
I am Peter Pettigrew

I always imagined what I could do with magic, infact waking up in a magical world was right near the top of my wish list right after getting a harem. But in all my dreams I never thought that I would be inhabiting the body of a universally loathed character, Peter Pettigrew. Evil MC, OP MC, 18+ The story is extremely dark, the MC is a hedonist. Contains mentions of R***. Caution advised.

Daoist171437 · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 17

Next morning I spot Elara in the great hall during breakfast. She looks normal having no recollection of what happened to her last night.

I have locked her memories of the ordeal last night, even if someone else decides to look in her mind they won't find anything. Her injuries were taken care of with simple healing magic and potions, now she believes I made her write lines, but with a snap of my finger I can bring all those memories back.

Of all my progress in studying magic none comes close to mind magic, my progress in it even scared me, I can be really lethal with it, so imagining someone else doing it to me scared my pants of, now I probably have the best mental defences in England in my paranoia.

Elara is sitting with her group of friends, I spot her boyfriend coming up to her, they flirt a little. A dark smile comes to my face as I imagine the phantom sensation of my arm inside her.

"Did you talk with her" Professor Flitwick says from my side.

"Yes, I had a long and serious talk with her. I don't think she will do it again now"

"Good" he says, giving a disapproving look to Elara.

I look towards the empty seat of Dumbledore, I had a lot of plans regarding him, to bring him down and discredit him but now the old man doesn't have long to live, so all those plans have been scraped.

Now I have a date to look forward to today.


Aurora Sinistra is a proud witch, getting a job at Hogwarts at such a young age is quite a big achievement. It brings her quite a lot of benefits like being connected to a lot of wizards going along with the prestige of teaching at Hogwarts.

Alas it is not good for her social life, being bound to the school for a majority part of the year has its downsides. She has tried to make friends with her colleagues but most of them were quite old and didn't share the same interests as her. Some of them were near her age, like Severus but the less she thinks about that bat the better.

She had thought that Peter would be like the rest of the dada teachers before him. Remus and Gilderoy were not the kind of people she liked, too shy and too outgoing.

She had observed Peter since the start of the year, first with mild curiosity due to his actions at the quidditch world cup, he had taken to teaching like a fish to water, quickly becoming the favourite Professor at Hogwarts. Then his exhibition duel with Professor Flitwick had established him as one of the stronger wizards in England. It also helped that he was nice to look at.

She had heard some 7th year girls gossiping about him, motivating one of them to ask him out.

Since then he had been in her mind and finally she had decided to ask him out. She doesn't exactly like him in a romantic sense, but it's been a long time since she had any kind of physical contact with anyone. So what better than a wizard quickly becoming famous to scratch her itch.

So here she was at the three broomsticks inn sitting opposite to the man himself.


As soon as Aurora had walked in, I had made eye contact with her, reading her surface thoughts. The woman was ready to leave already and have sex.

It had surprised me quite a bit, why was she so desperate, whatever, lucky me. I put those thoughts aside.

We made some small talk, quite enjoying ourselves, when suddenly her eyes glazed over. It was for a fleeting moment but I caught it.

She quickly wound up the conversation, asking me to wait for her in my room tonight as she has some urgent business to take care of right now, quickly leaving while giving me a sultry smile. What the hell was that about. I just paid the bill and made my way back to the castle to wait for her.

I will find out about whatever that was later.


Aurora made her way back to the castle after having a very important meeting with a new acquaintance. She felt bad about leaving Peter like that but planned to make up for it somehow.

Peter was waiting for her in his private quarters. Aurora entered the room as nonchalantly as she could.

She could see his eyes ravenously rove her body as she approached. Aurora pretended not to notice and walked with a slight sway to her hips that was a touch too intentional. She licked her lips and stepped right up to Peter, toe to toe.

"Hi," she smiled sultrily.

He murmured his greeting as he swooped low and captured her mouth in a searing kiss. It was hot and insistent, strong and powerful, taking control and ownership of her in this one moment. His arms looped around her and drew her in close, drawing her flush with his body. One arm held strong around her waist, and the other travelled low to grip her arse in a firm handful. Her small frame was held tight to his larger firmer frame, muscles defining his every movement.

Peter drew his mouth back, nipping at her bottom lip as he did so. Aurora gazed up at him through her lashes, hazy with want and giggled, "that was a nice hello."

"Is everything fine, you left in a hurry" Peter asked gently as he released his arms around her, dropping one hand down her arm to grasp her hand, then leading her into his bedroom.

There were candles around the room. Not many, not a fire hazard. But five or six around the room, flickering in the darkness, bathing the room in a romantic, golden glow.

Peter stepped around her to stand in the middle of the room.

Aurora was a little surprised. This was an adorable, sweet, romantic gesture for what she thought was a dirty little booty call. She felt her heart stirring with emotion and a smile lit up her face.

Aurora looked at Peter. Peter sheepishly smiled at Aurora.

"You lit candles?" Aurora was so happy, she felt it radiating from within her. "That's so sweet, I... like this.'

Peter didn't say anything at her last minute change of phrase.

Aurora dropped her bag at her feet, took off her shoes and walked to Peter.

He picked up right where he left off in the living room, leaning down in a visceral kiss, hot and sure and demanding. He leaned further down and swooped up her thighs, and the next thing Aurora knew, she was clutching Peters neck as he wrapped her legs around his waist.

