
I am in Naruto World

Max finds himself in the world of Naruto after the failure of one of the experiments in his origin world that led to his transfer, he discovered that he has some kind of supernatural abilities, relying on these abilities Max begins to seek the path of strength to survive and find a way to return to his previous world.

MAT_10 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Suddenly a malicious smile formed on Max's face. Inside his body, the chakra began to circulate very quickly within his veins.

A blue aura appeared around his body and before the ANBU could understand what was going on, they saw that Max started waving his hand very quickly.






Several blades made of chakra fused with the nature of wind chakra shot out.




The three ANBU fell to the ground, their bodies splitting apart due to the chakra blade

The last ANBU survived because he used one of his comrades as a human shield.

"Nature chakra, I didn't expect you could use such an advanced level..."

The remaining ANBU spoke in an exasperated tone while holding his right arm that did not exist, as there was a price for his survival which was the loss of his arm.

"This is our fault because we underestimated you..." the ANBU murmured weakly before falling to the ground, fainting from blood loss.

Max knelt down on one knee, panting heavily.

The last move used up almost all of his chakra reserves. Because what he did was transform the chakra into the nature of wind chakra and then throw it in the form of blades.

You could say that this ninjutsu that Max created is similar to the Rasengan.

But to do this would mean that Max had a monstrous talent, not to mention that he had obtained chakra within his body only a day ago and yet he had mastered the transformation of the nature of chakra and was even able to create a powerful ninjitsu even stronger than the Rasengan.

Another reason why he was able to transform the chakra nature is that before he obtained the wind chakra nature from the ninja, Max originally had this chakra nature, so when he obtained another one from the ninja, the chakra nature evolved and he had a greater understanding of the wind property.

"And once again I was forced to kill…" Max murmured with an ugly expression on his pale face that was covered in some blood

"But all this is for the sake of survival, it seems that I will have to get used to this from now on..."

He shook his head and cast his chaotic thoughts aside, then got up from the ground, ignoring the exhaustion and fatigue he felt as a result of the fighting and the various injuries he had suffered.

He walked to the corpse of one of the ANBU, knelt on one knee, then put his hand on the corpse's chest, ignoring his desire to vomit because the ANBU's body was divided into two halves, which made the internal organs hang from the divided part. It was a hideous sight for Max, who was seeing these things in the Movies only.

He sighed and activated his ability. The blue aura appeared on his palm and sank to the ANBU's body.

A few seconds passed before the blue aura, which seemed larger and darker, returned and entered Max's palm.

He closed his eyes and felt the energy filling his body and raising his chakra reserve to a terrifying level.

In a few seconds, he regained the chakra he lost, and his chakra reserve increased to 3 times what it was before.

He also obtained the Earth and Water chakra nature, but ninjutsu and other skills take longer to appear in his mind, this is what Max discovered when he obtained the energy of the former ninja.

The wounds on his body were healing very quickly compared to before.

Opening his eyes, which were a little tired even though his body was full of energy, he began to search through the ANBU's body.

He put everything he found aside before taking out a storage scroll that he also got from the ANBU and putting the items, or rather the spoils of war, in it.

Before Max moved to the next corpse, he removed his or rather her rabbit-shaped ANBU mask.

"Who would have expected that there was such a beautiful face behind this mask..."

Max murmured in an admiring tone as he looked at the beautiful face of a woman, as this ANBU was a female approximately in her early thirties or younger.

He sighed sadly and then moved to the next ANBU corpse, gaining a boost in his Earth chakra attribute and increasing his chakra reserve slightly.

When he finished he moved to the second corpse, from which he received a boost in both the Wind Element and the Water Element and barely felt the change in his chakra reserves.

Max sighed and thought as he put the items he found on the body into the storage roll

"It seems that it has become difficult to raise the chakra reserve , This is normal. Although I do not know about the amount of chakra that Kage-level ninja have, I suspect that the current chakra reserve has almost reached their level..."

He got up from the ground and moved to the last corpse, which unlike the previous corpses was in a better condition, except for the disappearance of the left arm.

"Scum!!, even using your comrade as a human shield, you still end up dead..." Max sneered as he spat saliva on the corpse.

He knelt down on one knee and just when he had to place his hand on the corpse's chest in order to extract the energy, something he did not expect happened...

5 chapters in every 3 day .

Today I have published chapter 3 ,4 , 5 ,6 , 7 .

See you again after 3 days

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