
I am not Yours!

Nano Walker was heartbroken and had gotten herself drunk. She had stupidly walked off the cliff and found herself transmigrated. When she woke up, someone had just left. She soon found out that she wasn’t herself as Nano Walker, but as Nano Harlequin, a worker who had overworked herself. However, one thing was strange. Everyone wasn't human, including her. Now, she was faced with the reality and situation of the previous owner’s body. Her boyfriend was cheating on her, and her own family had already disowned her. Her boss was also consistently always shoving work into her face. Having enough of this, she discards them all, drawing someone's interest in her. Once unemployed, she was immediately offered a job by him, Yua. However, little did she know what she was getting into. The truth behind "overworking" and Yua's real intentions. Would she be able to find out his true intentions and the truth behind it?

Little_Wolfgirl · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - Yua

"I heard that you have amnesia. Are you alright now?" He spoke out softly as he approached her like how one would with a stray animal, cautious and friendly.

"Yeah..." She looks at him guarded.

She was using her diagnoses as an excuse not to know them and acted calmly to whoever approached her. She didn't know any of these people.

He opens the bag and inside was freshly made porridge. It was still steaming hot, and he carefully unpack it, scooping one spoon and blowing on it. This was when Nano confirmed that she really wasn't in her world anymore. She wouldn't know such a guy who would care for her this much. Moreover, everything wasn't human-like. She was still Nano and looked like herself, but her sense of smell had change and her canine fangs were sharper.

The man was very handsome. His silvery hair may have had him look old from behind, but in the front, he was very young and is quite dashing. His golden eyes made him look even more paler against his skin. His dark suit contrast his pale skin, making him more noticeable. Maybe it was due to the suit's stiffness, but it made him look almost as if he was buff.

Nano couldn't help, but stare a few times up and down at him. He didn't seem to mind it and focused on what he was doing. Nano's feeling of heartbreak almost felt as if it had faded from just looking at the gorgeous man up close.

"Who are you?" Nano finally asked, breaking the silence between them.

"I'm Yua, Yua Li, and I'm an acquaintance, Nano." He casually said and continues to blow on the hot scoop of porridge.

'Oh, no wonder I don't have any picture of him, make sense. Who is Chris then? Surely, he must know, right? it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?' Nano thought to herself.

"Then... who is Chris?" Nano carefully asked.

"Ah," Yua's face turned grimed for a bit, but it soon faded away, "you should break off him. He's just a scumbag who only know how to use you. The sooner the better."

'Chris is my boyfriend then... Wow, even this guy came to visit me, but not Chris..' Nano could feel her anger flare up towards Chris even more.

"Open up." The spoon waited for her to open the entrance of her mouth.

"I can feed myself." Nano insisted.

"You are still weak. Look at yourself, so skinny," He sighs with a big worry, "truthfully, you need blood, but your body is still too weak to take any heavy thing in.."

"Huh, what?" Nano couldn't believe what this man said, "why would I need blood?"

"....." Yua's eyes widen with a hint of happiness, "you've even forgotten that you're of a vampire lineage? How much memories did you lose?"

"I came from a lineage of vampires? That explains why my fangs are so sharp.." Nano mumbles.

Her eyes met with his again, and his ears perked up. He was still holding out the spoon in front of her, and feeling no choice, she chomps down on the food. The fragrant smell and soft taste made her stomach grumble. She embarrassingly look at him. He was somewhat smiling and his tail was wagging ferociously in happiness.

"I'll eat it by myself this time. You can talk to me about things I may have forgotten while I'm doing that." Nano takes the bowl and starts eating it.

"Alright," His soft smile was now even more clear, "you are Nano Harlequin. The reason why you're here is due to the fact that you've been overworking yourself, causing you to be exhausted and fall down the stairs. You came from a lineage of vampires, but due to family issues, they've disowned you. You soon moved in with your boyfriend, who also comes from a lineage of vampires, but you two have started to distanced, and he had even begun to cheat on you."

She choked as she heard what he had just said. He pats her back, helping her put down the bowl. Some rice came out as she cough them out.

"I was disowned?!" Nano looked at him in disbelief, "and my boyfriend is cheating on me?!"

Yua could only silently nod at the question, reconfirming it as he looks at her.

'I knew that guy was no good! One look at the attitude, and you could tell that he was bad! But for me to get disowned?! My mother would rather scold and beat me rather than let me go out!' Nano thought.

"Are you really an acquaintance? You know so much." Nano wipes the food off her mouth.

"I really am just an acquaintance." His ears lowered as the truth was being said, and his wagging tail was now slowing down.

She picks up the bowl and starts eating again, listening to Yua explain her situation. By the time she was done eating, his explanation was done. He explained very well, it was smooth and her questions were all answered. Through the entire time as he was explaining, she had desperately wanted to feel that tail of his. It looked fluffy, and his tail was constantly wagging.

