
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Preparations for a interuniversal tournament(Edited)

Champa grumbled under his breath as he and Vados had to personally go to the strongest people in Universe six to hire them, Champa was lazy by nature so he didn't want to travel in the different parts of the Universe even though he practically didn't do anything because Vados was the one who flew them over.

Vados flew them over to different planets including planet Sadala, just like in the anime Cabba was recruited.

On a yellow planet made of gum properties, a yellow bear wearing a red top and boots agreed to the destroyer's request.

On a planet made of metal and granite, where scalding red hot magma was running around the edges of the ground was were another fighter for the Universe six team was recruited.

On a futuristic-looking planet in a business meeting room stood a guy that looked similar to Frieza but his skin and gem-like embeddings around his body were deep blue and a lighter shade of blue instead. He hummed a little song as he was looking at a report of a planet's rebellion being quelled.

Vados and Champa appeared directly in front of him and said:

"You are Frost, right? I need you for something."

Frost was very surprised at the uninvited guests but he acted cordially with a smile on his face:

"With what might I help these guests?"

Champa put a no-nonsense face on and started to exhibit some ki:

"I need you to fight for me in an interuniversal tournament, of course, there will be rewards if we win."

Frost was shaking and sweating as he felt the destroyer's power, his power level wasn't much higher than Frieza's compared to Champa who was only a hair weaker than Beerus the difference was enormous.

Frost smiled at Champa and agreed immediately, he was going to get rewarded if he won anyway so he wasn't losing anything.

After the duo left Frost's smile turned into a frown, he had no time for such trivial things as he was still trying to conquer the universe trough his 'charitable acts'.

On an unknown planet, a purple-skinned humanoid who wore a light purple-ish armor on his body was meditating.

Champa and Vados appeared before him but before Champa could say anything the humanoid opened his red eyes and looked at both of them:

"What do I owe the honors of being visited by the great lord of destruction himself?"

Champa huffed and said:

"I need to hire you for some work Hit."

Hit nodded and said:

"The pay will be according to the difficulty as you know how I work."

Vados didn't let Champa continue the conversation and interjected:

"This time it's not an assassination job, we need you to fight in an interuniversal tournament in which killing is not allowed, you are one of the strongest mortals in this universe even if we exclude your killing techniques which are your main ones."

Hit kept a stoic face as he said after he heard everything:

"The price won't be small then... I will tell you what I want after we get to the tournament though as I'm not decided yet."

Hit was a hired gun as long as the price was right he would do what he was instructed.

Champa and Vados left, they had to start constructing the tournament stage on the borders of the two Universes.

Back in Universe seven Whis and Beerus directly made their way to Earth with Goku and Vegeta in tow, Goku was excited openly at the promise of a tournament where he could fight strong guys. Vegeta was stoic on the surface but inside he was boiling with excitement as well.

All of them arrived on Earth and made their way towards capsule corporation where they invited all the strong fighters on Earth.

Universe seven strongest fighters were all located on Earth so there was no reason for Beerus and Whis to go search the Universe.

Beerus looked at the Saiyans and human Z Fighters he was sure he wanted Goku Vegeta and Gohan in his team that left two spots open though.

Both him and Champa made all of the rules which weren't that many:

No weapons, no healing items, no killing, being out of bounds also means you lost the match. Simple rules just like the Tenkaichi Budokai ones.

The trio of Saiyans were put to stay behind Beerus and Whis, there were still a few days till the tournament would start so they had enough time to choose who else was going to fight.

Beerus continued to observe everyone and then said to Whis:

"Whis who else do you think is better to fill up the rest of the team?"

Whis hummed and put a finger under his chin and thought about it before saying:

"Well Majin Buu could be the fourth fighter for sure but he isn't here. Maybe get him here and see if he wants to come."

I couldn't join the Interuniversal tournament due to me having a god position unless instructed to gods couldn't fight other gods unless there were serious reasons.

Buu, however, was already on his way to Capsule corporation but he stopped at a hot dog stand to eat some hot dog after the stand ran out of hot dog he was asked to pay but he had no money!

After some shenanigans including a paid street fight, Buu paid the money he owed to the vendor and was back on his way towards Capsule corporation. Yamcha was instructed to go and get him but he came minutes later with Buu ahead of him.

Yamcha smiled sheepishly scratched the back of his neck and said:

"Well this guy was on his way here already but he got sidetracked, we met nearby and he took the lead."

Even though Yamcha trained with everything he got he still couldn't rival Buu at all, after the beating he took from Beerus Buu trained some more and now I could feel he was just a tiny bit weaker than Gohan in his super Saiyan god form!

Of course, from what I could feel both Goku and Vegeta attained the higher forms already, however they still weren't a match for me, maybe if they fused I could have a good fight, they could even fight Beerus for some time when they fused.

Now there were four people in the team, Goku Vegeta Gohan and Buu, Buu said he wanted to fight strong guys too and he also said that he wanted to be rewarded with food if he wins.

Easy enough, the Saiyans just wanted to fight stronger opponents so they had no wishes, the objective of the tournament was already explained but not everyone cared about the super dragon balls that much.

I was also not interested that much in them, I already had everything else that I needed, a family, strength high enough to protect everyone and I already made the Universe mortal level higher than before. Unknown to me it was still a hair away too little of being exempt from the tournament of power.

