
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

The revival of the Kold family(Edited)

After Beerus's and Gohan's fight and the departure of the two Saiyans things were peaceful on Earth, I dedicated all of my attention on trying to make a technique similar to the Ultra Instinct but it was very hard, the Ultra Instinct was supposedly created by the Great Priest then taught to all of his children who in turn taught the gods of destruction.

It was unknown how strong the grand priest was but speculations were that even if all of his children fought him at the same time he still wouldn't have to get serious.

The only one who could destroy the grand priest was Zeno himself, Lazuli entered my chamber as I stopped training in gravity, my body was nearing the limits of strengthening, my ki could still be improved though.

Lazuli approached me laid down near me and said:

"Krillin shouldn't we have some more family fun? It's been quite a while since the last vacation, the children want to travel some more."

I nodded at her and got up from the ground she was right it's been quite a while since the last family holiday.

I got everyone's attention inside the house and started talking:

"On Lazuli's notice, I realized that it's been quite a while since our last family holiday so I decided to ask you all... where do you want to go now?"

Jeica immediately piped up saying:

"We should visit Space Australia, Ryu should know of his roots!"

She continued:

"Also let's invite Jeice too, I bet he misses home a bit."

I nodded towards her and asked the others:

"What's your opinion on Jeica's suggestion?"

Lazuli shook her head and indicated there was no problem, the children were pondering but Ryu immediately shouted after a while of thinking:

"Let's go to Space Australia!"

He had a goofy grin on his face, Marron shook her head and responded as well:

"Whatever if lil bro wants to go to Space Australia we can go I guess..."

Jeica contacted Jeice and he flew as fast as he could to my home. I teleported all of us to Space Australia and took we started taking in the sights.

Besides the more advanced civilization things were also quite different in Space Australia, there were mutant spiders ten meters tall as well as giant blue kangaroos who weren't that friendly. Of course, they couldn't do anything to us, Jeice showed his strength to his nephew only for him to be shut down by Ryu doing the same thing. Jeice then realized he was weaker than his nephew and his mood spiraled down.

I took in Space Australia's sights as I flew with my family around the whole planet, we would set up a picnic on the arid plains or the top of mountains, afterward, we would all play with the children for a while.

After two days of fun in Space Australia, we got back to Earth. Holidays were good from time to time to let me relax my mind and body. Being always tense wasn't good for training or to increase your power.

I got back to trying to create a technique similar to Ultra Instinct, The Buddha Enlightened Instinct was similar to Ultra Instinct but it severed the seven emotions and six desires I didn't want to sever my emotions so I couldn't train in it. However what if instead of severing them I would enhance them?

I remembered how I didn't use the other faces of the Benevolent Buddha Stand and I only used the benevolent state.

I started to recreate my Buddha Stand but now instead of only influencing my emotions I also tried to make it enhance them, It was something that I could work with.

I decided to rename the stand to Three Emotions Strengthening, just like the previous Buddha Stand a Buddha would appear behind my back but now my face and emotions would be influenced by the face that I would use. Combined with my fully purified sacred ki I could guess it would be kind of similar with the Enlightened Buddha Instinct.

I tried it out since it theory it seemed feasible, I had three modes, the wrath mode, the peaceful mode, and the benevolent mode.

The wrath mode gave me the highest power boost at the disadvantage of becoming extremely wrathful, every one of my enemies would lie dead before me and I could attack allies too. Not a good technique for team fights.

The peaceful state cleared my emotions temporarily and gave me extreme defensive capabilities, on par with Ultra Instincts, well in theory.

As for the benevolent mode it's supposed to combine the defensive capabilities of the peaceful mode and the power of the wrathful mode to gain a balanced state, however, the power would be lower and the defense also lower compared to the full modes of Wrath and Peace.

However, the Wrath mode forsakes defense for strength and Peace was the reverse. The benevolent combined both of them reaching a perfect balance, to reach this mode I needed to use the Supreme Bodhisavatta mode first then stimulate these emotions to the maximum.

Stimulating wrath and peacefulness were easy but combining them and balancing them was another thing.

I also fully failed to enter the mode and get the power I wanted, however, I was on the right path.

I left the training room and decided it was time to go to hell and cleanse the sins of the Kold family, I needed some more competent students who I could create the Buddha guard with.

I teleported in hell and followed the Kold's family special ki signature. They were in a different realm where they were cocooned and made to listen to happy songs of friendship and peace. They were all going ape shit at the songs however they would have killed all the little critters and birds who were singing if they were free.

Little bits of red sin were flowing out of their foreheads as it was cleansed at a very slow pace, while the methods of hell were good they were very slow.

