
I am Invincible!?

Read along as a teenager wakes up in the body of Mark Grayson! Read about his quest to keep himself safe and become strong in this brutal universe! The Synopsis is short and sweet I hope you in enjoy! -THIS IS AN INVINCIBLE ONLY FIC :)

RewindTime · TV
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9 Chs

Teen Team

As soon as he spotted her he approached "Hey, Eve right?" He asked the fellow teenager.

She turned inquisitively "Hey, uh Mark" she said his name as if she wasn't sure.

"Yeah, it's Mark" he double check his surroundings "I'm Invincible, I gotta thank you guys for helping yesterday" he whispered.

Her eyes widened "Oh, well I think I've got to thank you for your help aswell" she said with a smile.

He chucked "Can we talk? Like not here" he said as he gestured to the surrounding students.


They were sat on the roof of the school, he was idly kicking his legs back and forth while she looked at him.

"So whaddya wanna talk about?" She asked casually.

"Well I gotta ask how you join a team?" He asked bluntly.

She nodded "Well I got into the Teen Team after me and RexSplode went out and basically started a duo, then we were recruited by Robot" she said with a shrug.

Mark blinked.

"Wait that's it? I just gotta wait and I'll get recruited?" He asked.

He mainly needed an excuse to talk to her, hopefully she'll introduce him to the Teen Team.

Eve nodded "Yeah, you've gotta watch out for some teams, they might try and get you into insane contracts but you're doing pretty good, I mean I've already seen media coverage on you and you've been a hero for less than a week right?"

Mark nodded "Huh, I thought I would have needed contacts or knew some high up people" he said as he looked across at the redhead.

Eve laughed lightly "No, to get into a team you just need to be moderately strong and they'll come calling."

Mark nodded and Eve spoke again "I can show you the Teen Teams base?"

Thank fuck, he was running out of conversation already!

He nodded "Yeah that'll be cool" he said as he stood to his feet. "When?" He asked.

She stood and stepped off the school building and started to hover "Get changed and then we can go, not like missing an hour of school will hurt" she said with a shrug.

She had changed her costume with her powers, so cool!

Mark grabbed his bag and flew behind the dumpsters and got changed in less than a minute and shoved his clothes into his bag.

He then flew over to Eve with his school bag in his hand "I'm gonna drop this off give me 2 minutes" he said as he burst off.


He came back not even a minute later to see Eve waiting "Follow me" she said as she started to fly off.

He quite easily followed her and copied the loop de loops and followed her as he turned tight corners and swift bends.

He could go faster but that would beat the whole point of following, so he stayed neck and neck and enjoyed the flight.

He found himself looking towards her regularly.

But quickly they arrived at a bridge, before he could ask why they stopped the floor beneath them suddenly opened.

The Teen Teams base was in a bridge, he doesn't remember that.

He dropped to the ground with a light touch as he looked around. Robot was sat by some monitors, Rex Splode was on his phone but quickly looked up at the duo in confusion and DupliKate was playing ping pong with her duplicates.

Rex walked up to Eve with a smile "Babe" he said as he started to almost eat her face. He cringed slightly, did they have to do it less than two feet away.

Rex noticed him and raised an eyebrow "Well if it isn't…umm, what's your name again?" He asked mockingly.

Mark furrowed his eyebrows slightly but Eve spoke up before he could.

"Rex.." she reprimanded.

"What! He's a new hero babe" he said as he looked back at Eve. "Just because you won your first big fight doesn't mean your hot stuff" he said while shrugging his shoulders.

Mark was honestly quite confused but he carried on "I'm Invincible".

"Hey Invincible, my name is Robot. Apologies for Rex Splode. He's-" Robots words were interrupted.

"Unbelievably awesome" Rex said with crossed arms as he leaned back on the ping pong table.

"Incorrigible" Robot said.

"And rude" Atom even remarked with crossed arms.

Dupli-Kate walked over to him, well 3 of them walked over to him. He focused on the one with the number one on her chest. "I'm Dupli-Kate."

"Invincible" he said.

"Hey Robot, find anything at the sight?" Atom Eve asked.

"The Flaxans come from a different dimension where time runs differently, so they were aging quickly to put simply" he said as he walked over to the group. "I've made this sensor to tell us when then return"

Rex Splode spoke up loudly "Oh because we'll miss the explosions, screaming and chaos"

Robot ignored the teenager and turned back to the main group "Cecil and the GDA, have requested to call on us for any future emergencies, Invincible may we count on you in the future?" Robot asked.

Invincible nodded confidently "Of course man just give me a call".


The next day was simple, train in the morning. This time it was simple he was just pushing himself as much as possible when he was flying, he was seeing how fast he can fly.

But it did feel like training, he was getting tired then he would hover and start flying at max speed again.

Like Omni-Man said, flight is a muscle.

And all muscles can be trained.

So that morning he pushed himself for over an hour of essentially exhausting cardio.

Then he went to school, his parents realistically would crucify him if he didn't go to school.

And he could not afford to burn any bridges right now with the father that will soon beat him to a pulp, he needed to keep the father bond there otherwise Omni-Man just might not spare him.

Then he spent the day in school talking to Eve far more, if he can build a good friendship with her all the better for the future.

Robot is also someone he either wants to build a friendship with or kill.

He doesn't know why, but he just hated Robot for something he did in the comics, so he wasn't sure whether to kill the hero somehow or to try befriend him.

After school it was him training again, but this time it was high speeds in the city. He hadn't really practiced too much surrounded by obstacles so he practiced tight turns and sudden stops mainly while patrolling.

He found a villain F list villians and dealt with them quick enough, he always made sure to stick around the scene and talk to any media and go also thank the police officers for their help even if they didn't help at all.

And then he did the exact same routine for another 2 days before his phone rung.

"Invincible its Robot, the Flaxans have arrived"