about to stop it but I held them back

[Curse has been disabled.]

At that moment the fox that was heading towards me landed softly in my hands.

"Don't worry, you are free now. How about you stay out of this for a bit" I said to the fox as I handed her to Shion to hold.

"Milim, if you keep on acting like this I will ban you from getting any more sweets or food made by Shuna from now on."

Those words stopped her in place. A look of absolute horror on her face.

"You wouldn't! Let's take a few steps back okay. Anything but that! Look, I'm cured, no need for drastic measures," Milim yelled

"How- what did you do? How did you break my control?" Clayman was confused and was now beginning to panic. "YOU! You have no idea what you are doing. I will make your own servants fight you"

He attempted to use Puppeteer on Shion and Nyx only to fail. He was about to summon his Marionettes when he got punched in the face. Flying backwards from the punch I teleported on his path and grabbed him by his head. And then proceeded to slam him on the ground repeatedly.

Holding him up by his face I said my final words to him.

"Sorry about this, but I am a firm believer of the 'Don't let your opponent power up' rule. Should have gone all out from the beginning, maybe then you would have been a small challenge. But it is too late now, you are too weak and a pain in the ass, so die."

Stabbing my arm through his chest I activated Beelzebuth, consuming him instantly. Clayman had been defeated in a matter of seconds. Without his puppets didn't have most of his strength. The puppetless master had not even been able to put up a fight.

The meeting hall had gone quiet for a moment until a slow clap was heard.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* "We have our winner." Guy said.

"With Clayman's defeat, I declare Rimuru a Demon Lord. Are there any objections?"


Please read author's note.

2.5k words. This chapter took pretty long to write. I know the fight was a bit short in comparison to the chapter but... Clayman is really weak compared to Rimuru. Even in the original once Rimuru started to actually fight Clayman the fight was over almost instantly. I wanted to make it longer and after writing such a long chapter leading up to it but it was the best I could think of, a clean and fast fight. If you have any suggestions to make fight scenes better let me know. Hopefully, you like the chapter. Took a lot of brain cells to write. It is 2 am for me. so Good night

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