
I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

The first few chapters are a bit rough since I wasn't sure what I wanted the story to be like. And the story is a bit rushed until chapter 20-25ish since I wanted to get to the point after the kids get their spirits. After that, the story breaks from canon and slows down the pacing. Hopefully, you will give the story a chance. The joke at the beginning with sage is not indicative of how the story will progress, I just thought it would be funny at the time. ... You already know how it is. Someone gets reincarnated as Rimuru and decides that he wants to have a new life with a kingdom, a harem, and strong skills. I am a first-time writer so if you have any tips let me know. It's obvious but I don't own tensura nor its characters and the picture for the fanfic is not my art. If you are the artist of it let me know and I'll change it or add your name I just found the pic on google and wasn't sure who the artist was. I'll try to update regularly but I do have a full-time job so I probably can't do it daily.

BonAurevoir · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Ending a War Before It Even Starts.

(Please read the author's note at the end.)

Using his eyes of truth Dagruel glanced over the ten's thousands of deformed monsters looking for something. Until his eyes landed on what he was searching for.

He was currently in what appeared to be a gigantic room with a magic circle in the middle. On the center of it were hundreds of loose chains and all over the place were monsters born from Ivaraj's magicules.

At the moment there were many of the smaller monsters all over his body trying to bite him and consume him. But their teeth were not strong enough to pierce his skin. Their magicules were not as strong as Ivaraj's, capable of collapsing and destroying the magicules of others.

"Tsk, I don't have time to waste with these ones."

He swatted away the monsters clinging to him before dashing through the massive horde of monsters and plowing through them.

"What's your boyfriend gonna think if he sees you acting this way? Come on, you just gotta stay still for a few minutes at most. Even Veldora is acting more maturely than you right now."

Velgrynd's and Velzard's skills were the exact opposite of each other. While Velgrynd focused on acceleration and manipulating high temperatures Velzard focused on deceleration and freezing/fixating things.

They each countered each other, so unless they were fighting to their deaths or near the point of death it would be hard for them to actually deal any serious damage to each other. And while Velzard didn't want to harm her sister the same wasn't true for Velgrynd.

Velgrynd ignored any words coming out of her sister and continued to release highly concentrated burning beams of light.

"Alright then, as your big sister I have the responsibility of beating you up when you are not listening."

Activating her atmospheric prison wall she froze the atmosphere around Velgrynd temporarily trapping her in place. But with her heat control, Velgrynd began to increase the temperature of her body until she was glowing bright red.

The ice all around her began to steam and crack from the sudden temperature change before exploding into small pieces. But the moment the ice cracked Velgrynd's face was greeted by a sudden wave of ice that encapsulated her head. Not only that but Velgrynd began to feel her own energy leaving her body and going towards Velzard.

Unlike the times they had fought before Velgrynd was struggling more than usual to keep up. This was due to the combination of Velzard's two ultimate skills into one a more advanced one, Cthulhu, Ice God Sovereign.

Velgrynd's body continued to rise in temperature as she destroyed the ice on her face and she transformed herself into something resembling a flaming meteor. She launched herself towards Velzard at a speed almost reaching that of light.

"Time Fixation."

Velzard decelerated the time around her until the point it had practically stopped moving. Velgrynd, who was moments before moving at sublight speeds was now barely moving at all.

"We are just going to stay in a loop if we continue this way."

Velzard said to herself as she saw the flaming meteors moving towards her. She would freeze her, then Velgrynd would break out, she would try to attack, and then she would be frozen again.

This wouldn't be a bad thing but she had fought with Velgrynd enough times to know that she would figure out a way to change the battlefield. And since she was not holding back at all she might even become reckless enough to use a suicide attack.

"Sorry about this."

A white orb appeared floating on Velzard's hand. This was the skill she obtained from Chtulu, Whiteout Absorb. It combined all of her skills into a singular attack. The deceleration and fixation which originated from the lord of Patience and the absorption that originated from the Lord of Envy.

"It's probably going to mess you up for some time."

Velzard moved behind her and slammed the white orb on Velgrynd's slow-moving body. Releasing the Time Fixation after her attack stuck.

Whiteout absorb would freeze all of the molecules of her target in place effectively freezing them in time and space. Their entire existence would cease to move. And due to the absorption quality of the attack, it would eat away at the magicules of the target and of the space around them, making the spell self-sustaining. Leaving the target to be frozen for eternity, or at least until Velzard released the skill.

The reason she was hesitant to use this skill was that being frozen in such a way would cause serious internal damage. And even once released the target would continue to experience symptoms of deceleration and absorption for some time.

Looking up she saw the final hits being dealt to Ivaraj.

And the subsequent explosion.

(1st Pov Rimuru)

[The usage of Castle Guard has been denied.]

The golden light which surrounded Feldway disappeared. And realizing the trouble he was in he swung the sword given to him by Veldanava, Ark.

It was a complete masterpiece, and one of the three swords crafted and gifted by Veldanava. It should have been able to slice through anything yet it stopped before being able to slice its target. A black straight sword was casually used to block the strike.