With one, two steps he had her against the wall, grinding his hard length into her. Her panties were so thin that all it took was a minute of kissing and grinding before they were soaked through.

She was moaning through the kisses as Peter held her against the wall, and then he started nibbling his way down to her jawline then her neck, then the top of her chest.

Aurora dropped her head back enjoying his ministrations when suddenly she lost the balance of the wall at her back and she was swung through the air.

"Peter!" She shrieked and found herself being swung onto the bed, landing on her back, in the middle of the bed with a bounce.

Peter had a hungry look in his eyes as he stood over her, and then he pounced.

Aurora giggled with joy as Peter landed on top of her, trapping her hips beneath his and he resumed kissing his way down her neck, her chest, drawing aside her top so a dark nipple appeared. He began licking and sucking, the sensations pulling a thread from Auroras nipples to her toes.

She distractedly started grappling with his back, pulling his t-shirt up, gathering it in her fist and tugging.

Peter released her nipple for a moment to tug the shirt free of his body and threw it across the room before diving back in.

Aurora loved Peter's body. It wasn't a rock hard muscle fest, it was better. It was functional strength with a softness she adored. She knew he could lift her suitcase if he needed to, and her, without a moments hesitation, but not like some of the muggles she had seen. A body with a purpose, and with a softness for life.

Aurora moaned in frustration as Peter released her nipple, but sighed in pleasure as she felt him slowly kiss his way down her body.

One kiss in the centre of her chest, between her breasts.

One kiss on her ribcage.

One kiss slightly to the right of her bellybutton.

One kiss on the little crease between her thigh and pelvis.

One kiss on her inner thigh.

One kiss... next to her knee?

"Peter, wrong direction," Aurora gently directed.

"No, I'll get there when I get there. You will wait," Peter said firmly. The dominance in his voice sent a shiver through her.

One kiss on her calf.

One kiss on her ankle.

Aurora lay back, closed her eyes and let herself be worshipped.

Peter slowly kissed his way back up the other leg.

Aurora's breathing hitched as he slowly approached her inner thigh again.

A long, languishing lick up her centre triggered a shiver rolling through her body.

Peter settled in between her legs, licking and stroking, eating like this was a fine dining course, tasting everything with pleasure. His tongue dipped in and out of her channel, before starting to make soft, slow circles around her clit.

Aurora moaned, her hands shifting around the bedsheets, looking for purchase to grip onto something. Peter reached one hand up, Aurora grabbed it with her left and placed it on her breast. Peter held on firmly, kneading, and she gripped his shoulder, holding him in place.

Her other hand came to rest on the back of his head, tightening and loosening as the pleasure came.

She closed her eyes and felt the pleasure hum through her. This felt like home, she could do this forever--well, she could have this done to her forever.

It started in her toes, the tightening, the energy. It travelled up her legs, to her thighs, to her abdomen and core muscles, it tightened and tightened. Her legs drew up on either side of Peter's head, curling and clenching.

"Yes, there, Peter!" Aurora whispered, barely able to speak louder as her orgasm crept closer and closer.

By the time it reached her thighs Aurora was shaking uncontrollably, her hand tightening to a firm lock on the back of Peter's head. She shouted and bucked, all the while holding him close. The orgasm crashed over her with a violent force that felt heart-stoppingly good.

Peter didn't stop, continuously curling his tongue and keeping the rhythm she so desperately needed.

As the final wave of orgasm rolled over her, now so intense that it ached, she released Peter and flopped backwards into a starfish of loose jelly-like muscles.

Aurora could do nothing but grin at Peter as he rose up on all fours and watched her with a cat-got-the-cream grin.

In a rush, Peter ditched his trousers and underwear, climbed on top of her, glided into her slippery pussy, wet from his own making.

Aurora sighed in contentment as Peter slid home, his length the perfect fit.

Peter grabbed her thighs one by one and swung them onto his shoulders, the angle bringing him deeper. Aurora gasped and arched her back at the sensation of being so deeply filled.

He started with slow thrusts in a steady rhythm, but quickly lost patience with that. His thrusts continued heavy and faster. They were no longer the motions of gentle lovemaking and it was now fucking.

Not that Aurora minded.

She looped her arms around his neck and held on. Aurora tried to meet his motions, but the angle and position Peter had her in meant she could do very little. She was at his mercy as he pounded into her and used her for his pleasure.

As he pounded at this angle, her body was curled like a prawn and he was hitting her clit, and the sensitivity was already high from her recent orgasm. All it took was a minute of regular rhythm at this angle when another, albeit smaller, orgasm rolled through her. It was fast like a bullet train, whipping through her with barely a moments notice.

Aurora gasped and rolled back from the orgasm, clawing at Peter's back and arms.

"Did you just come again?" he asked.

"Yeah" Aurora leaned up and started sucking on his earlobe.

Peter groaned and started pounding harder. It seems he liked her actions.

Peter abruptly lost his rhythm and started wildly bucking into her, frenetic energy slamming into her with every thrust. With a roar he leaned over her spilled himself into her waiting cave. Peter finished with slowed, languid thrusts to end.

Aurora smiled and stroked Peter's face before as he rolled off her. She curled into his side for an afterglow cuddle, their bodies sticky with sweat and other fluids.

"We should do this again" she murmured into his neck.

"What's stopping us now" he joked.

Aurora smiled into his arm as she tucked herself into him. This is nice she thought.