
I am Over Powered in Douluo Dalu [Haitus]

Undefined Haitus. Join Zeng Xin in his adventure with his op powers in Douluo Dalu world. Based on DD1 plot ……………...................... Check out my other Fan Fic as well

wheretonow · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 95: Next

"One on one doesn't need any teamwork, only strength and who do you think has the most strength in our team. If Fan Lin cannot defeat them then no one can."

Everyone inside the camp looked at Zeng Xin, and in each other's eyes they could all see conviction of certain victory.

It was Shrek Academy's turn,

Boosted by everyone's expressions filled with confidence, Zeng Xin unhurriedly walked into the competition area.

Shrek Academy's first opponents were from Balak Kingdom, their Royal academy. Just like Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's position in Heaven Dou Empire, their name was also the same as the kingdom's, Balak Academy.

First to appear from Balak Academy was a large youth, looking twenty something years old, wearing a black and gold uniform. When he saw Zeng Xin he couldn't help staring blankly.

Shrek Academy was enormously famous in Heaven Dou City and what was more famous than Shrek Academy. It was Zeng Xin. However, Balak Academy from Balak Kingdom naturally wouldn't know anything about this.

Seeing Zeng Xin's snot green and logo covered uniform, that big youth immediately laughed.

"You little shit should know your place. What qualifications you have to fight with this young master. This shitty uniform, you peasant, kneel before me and I will think about letting you go alive."

The big youth said in a mocking tone. Zeng Xin smiled. That tall youth's voice was very loud, practically all the students around the competition area had heard him.

Oscar somewhat puzzled said to Ma Hongjun next to him:

"Fatty, what are you covering your eyes for?"

Ma Hongjun said with feeling:

"Because I can't bear to see it, I'm afraid this Balak Academy brother is out of luck. Did you forget that terrifying training? I really can't bear to see it."

While Ma Hongjun and Oscar were talking, the referee on the competition grounds had already declared the match started.

According to the competition rules, both sides started the match at a distance of twenty meters.Zeng xin stomped his feet on the ground and vanished from his place and appeared right in front of the opponent.

Raising both hands practically subconsciously, he was ready to block the punch but it was not something he could block.


Zeng Xin's one hand grabbed the back of the tall youth's neck, his left knee shooting up and throwing him on the ground.

When the big youth heavily impacted the ground, a lot of people had already closed their eyes. Under the enormous impulse, originally already confused by the throw, the tall youth's body immediately spasmed, violent pain making him unable to hold back a blood-curdling scream.

The tall youth sank into complete darkness, completely unconscious.

After the air froze for a brief moment, it immediately turned blazing. Voices of admiration, voices of alarm, all rose and fell in succession.

From start to finish, the fight had only taken a moment.

Right now, his unconscious body was still constantly twitching on the ground.

Zeng Xin's face revealed a smile harmless to both men and women, his gaze floating over to the other Balak Academy team members, softly saying:


One simple word, but it seemed to ignite a barrel of gunpowder. Seven or eight people from the Balak Academy side immediately leapt up, aggressively dashing at Zeng Xin.

"What are you doing?"

The referee appeared promptly, but he only used words to block the opponents.

"You'll pay for what you just did."

Even though this second Balak Kingdom team member to appear wasn't tall, he was extremely sturdy, with swelling muscles clearly visible over his wide shoulders. The sight of someone with this appearance cradling a delicate flower was also somewhat strange.

The referee reminded them:

"Don't forget the rules of the competition, if anyone violates them, they will lose the qualifications to compete."

"Match start."

Whoever the opponent was the result was the same. By this time, every academy knew the existence of a monster named Fan Lin. The first match was over without any problem. Zeng Xin had crushed all of them using the same method he used against the first.

When the first day of matches were over, the dean from each academy went up on stage to draw lots, Shrek Academy's luck was not very good. For their match on the second day, the opponent they drew was Blazing Academy which performed very well in the first match.

Although it was a round robin system where every academy would eventually fight each other, the fact that they would face Blazing Academy this early created ripples in the minds of members from both academies.

Why both academies, Zeng Xin has decided to enter the match as a last resort.


A quiet night.

The tempo of the promotion matches was faster than the qualifiers, without common spectators, only the competition results were desired. Having removed the complicated processes and the noisy audience, it allowed spirit Masters to bring out their true strength more easily.

Shrek Academy versus Blazing Academy was the fifth match, but before the match had even started, Zeng Xin could already feel the burning hot gaze aimed directly at him from not far away.

At last it was time for Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy to go up.

The match proceeded and Shrek Academy won without Zeng Xin's help. Tang San played a major role in the fight but his arm were poisoned during the match. THough he is recovering now it surely will take some time to heal it fully.

Grandmaster waved his hand to the Shrek Academy group in the room, saying:

"Alright, the rest of you all go rest. There's still a match tomorrow. Let's leave Xiao Wu to look after Tang San here."

In the next matches, Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai relied on his violent burst attack method to settle at least four opponents each time. The second to appear was Zeng Xin who ended the match So far, in the thirteen matches total, Shrek Academy had obtained thirteen victories.