
I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

The first few chapters are a bit rough since I wasn't sure what I wanted the story to be like. And the story is a bit rushed until chapter 20-25ish since I wanted to get to the point after the kids get their spirits. After that, the story breaks from canon and slows down the pacing. Hopefully, you will give the story a chance. The joke at the beginning with sage is not indicative of how the story will progress, I just thought it would be funny at the time. ... You already know how it is. Someone gets reincarnated as Rimuru and decides that he wants to have a new life with a kingdom, a harem, and strong skills. I am a first-time writer so if you have any tips let me know. It's obvious but I don't own tensura nor its characters and the picture for the fanfic is not my art. If you are the artist of it let me know and I'll change it or add your name I just found the pic on google and wasn't sure who the artist was. I'll try to update regularly but I do have a full-time job so I probably can't do it daily.

BonAurevoir · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Falmuth attacks, wait, do they?

Hinata Sakaguchi had a complicated expression on her face. She was now slightly regretting not having more of a conversation with the person she had just used Disintegrate on. How reliable was the source from which she got this information? She believed they were a reliable source of information but after talking to the slime she couldn't be sure anymore.

After the initial conversation, her plan was to capture him and interrogate him instead of killing him. However, he appeared to be quite strong, strong enough to afford to hold back against her. She noticed that whenever he attacked he didn't aim for any vital points. And he appeared to only be retaliating to her attacks in order to not be pushed back.

Her plan was to use Usurper to weaken him to the point of capture. But after she used it for the third time both her intuition and her Mathematician skill and its compute prediction screamed at her that there was no way for her to win this battle. With the sudden change of circumstances, she acted rashly and used disintegrate. However, even then her enemy did not appear to worry.

Placing her sword in its scabbard once again she looked at the place she had used disintegrate on.

'Could it be that he escaped? That's impossible, I am sure I would have noticed. Then did he wish to die? He didn't appear to be suicidal. If he were, why did he try to reason with her? And his final words…'

Left by herself Hinata continued to think for a few minutes. Seemingly having reached a conclusion she turned around and left.

(A few days earlier)

Using spatial movement I arrived at the meeting room in Tempest. Souei was standing there ready to report.

"Sir Rimuru, Falmouth is mobilizing its armies in our direction. According to the spies we have placed they are sending ahead of them otherworlders to attack us as well as some experts in creating barriers. It appears they want to encase our city in an Anti-magic barrier to weaken us before the fight. We have the current location of the carriage that has the otherworlders and the location of the barrier experts. They should be arriving at our city in three days.

We also received news from Eurazania. It appears Milim has declared war with them in a week and they have requested if we will take their people as refugees. We asked them to hold for a response to wait for your decision. They should still be connected at this moment waiting for our answer.

The last thing is that we believe Demon Lord Clayman wants to declare war against Tempest. Or at the very least he is planning on doing something against us. The information we were able to gather was not as much as we were hoping for. I apologize for that, Sir Rimuru."

"First things first, tell the people from Eurazania that we will accept them.

Second, give me the location of the otherworlders and the ones who will set up the barrier. I will pay them a visit. Lend me some of your shadow organization, I will need them.

And third, prepare for a takeover of Clayman's territory. Inform Benimaru as the Army commander to get everyone ready for the fight. I probably won't be able to join in the take over so I will leave it to all of you. For now, I will get ready to deal with Falmuth."

"I understand Sir. Are you sure you do not want more assistance in dealing with Falmuth?"

"Don't worry Souei, I won't take long."

"Oh, before I forget, has a woman named Mjurran arrived at the city in the past few days. She should have short green hair. Quite adept at magic."

"Yes, she declared herself to be a Majin that wished to join us. Since we found her suspicious but not enough to justify kicking her out she is currently at the magic division being watched by one of my spies. She expressed a desire to meet you Sir Rimuru."

"In that case make sure no one comes into this room, and wait outside. I have a few things to say to her."

"Understood Sir Rimuru."

Using spatial motion I moved her in here.

"Mjurran, a spy with intentions to bring our city down are you not? Sorry to say this but you messed up today and revealed your identity. I am sorry but I am a bit mad at the moment so I'll deal with you now."