I started to do some special hand seals as I activated my Supreme Bodhisattva mode my hands started to glow with a gold-white aura as I finished my hand seals. I aimed the aura at the three Kold family members. They started to shout in pain as their sin was forcefully purified.

After what seemed like hours of screaming from the Kold trio they finally stopped, I started to do some other hand seals and I put my palm on their foreheads. They disappeared from the cocoons as I tracked their ki in the Universe.

I sped up the process of sin purification and reincarnation. I started to track them in the universe as they reincarnated. I spotted a star that gave birth to a lizard-like being with purple gems on his chest knees and his elbows, He was also very small, it was baby Frieza!

On the other parts of the Universe baby, King Cold and Baby Cooler were born at similar times. I teleported to all of their locations and grabbed them. Their memories were removed during the reincarnation process so were their evil natures.

Now they could be shaped into model citizens of the galaxy. I smiled at them as they started to giggle as babies would.

I taught them how to talk and walk and in a few minutes they already learned everything! The growth ability of the Kold race was extremely good!

In a few days, they started to use energy on their own as their bodies grew at extremely fast speeds. The Kold race could live to hundreds of thousands of years. Frieza was a brat at some hundreds of years old, while the other two family members' age was unidentified.

Frieza, Cold and Cooler bowed to me as they said in unison:


I nodded at them and imparted some special Frost Demon techniques to them, they would learn it themselves as they grew up, it was an innate talent of theirs but learning the techniques earlier wouldn't hurt them.

After a few more months they all grew up to their full height and their power levels stabilized, of course since they trained their power levels were already higher than when they were evil.

Of course, Frieza's power level was the highest, he didn't lose any of his previous talents. He was already trying to comprehend how to transform into his golden form.

I gave them special instructions to protect the Earth and the Universe and left them to travel the Universe and learn on their own. I made sure to put some marks on them so I knew whatever they would do. Even though their sins were cleansed and memories gone, the Frost Demons had a little tendency for destruction evil and chaos.

I, of course, taught them some Buddhist techniques which they could chant whenever they would feel these urges in them, after mastering the techniques these emotions would forever disappear from their psyches.

On the borders of the Universes, six and seven Champa and Beerus were arguing over something.

Vados and Whis looked at the pair of brothers and shook their heads at the same time while sighing.

The brothers were arguing which of the Universes had better food. Champa won the last time they argued over this topic and now it was Beerus's turn to win because he got his hands on Earth's food!

Champa started to whine and asked Vados if Earth existed in their Universe but Vados responded with:

"Yes, the planet called Earth indeed existed in our Universe but it was destroyed during an internal planetary war."

Champa started to sulk but Beerus hit the table they were both situated at and growled at Champa:

"I know you have been snooping around my Universe in search of something spit it out you fat bastard! You know that other gods of destructions aren't supposed to visit the other Universes without permission!"

Champa started to sweat intensely but he didn't hold anything from Beerus:

"I found these giant balls in my Universe and with some information and the help of Vados I realized that they could grant wishes if seven of them are gathered, but the thing is the dragon balls are shared between universes."

Beerus was ready to throw himself at Champa but Whis held him back. Beerus stopped struggling against Whis's hold and said to Champa:

"You bastard you wanted these balls for yourself? If they are shared between the Universes I want to get a wish myself!"

Champa stuck his tongue out and made faces at Beerus but Vados hit him over the head with her staff and said:

"Stop making faces like that Lord Champa or your face will remain stuck like that."

Champa nursed the bruise that appeared on his head and he wanted to make faces at Vados too but he stopped at the thought of being hit on the head again.

Beerus wanted to fight for the ownership of the dragon balls but Whis intervened and said:

"Remember the last time you fought? You both ended up in a draw and half of the universe you fought in was destroyed, if not for my and Vados interference both of you would have been heavily punished by the Grand Priest and Zeno-sama."

They both started to grumble but Beerus's eyes started to shine as an idea came to his mind, he remembered Gohan and the two others that started to train on his planet. There were quite a few strong mortals in Universe seven.

Beerus told Champa:

"Yo Champa we can't fight but what if the mortals from our universes fought in a tournament? The team with better mortals get the balls what you think?"

Champa was pondering over those words and after a while nodded his head and said:

"Of course, my Universe is better than yours anyway, just you wait I already have all of the balls, after I win the tournament I will just use them, hahaha!"

Beerus left with Whis with an annoyed look on his face, but the annoying look turned into a toothy smile.

He could almost feel the Super Dragon Balls in his claws. He was certain in his victory, with the potential of Gohan Goku and Vegeta he was sure of his win in the upcoming Universal tournament!

Shorter inbetween chapter.

Thanks towards my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson!

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KaiokenGuycreators' thoughts