Cracks began to spread through Ark before it turned into dust as all of it had been consumed by the black sword Musabori Kuu.

Momentarily shocked by the loss of his weapon he was not able to react to the sword that suddenly slashed once again. Resulting in the loss of his arm.

Feldway was scrambling to think as fast as he could, the absolute defense he was planning to use as his strongest card had been canceled without a problem. He reached out with his left hand and tried to activate the skill he was born with.

[Selaphiel, Lord of Faith has been denied.]

But just like before it didn't work. And his attempt only resulted in him losing his remaining arm.

Was this really how it was all going to end? He couldn't help but ask himself.

Was all that he did up until now just a waste.

He was strong enough to match a true dragon, but now he couldn't even activate a single skill.

He couldn't accept this.

He would do anything necessary to fulfill his wish. No matter the cost. He had come too far.

{The individual Feldway has met the requirements for skill evolu-}

[The voice of the world's skill evolution has been denied.]

Hearing the voice of the world suddenly cut off he knew he had lost all hope.

"It really is a shame. But don't say I didn't give you a chance." I said before piercing his chest with my hand.


[Yaldabaoth's Gluttony has been activated.]


Those were the last words he heard before it all went dark.

[Isolation of Manas: Michael has been successful. He is being placed inside of the void world for the time being.]

I looked outside to see how their fights were going only to find a heavily bruised and injured Milim dealing the final hits to Ivaraj.

[Warning, an imminent explosion will occur due to Ivaraj's magicules going completely out of control. The explosion will destabilize the magicules of those affected by it and cause them to collapse. Severe injury or death is likely for those inside the blast radius.

The calculation of those in the blast radius is all who are inside this world and locations such as Dagruel's territory and the insectar planet. Places that contain large amounts of Ivaraj magicules.

The recommended course of action is to overcharge gluttony and consume it all.] Ciel gave a hurried report.

Ciel had already told me how to use skills beyond their usual potential. As she had explained before, Turn Null was like using magicules on steroids. You would have to adjust the output of it when using it in order to use your skills as normal.

Or alternatively, if you were confident enough in your control of the skill, you could use it to supercharge skills by giving it as much energy as you could manage. It was extremely risky to do so as if you lost control you could end up accidentally destroying anywhere from a planet to part of the universe depending on how much suddenly got released without control.

Luckily for me, I didn't have to worry about that thanks to Ciel.

Teleporting in front of Milim, next to the origin of the explosion I reached out my hand.

[Supercharging Yaldabaoth's Gluttony.

A new skill has been generated. Origin: Absolute Consumption

The ability to consume the target, no matter what, instantaneously. Depending on the size and strength of the target the magicule cost will increase exponentially.

Activating the origin skill Absolute consumption.]

The blinding explosion suddenly disappeared as it was replaced with a dark purple mist that vanished as soon as it arrived.

"I swear Milim, you really ought to take more care of yourself. You're gonna give me a heart attack." I said while grabbing her injured hands.

The chaotic residue that was eating away at her body was consumed. The cuts, slashes, and her decaying arms suddenly began to recover as her own healing began to work now that it wasn't being obstructed.

Milim released a small giggle before grasping my hands tighter.

"Is Feldway…?"

"Yes, it's over."

(Second reminder to read the author's note.)

So about the battle between Velzard and Velgrynd.

Turns out Velzard is quite a bit stronger than Velgrynd. When I was looking up her skills for research for this chap I found an actual battle between her and Velgrynd from the webnovel.

The result? Velgrynd lost.

But not only did she lose, but she had the upgraded version of her skill. Flame God Sovereign Cthugha.

She was fighting against Velzard who still only had Lord of Patience and Lord of envy. So she had yet to power up the skill into a Lovecraftian skill.

In this battle Velzard had Cthulu, and Velgrynd still only had Lord of charity. So Even though they are both true dragons it was pretty clear that there is a gap in strength,

Now for Feldway vs Rimuru. I found a battle between him and Rudra in Volume 19 of the light novel.

The result? Feldway ended up running away.

They mention previously in the volume that Feldway is as strong as a true dragon, so what is the explanation for this defeat?

Rudra knows how the Lord of justice works and how to counter it. He imbued his sword with Uriel lord of vows’ defense and then used a combination of absolute severance and a sword skill “Nova Break” To break past the lord of justice.

And after getting hurt Feldway ran out of there.

So I read that and I thought “Is that it?”

Feldway pretty much was going to rely on the defense of Lord of justice, so after that was gone there wasn’t much he could do.

Plus, with Denial Rimuru could just say no and not let him use skills.

So after that was left there wasn’t much he could do.

So a bit anticlimactic. But it is what it is.

But in my opinion, Rimuru's fights always sort of like that. An unstoppable force smacking against a regular dude.

Vs Clayman

Vs Granbell

Vs the army of orcs

Vs the orc lord

They were not really that hard of a fight.

I think the hardest fight he had was against Charybdis. And that’s because he was still pretty weak in comparison. He basically brute-forced it with gluttony.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See ya later.

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