
I am Iron Man

Tony Stark saved the day in “Avengers: Endgame” by wearing the infinity gauntlet and snapping his fingers. He passed away right after, with a line of blood down his left side. The death scene was almost a lot more gruesome at one point, though. what if he didn't die goes back to his past with a powerful system where he was in the cave making iron man mark 1. hahaha, tony laughed like a crazy man that echoed the whole cave. This time something big is waiting for Thanos, All this time Thanos thought he has everything in control but he would never be expected that tony would go back to his past. Defeating him again but this time is one side slaughtering and an even bigger villain like Galactus will be faced by tony stark

Newmasterknife · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

meteor fallen

while Tony stark was exercising vigorously Javis alert signal vibrated ding ding Javis notifies sir a meteor to enter Earth's atmosphere and it is coming to your direction.

what the mother of god how is that possible this didn't happen in my timeline things are getting very mysterious.

"You have nothing to worry about sir as the meteor will slow down when it enters the planet, we are far from the fall area too," said Jarvis

"wufuuuuu! That's good! How long will it take it to fall?" Tony knitted his brow thought deeply as he suited up and put a barrier on his house and waited for the fall to happen

Tony is seeing the meteor did not let his guard down when he laid eyes on the meteorite, he felt that something very bad was going to happen, and generally, his instincts always hit the bullseye never went wrong well more or less . "Jarvis, how long does it take for a meteor to fall to earth?"

"calculated on the size and force of gravity. it will be in 40 seconds, sir." Tony nodded while looking at the meteor falling at high speed, realizing that the speed continues to increase, he begins to feel a bad feeling about it something dark.

"Jarvis! activate hulk buster armor my side now!" tony screamed seriously when he saw the rock approaching at an absurd speed, he may be far from the meteor's impact area, but he trusts the judgment of his instinct.

"yes, sir activation hulk buster initiated location has been placed !" Jarvis responded to the command

"Jarvis! Didn't you say it was 40 seconds? That damn stone is approaching too fast!" tony screamed in annoyance as he placed hulk buster to be in place to catch the meteor

My calculations never wrong it was 40 seconds but there seems to be a life form in that meteor!" he said robotically.

what did you say lifeform what the hell alien invasion how did this happen was it sent by Loki, it cannot be it still has 5 years left"

that the meteor shattered in mid-air, and was heavily caught by the hulk buster


The meteor fragments started to fall to the earth and made a loud noise! Soon the areas where the fragments fell started to catch fire.

tony: "This is bad! quickly put out the fire Jarvis and the hulk buster froze the meteor"

yes sir

Jarvis bring this to our lab and give a scan to it and check what is this lifeform is .