
I am Invincible!?

Read along as a teenager wakes up in the body of Mark Grayson! Read about his quest to keep himself safe and become strong in this brutal universe! The Synopsis is short and sweet I hope you in enjoy! -THIS IS AN INVINCIBLE ONLY FIC :)

RewindTime · TV
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9 Chs


Mark was flying around the city in his brand new suit when he suddenly saw an explosion, he quickly flew towards the source only to see a villain with a visor on.

Mark quickly stomped the man down into the ground below with a crash. Then before the man could get up he hit him again, smashing his head into the concrete below with a crash that shook the road.

The man was already knocked out, the police surrounding quickly closed in on the Villians unconscious body and put the man in cuffs.

"Thank you, I've never seen you around these parts before?" A police officer asked.

Mark scratched the back of his head "Yeah I'm new, sorry for the damage" he said as he nodded towards the small crater in the middle of the road.

He wasn't really sorry but cameras were pointing at him and acting humble was gonna gain him favour.

And the quicker he joins a team or someone sponsors him the quicker he gets paid.

Maybe the GDA would sponsor him if he's good enough?

The police officer laughed to himself "This damage is nothing to what we usually come across, thanks for you help" the officer said with a smile "What's your name?" The man asked.

"I'm Invincible" Mark said before he took off into the sky trying to find more crime.

The more crime he stops the more potential media coverage, the more coverage means more popularity and then he's guaranteed to get sponsored surely.


"So how was your day Mark?" His mother asked nervously at the dinner table, his dad was listening eagerly as he wanted to hear of Marks first patrol.

"Pretty good, I took out like 3 villians with powers and then just loads of random thieves" he said in between mouthfuls of food "I didn't realise how much crime went on in this city" he said.

Nolan nodded "A lot of crime happens here, but Mark you should be focused on the big villians. Let police deal with muggers and the like" he said as he ate.

Mark nodded in agreement "Sure Dad".

He wouldn't stop.

Beating mugger and normal humans that he came across was so easy, it literally took 20 seconds.

And he always tell the victim his name, hopefully they spread rumours about him helping the little guy.

His eyes slid across to his Dad, he wondered when the man would kill the Guardians. Or if he would at all, the butterfly effect is real right?

He focused back on his food, flying made you hungry.


The next morning he woke up quickly again and rushed downstairs, it was a school day which was annoying but he would use the rest of the day after school to patrol and train.

Ways he trained on patrol was simple, if he finds a mugger with a gun he'll just fly the victim away and then let the mugger shoot at him.

Dodging bullets was fun but simple way to get use to his reflexes. Hopefully when he gets home he can spar his dad a couple times aswell.

He was eating breakfast when he suddenly heard his mother gasp, he looked over in confusion only to see two men in suits standing there.

He stood up and walked over to her side. "Everything alright here?" He asked in slight bafflement.


He was staring at his Dads unconscious body he was feeling conflicted. But he was mainly worried.

Worried that the whole thing had really started now, his dad would within the year probably beat him to a pulp.

He doesn't even know if he will live this time, the only reason Mark was alive last time was because of the father and son bond.

Did him and Omni-Man have the same bond.

He sighed as he looked away from the body, he wasn't strong enough to even beat him to death even while unconscious if he wanted to.

He heard the door open behind him, he turned to see a familiar scarred face.

"Cecil Steadman" he put his hand out in a handshake "Director of the GDA."

Mark shook the older man's hand.

"Deb-" Cecil's words were interrupted by his mother who turned with an angry look on her face.

"Cecil you have som-" His mothers words were then interrupted by Cecil.

"Someone killed the Guardians last night, tore em limb from limb, Nolan was the only survivor" Cecil said, his mother gasped and Mark widened his eyes in faux surprise.

He briefly heard his mother asking for medical supplies so she could treat his dad but what caught his attention was Donald's words "Sir there's an attack downtown, multiple casualties"


He flew towards the alien invasion, there were 3 portals that released hundreds of green aliens in advanced tech into the centre of the city.

He didn't hesitate, he was a viltrumite.

He flew through the aliens and by through he went through as he spread his arms and tore them in half, he was killings dozens a second but more were coming through than he was actually killing.

He briefly noticed the future guardians of the globe show up onto the scene as he grabbed a large tank.

He then flew into the sky and threw the tank onto the ground, it crashed with a sudden explosion that killed dozens of aliens.

This wasn't as fun as he thought it would be, it was just flying back and forth with green blood in his eyes.

He dodged a sudden laser bolt from a tank and grabbed the alien piloting it and crushed his head with a simple squeeze.

He then dropped to the floor and kicked the tank into dozens of aliens, he did notice them finally starting to age and wither with a smile.

Finally this was starting to get boring.

They started to retreat, Mark made sure to kick that tank back through the portal with all his strength.

Hopefully that would run over a couple of them he thought to himself.

Soon it was just him and the Teen Team on the scene, he turned around and observed them.

"Hey" he said with a wave.

"Hello Invincible" Robot said with a mechanical wave of his own.

"Uh, you know me?" Mark asked as he pointed at himself, that was kind of awesome. He'd only been a hero for a day.

Robot nodded "Your a new hero with super strength, super spe-"

"Alright, don't need everyone to know" Mark said while waving his hands back and forth jokingly.

Rexsplode suddenly spoke up with his loud annoying voice "Hey what's up, don't want us knowing your secrets!"

"No, I don't, not really" he said blankly.

Robot nodded "Apologies, thank you for your help Invincible" his mechanical voice rung out.

Mark nodded "Of course" he said with a smile. "Anytime"

He then took off with a woosh.