I was also invited to the tournament between Universe six and seven but to be a referee and not as a fighter.

The last fighter wasn't a surprise, it was Piccolo. Piccolo was the strongest out of all of the other Z Fighters after his fusion with Kami his potential exploded and his strength increase at high speeds. Even though he wasn't at a gods level yet he was starting to approach that level!

It also seemed he trained with Gohan from time to time.

Beerus smirked at his team composition, with how strong these guys were he thought that he would surely win the tournament and get the dragon balls for himself.

Champa was laughing as he thought the same thing back at the arena that was starting to get constructed by Vados.

Whis took a strange cube out of his staff and made all of us board it, he started to channel his ki into it and it took into the Universe at high speeds.

After an hour of travel, we reached an uninhabited planet and it obvious how bare it was since you could see the stage created by Vados from space.

Around the planet were seven other planetary size orbs with stars in them, the super dragon balls!

We were taken to the stage first to make sure that Champa didn't do anything underhanded, that's what Beerus said, I wasn't sure why he needed for all of us to be here though, maybe he just wanted to show off his team's strength?

Champa looked around at us and scoffed he didn't think that our team could beat his, of course, all of the participant's power levels were lowered so that it could make the enemy let their guard down.

This was Gohan's plan which everyone surprisingly followed for some reason. Even Vegeta and Goku didn't care about such things.

After making sure everything was alright Whis helped with the construction of the stage and after a few tens of minutes everything was done.

The stage wasn't that different compared to the worlds tournament only the materials were different even though they looked similar, I tried to puncture the stage with my finger but it held pretty well against my power even considering that I didn't use my Supreme Bodhisattva mode it was still pretty impressive.

We made our way back to Earth and I enjoyed some quality time with my family while also trying to train in the Three Emotions Enhancement technique, I could use the Wrath mode and Peaceful mode after a few tries but it drained heavily on my energy every time I failed to enter the states, combining them was even harder.

Back on Beerus's planet Goku and Vegeta were sparring in their super Saiyan blue mode after a while both of them stopped in mid-air and closed their eyes, their blue auras started to disappear as it got internalized.

Both of them gasped afterward and fell from the sky, they were on their way to master super Saiyan blue.

Whis tsked and shook his head, both of them already wore their super outfits, Vegeta wore his gray armor, while Goku wore his gi, both of them had the signature of Whis on them.

Beerus was yawning laying on a chair and eating a cheesy pizza.

Piccolo was sparring with Gohan in a wasteland on Earth while Buu was doing some shadow sparring with Hercule.

Champa was already gathering all of his fighters as well, Hit's eyes started to glow as he saw the cube that was supposed to take them to the tournament location. He told Vados directly:

"I want this cube as my payment."

Vados looked at Hit but didn't comment, There was also a bunch of gold and other things in the cube, those were the rewards for the others.

The tournament was a few hours away from starting so we all were already on our way towards the barren planet.

There we met directly with the opponents that the others had to fight.

Vegeta scoffed at Botamo and Magetta seemingly thinking they were easy pickings, but his eyes narrowed as he saw Cabba, there was something about him that felt familiar to Vegeta.

Champa started shouting:

"Ok now that everyone's here how will the fights go?"

Beerus put his hands on his ears and grumbled:

"Too loud, you fool you don't have to shout we can all hear you well enough!"

Champa started to blush and toned his voice down by a bit:

"Ok so how will the fights go on then?"

Since I was the referee I decided to make them lot based just like the worlds tournament I got up from the stands and got to the middle of the stage, out of the stands of Universe six jumped out none other than my fellow disciple Lee Sin.

He smiled and bowed towards me which I reciprocated, it seemed Universe six got themselves a referee as well.

I told all of them in a clear tone:

"I think drawing lots should be the best way to arrange fights."

Lee didn't interrupt me but he said afterward:

"Lots or just making them fight randomly, there's no difference let's just pair them up already."

He was right but I still insisted on drawing lots, he put his hands up and shook his head, he wasn't going to fight me on such a trivial thing.

After the lots were drawn the fights were as following, Botamo vs Piccolo, Buu vs Frost, Goku vs Cabba Hit vs Vegeta and Gohan vs Magetta.

Goku smiled towards Cabba while Botamo and Piccolo had an eye confrontation, Buu was ignoring Frost and Vegeta looked at Hit with a superior gaze, Gohan was mumbling something under his breath and analyzing the iron golem Magetta.

After the fights were decided now it was time to see who would fight first.

After another lot drawing the fights were as follows:

Buu vs Frost first, Goku vs Cabba second, Hit vs Vegeta third Botamo vs Piccolo fourth fifth and last was Magetta vs Gohan.

Afterward, the winners of those fights will challenge each other and after everyone from one Universe was eliminated that Universe would win.

This was a condition made by Champa, he realized that this way he could increase his chance of winning by betting everything on Hit.

I stood in the middle of the stage and started counting:

"10, 9.... 1 START!"

Buu and Frost met in midair as I flew up from the stage letting them go at it, Lee was just behind me listening to the fight with interest.

Thanks towards my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson!

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Have a great day and don't forget to point out mistakes!

Edit: I forgot to put Gohan vs Magetta in sorry it's fixed now

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