"Thank you for a lot of things!" Nano smiled, revealing her two sharp fangs.

"I'm glad that you understand. I have to go soon." He said as he ears droop.

"You can always come and visit me. You're my first visitor!" She laughs as she sees his ears drooped, "are you sad you won't be able to see me?"

She didn't expect an answer from him since she had said it jokingly, but he replied, "Yes, I am."

Her laughter came to a stop when she realize that he was serious. As he opens the door, she could see more men out there in suits as well and a few police officers. She curiously looks out, but the door was close shut before she could see what was going on. There were an angry shout from an unknown man, but that was quickly put to a stop.

Nano didn't care much. She was fed and kept company for once in a long time already. She was satisfied. She laid down, turning the other way, so the noise wouldn't bother her much as she closed her eyes.

On the other side of the door, Yua held Chris's chin tightly. Chris's arm were held behind him by the other officers. Both their faces were grim.

"I only asked to be let in to see her, and I get stopped?!" Chris shout once more.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Yua tightens his grasp on Chris's chin as he glares into his eyes, "she is going to sleep. Do you want to wake her up?"

"How would you know? You're always making up lies as usual, Yua!" Chris snapped back.

"I am the result between a demi-human and a werewolf. I would, of course, have a much keener sense of hearing and smell than you. I am merely protecting a friend. And that's Detective Yua for you."

Yua angrily lets go of his chin and wipes away the touch of Chris.

"Keep anyone from entering except for doctors and nurses, Nano, and me. Other than that, no one is allowed to unless needed to. Once she is up, inform me. Got it?" He glares back at the two officers guarding her door.

"Yes, Detective Yua!" They answered in sync.

"Keep this man away from disturbing her and the others."

Yua walks away while adjusting his suit as the other men in suit followed. Chris was thrown out the hospital from disturbing Nano and the other patients. All Chris could do was grumble in anger, unable to do anything and walks away.

"Take me to the party." Yua said as he sat in the car, looking through the evidence in the folder.

"Yes, sir." The driver drove off once his master was safely seated in.

Two days had gone by, and Nano had wanted to go home already. The hospital food was getting bland, and there was no one to talk to. Although there were magazines to read from, she wasn't interested in a star's life. Moreover, there was no TV due to their policy of keeping things quiet. She wasn't getting enough information about this world. Her phone only had social media apps and 2 people contact list, one of which was Chris. She doesn't recognize the other one.

"Why didn't I save Yua's phone number? I could've asked him since he seems to know a lot." Nano said as she laid down on the bed once again.

The door open and she got up at the sudden noise. Yua was coming in with a slight smile, his tail wagging. Nano relaxed a bit. At the very least, it was someone she knew. He was no longer wearing a suit, and instead, wore a comfortable woolly sweater and pants.

"You called for me?" He ask.

"Huh?" Nano's face go red.

Was she talking that loud for him to hear?!

"Ah, don't worry if you were talking too loud or not. I can hear things really well." He points to his ears as it wiggles.

"Ohh, okay." Nano fans her face from the embarrassment.

"So you were calling for me, right?" He sits down on the chair beside her bed.

"Well, technically I was. I don't think I have your number in my phone. You've been the only one who's been visiting me, so I would like to get to know you better. Besides, I don't know much things now. I've got amnesia after all."

He chuckles a bit before taking out his phone, "Here's mine."

They quickly exchange numbers. Nano, taking this chance, took a photo of Yua as his picture in her contact list. Yua heard the quiet camera shutter and smiled. This Nano was very different from the one he knew. Maybe it was due to amnesia that had changed her personality, but he liked this Nano more than the previous.

"Could you possibly take me home?" Nano ask as she looks at him.

"Sure, but as I mentioned before, you lived with your boyfriend." Yua's facial features stiffened.

"Do you think I could possibly-"

"You can move in with me.." Yua quickly said, "if you choose not to break off with him, that's fine, but if you chose to break up with him and don't have a place to stay at, you can stay with me at my place. I live alone, so I wouldn't mind some company."

Nano was astonished by how devoted Yua was. He was only an acquaintance, but he even offered his house to her. Whoever becomes his partner in the future was very blessed.

"Alright," She smiled at him, "I'll take up your offer. I don't have any kind of feelings for this Chris anyway. It'll be bad if this became entangled later on."

"Then I'll go inform the doctor now." He gets up and head out.

"Thank you, Yua."

The last words made him stop in his tracks. The words he thought he would never hear from her again was easily said to him. He nods and close the door.

"Now then, let's get this Nano Harlequin's life starting again, shall we?" Nano mumble quietly to herself, cautious that Yua may be able to hear it as she stretch herself out.

This is only the beginning.

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