She had an extremely confused face after being teleported. But once she started to process my words she tried to put up her defenses but it was too late. My hand had already pierced her chest.

[Report, creation of pseudo heart successful.]

"Wha- what?" Mjurran said.

"I have created a new pseudo heart. You should no longer be under Clayman's command. I am going to have to keep you in the shadows for a few days so that if any spies come here and they make it past our defenses they don't see you walking around. Take that time to decide what to do with your life now that you are free."

"The- Wait- no- I- I- Thank you? I- am I free? Thank you so much but how? Why? Why would you save me, it is the first time we meet. How did you know?" Mjurran appeared to not be able to process everything at the moment.

"Just relax, I don't have time to answer your questions now as I am on a bit of a tight schedule. I will have Souei take you to a comfortable place to stay but you will have to stay there for a few days. Take that time to process everything. I will visit once I am done."

Letting Souei know what to do I left.

"A nation of monsters, what do you think it will look like Shogo?" A brown-haired man with a sword by his side asked.

"Shut up Kyoya, it's a nation built by a slime. It probably is only barely standing together. I don't get why they had to send us to deal with weak enemies like that." A black-haired man with a frown answered.

"Will you shut up? You are not the only one who is not happy about having to go there. I mean, you two are pretty strong but all I can do is be very convincing. What good am I in an extermination mission?" A girl with dark brown hair yelled.

"Kirara we all know that- ugh." Kyoya tried to speak but he found a spear-like object sticking through his neck. Thanks to his Thought acceleration he was able to think and look around him before he died.

Both Shogo and Kirara had been struck directly on their necks by the sharp object. Following the direction of the sharp objects, he looked towards the ground. It appeared that they were emerging from the shadows in the ground.

It all had happened too fast, and now it was too late to save himself. Kyoya realized at that moment that he was going to die. No, in fact, he was already dead. The only thing that kept him conscious was his Thought acceleration. And he could not hold it forever, as the darkness slowly covered his mind.

Emerging from the shadows in the carriage I activated gluttony. I had used my own slime body as spears to pierce through all of their necks, and now they were dead.

[Notice, the following skills have been obtained through gluttony.

Unique skill Serverer. Severer has the capability of producing invisible blades that utilizes space-element which can slice through anything. The user can throw their blade created by the Unique Skill Severer which transforms into millions of tiny shards. Each one of those shards are too small to see but packing lethal force.

Unique skill Berzerker. This skill comes with the following benefits.

Physical Attack Increase: The user's strength, speed, and other physical-based statistics are increased in power.

Death Benefit: The user gains more strength as more individuals die around them.

Unique skill Bewilder. This skill comes with the following benefits.

Thought domination: It allows the user to dominate the thoughts of the target.

Thought Manipulation: It allows the user to Manipulate the thoughts of the target.

Command: It allows you to command the targets selected. ]

'Death benefit, quite the convenient skill for what I am about to do.'

Now onto the barrier experts.

'Spatial Domination'

Appearing outside the carriages of the barrier experts I proceeded with the plan.

[Do you wish to activate Thought Domination and Command]


Once I felt the skill take effect I called out to everyone.

"Stop! Exit the carriages."

Once they had all left I summoned a few members of the Shadow squad out.

"Tie them up and make sure they can't do anything with magic. Then take them to the special holding location we have prepared. There should be a few more important prisoners on the way so make sure there is enough room. I will interrogate them later." turning towards the humans I gave my last command. "Follow all of their orders and don't resist at all."

Giving a nod to the members of the shadow squad that were staying behind I teleported once again.

With a few members of the shadow squad around me, I stood in front of the assembling army. It appears since I had moved too fast they were still not fully organized. The anti-magic barriers had yet to be fully set up.

The perfect conditions to attack.

Hopefully you like this chapter, remember he doesn't have plunder yet as this is a few days before. Hopefully it doesn't feel too rushed. it's just that as I was writing this I felt a bit of a sense of urgency to advance with the fight and keep the momentum going.

I know I have to find a better pacing but I am still getting the hang of it.

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