
I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

The first few chapters are a bit rough since I wasn't sure what I wanted the story to be like. And the story is a bit rushed until chapter 20-25ish since I wanted to get to the point after the kids get their spirits. After that, the story breaks from canon and slows down the pacing. Hopefully, you will give the story a chance. The joke at the beginning with sage is not indicative of how the story will progress, I just thought it would be funny at the time. ... You already know how it is. Someone gets reincarnated as Rimuru and decides that he wants to have a new life with a kingdom, a harem, and strong skills. I am a first-time writer so if you have any tips let me know. It's obvious but I don't own tensura nor its characters and the picture for the fanfic is not my art. If you are the artist of it let me know and I'll change it or add your name I just found the pic on google and wasn't sure who the artist was. I'll try to update regularly but I do have a full-time job so I probably can't do it daily.

BonAurevoir · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Plans for the future.

I had to obtain information from the people we had captured so I dropped Veldora off with Rigurd so that he could show him around. Calling out to Diablo he appeared in front of me out of nowhere.

"You called? My lord"

"I have, I will need your assistance in the capture of Falmuth. Follow me to where we are keeping the prisoners."

I was about to teleport both of us with Spatial Domination when I received the message I had been waiting for.

[Report. Information received from the clone left to fight Hinata. New arts and the Unique skill Plunderer has been acquired.]

'Perfect timing'

With that, I snapped my fingers and the scenery around us changed. We were now in a brightly lit room filled with jail cells. Certainly not the most inviting place but it did what it was supposed to. Standing in here made me think about what I was about to do now and had done in the past few days but all I could do was release a heavy sigh.

'We do what we must because we can…'

I really liked this world, however, it seemed that there were people all over it whose goals were either world domination or just being a big pain in the ass. Speaking of which, I need to check on Vester to see how Operation Greed is going. Putting on my serious face I proceeded forward.

Walking from cell to cell I used a mixture of plunder and copy depending on the person. Some of them had more use and if I took all that they had then they would be useless. With Diablo behind me, we first walked up to Razen's cell. I was carrying one of the younger persons we had captured and once we were standing in front of the cell I dropped the unconscious body in front of him.

"Do your thing, I need you alive. You have until we come back."

"Wait- how did you?"

But before he could finish talking I kept on walking towards the direction of the king's cell. Standing there was the cause of this whole situation. I didn't really care for whatever he had to say so I immediately activated Thought Domination and Command.

"You, Edmaris Falmuth, declared a war on the monster country of Tempest. With the hope of taking over the newly built roads for a profit. The monsters tried to greet you amicably yet you proceeded to attack. In this fight, the army you had built was defeated.

Fearing for your life you betrayed the trust of your own kingdom and made us a proposal. Your kingdom would become a Vassal to the newly founded kingdom of the monsters. A complete and absolute surrender. Now you are going to return to your kingdom and with the help of my oh-so-friendly assistant, you will convince those in power how great of an idea this is.

In a few months, you will have an unfortunate accident. Your castle sure does have slippery stairs, don't they?

From now on you will listen to Diablo over here. Until we come back, sleep."

Turning around I could see Diablo with stars in his eyes.

"My Lord! I never knew you had such plans in your mind? Allow this servant to assist you in any way he can. I am sure that I will facilitate your plans. From what I heard I already know how I can make your plans go smoothly."

"Thanks, Diablo. You sure do know how to lift up the mood. In that case, I want to have a meeting with you and Souei to discuss the plans. We have dirt on most of the nobles in Falmuth so we can have a proper reason to change the structure of power. Once they are our Vassal we can create a better image by replacing those nobles in the name of 'Justice'.

And then we can help grow the living conditions of the people there. With Tempest growing the lives of the people in Falmuth are going to go down to practically starving. Continuing the growth of our nation we will take any profit that Falmuth could make.

We can pump the ground full of magicules and improve the growing conditions for crops. Anyway, I am leaving you with the mission of sorting through the prisoners. Call Souei, Hakuro, and Rigurd once he is done. He recently obtained a unique skill called Manager, it might be useful for this. See how the prisoners can be useful and do with them what you must. Also, make sure the wizard we captured becomes your servant. We will need him to get a hold of someone in the eastern empire with high standing.

Feel free to ask Helios and Nyx for any help, and if you have any questions or information you need to give me take this"

I said as I passed him a Magic-steel ring with a blue orb.

(Image here.)

"That ring is connected to me, so you should be able to contact me from anywhere instantly using that. Though do feel free to stop by for your reports."

Dropping down to one knee and with a serious voice, he told me.

"I thank you for your gift, I promise I will not disappoint you, my lord"

Teleporting towards Vester's lab I saw him looking closely towards some vials. Once I was sure I wasn't going to interrupt something important and cause a mistake in the lab I spoke.

"Vester, how is it going?"

"AH! oh, it is you, Sir Rimuru. The completion of the gas you have requested is going quite well. The fact that it needs to be created without using any skills like your particle breath has made this quite hard but thanks to the samples and ingredients you have provided it is going quite well. I would say that in a few weeks we should have the formula ready."

"Alright, that is good to hear. I was just passing by checking how progress was going. Is there anything you might need?"

"Yes, I might need more supplies of…"

It was now the end of the day. I had just wrapped up a meeting to discuss the management and future of Falmuth. Pretty soon we would head out in defense of the Beast kingdom. The reason was simple, Clayman wanted to gather enough souls to become a true demon lord using the humans in Eurazania, and I wanted to cuck Clayman out of those souls.

Not only that but by defeating Clayman's forces that are attacking Eurazania we will weaken him before we strike his Country. The Puppet Nation Jistav used to be the ancient home of the elves before they pissed off Milim. Scattered around it are many ruins containing forgotten knowledge that could prove to be quite useful if recovered. Also, by taking over his country and gaining the strength of its citizens we will be able to grow our strength tremendously for the future.

And last but not least, I didn't like Clayman. Now that I have the chance I do not see why I shouldn't take it.

At this moment a little fairy burst into the room.

"Rimuru! Big problems! I just got news that one of the demon lords wants to declare war agaisnt you. It appears that he wants to take revenge for the murder of one of his important servants. He tried to call dibs on your country but I was able to stop him for a moment"

"Don't worry, one of my spies already informed me of that. Has he called a Walpurgis? How did you stop him?"

"Yes, he wouldn't have had to if no one else had any objections but since Roy Valentine and I objected the Walpurgis event was called. This way he will have to wait until a decision is made to attack you in the future."

"Wait, why would Valentine defend me? Does Valentine actually want to take over my country?"

"I don't know, the only way to find out the reason is during the Walpurgis itself."

"Then, do you think you could send a request for me to join?"

"Ah, I probably could, what reason should I give?"

"Tell them that I am now a Demon Lord. And that I wish to join."

I was actually able to get a chapter written today! Yay! Hopefully you liked it. I still might not be able to get one out tomorrow because of work. This one was slightly shorter at 1.4k words instead of the usual 1.5k+ words

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