
I am Over Powered in Douluo Dalu [Haitus]

Undefined Haitus. Join Zeng Xin in his adventure with his op powers in Douluo Dalu world. Based on DD1 plot ……………...................... Check out my other Fan Fic as well

wheretonow · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 94: If not Fan Lin then who?

One month isn't particularly long, but this one month couldn't be called relaxed for the Shrek Seven Devils. Zeng Xin went back to his clan and also hunted a spirit beast for his sixth ring. A four hundred thousand ice stingray and hunted more beasts to age his ring. He got a skull ring which increases his perception of his surroundings

This whole month Grandmaster trained them. The training Grandmaster gave them wasn't the same as before. According to what Grandmaster told them, this time's training was called the potential stimulating plan.

This potential stimulation plan consisted of constant battle. The Shrek Seven Devils didn't confront a lot of opponents. Only one Zeng Xin.

In terms of combat ability, neither Zhao Wuji nor Flender would dare confront him. He basically wouldn't give his opponents any chance to catch their breath.

"Seven as one."

Tang San shouted, swiftly retreating.

Right now he was already completely unable to breathe. An enormous shockwave hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed out. The tremendous force of shockwave wasn't something he could withstand.

It was the last day before the ranking competition, and this day was also the Shrek Seven Devils' last time confronting Zeng Xin.

Without the slightest hesitation, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun simultaneously interposed themselves in front of Tang San, blocking stiffly.

Dai Mubai's body had already expanded to the limit, White Tiger Barrier and White Tiger Vajra Transformation used simultaneously. But Ma Hongjun burst with Bathing Fire Phoenix and Phoenix Ascension, his chubby body soaring in midair, blocking above as Dai Mubai did below. Fully using their spirit power, they obstructed the shockwave, giving Tang San time to fight.

At the same time, the others didn't stay idle either. Three lines of light shot out simultaneously, two of them falling on Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, releasing an aura of defence, while the third fell on Xiao Wu with a speed boost. The user of these three lines of light was Ning Rongrong. The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in her hand shone brilliantly, providing the optimum support while saving the most spirit power.

Xiao Wu had already leapt, pouncing straight at Zeng Xin. But he threw two shockwaves again and suppressed Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

But at this moment, a silhouette soared high up in the air, incorporeal wings flapping behind his back, Tang San.

Using a flying mushroom to provide one minute of fast flight, let him soar far into the air.

Zeng Xin practically unconsciously raised his head to look at Tang San, but what met her was two beams of purple golden light.

At this moment was when Xiao Wu was only five meters away from her.

The Soft Bones Demon Rabbit's second spirit ability, Demon Confusion, launched.

Hardly sparing her spirit power, Xiao Wu's third spirit ability, Teleportation, launched the next moment. Her body abruptly appeared behind Zeng Xin, subconsciously avoiding a frontal attack. Her legs wound around Zeng Xin's waist, and Waist Bow launched.

Zeng Xin's strength was not something they could measure. Even if Xiao Wu's Waist Bow instantly tripled her strength, it still wasn't enough to throw Zeng Xin.

Zeng Xin caught her leg and threw her to the ground. (A/N: HULK SMASH!!)

Xiao Wu was out of the match not because she was injured. This was the rule. If Zeng Xin throws them on the ground they have to go out or they will get seriously injured. Zeng Xin was also told to keep his strength under control when throwing them around.

The whole session went for more than five minutes before the seven I were on their knees.

"You have surely improved"

"It's all thanks to you, Brother Fan."

Tang San couldn't help but smile. This whole month the regular sparring with Zeng Xin had surely improved that battle sense and combat skills.


The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament ranking competition wasn't as bustling as the qualifiers. To protect the privacy of the spirit masters, and also out of security considerations, no spectators were allowed at the ranking competition.

The two great empires were still held ranking competitions, the thirty teams selected in the qualifiers competing in each of their empires. But the three teams that were supposed to participate in the finals didn't participate.

On the Heaven Dou Empire's side, including the five teams that passed the Heaven Dou City qualifiers, altogether fifteen teams had already completed their registration procedures in the morning, gathering at the ranking competition site.

The teams were few, but being capable of passing the qualifiers, they were no doubt all the elite of the elite.

Until the end of the ranking competition, the Shrek Academy's fourteen members would all stay here.

The ranking competition didn't have multiple stages like the qualifiers, but rather only had one competition area, the great drilling field of the imperial household knight regiment.

The rules were very simple. Both sides would each participate with seven team members. Each team that went up would fight until defeated, continuing to fight the next opponent if they won, until the seven people on one side were completely defeated.

The lots had already been drawn last evening, and Shrek Academy didn't pull an empty lot for their first round. Their opponent was an advanced Spirit Master academy from the Balak Kingdom. Their turn was the third in the seven matches for today.

Grandmaster gathered everyone around him, his gaze sweeping across all the eleven Shrek Academy team members,

"Next I'll announce the order in which you'll go up. Fan Lin, you go up first."

Everyone was still listening, but Grandmaster had already finished.

Dai Mubai couldn't help asking:

"Grandmaster, aren't we going to send seven people?"

Grandmaster smiled calmly, saying:

"One on one doesn't need any teamwork, only strength and who do you think has the most strength in our team. If Fan Lin cannot defeat them then no one can."

Everyone inside the camp looked at Zeng Xin, and in each other's eyes, they could all see the conviction of certain victory.

It was Shrek Academy's turn,