
I am in Naruto World

Max finds himself in the world of Naruto after the failure of one of the experiments in his origin world that led to his transfer, he discovered that he has some kind of supernatural abilities, relying on these abilities Max begins to seek the path of strength to survive and find a way to return to his previous world.

MAT_10 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6



Max, who was running through the forest as far away from Konoha, turned his head to look back, but his facial features suddenly changed.

"Damn, how did they catch up with me so fast..." he cursed indignantly, as he discovered that a group of ANBU had managed to catch up with him.


He jumped to the right side to avoid the rain of shuriken and kunai that the ANBU members threw at him.





Max swallowed unconsciously while looking very cautiously at the four ANBU members surrounding him.

"Do you want to do this with the easy way or..." one of the ANBU spokes as he took out his short sword from his back

" Or do you prefer the hard way..."

He put his hand on his mask and said sarcastically

" oh !, I completely Forget , you don't even understand what I'm saying !!, Um…" He added with a doubtful tone

" Or you fooled us , and you are just pretending!? "

Max took a deep look at the ANBU who spoke before saying while stimulating the chakra within his body

"Well, I prefer the easy way , How about you guys turn around and return to your village safely ? , As I mentioned before, I like the easy way..."

The ANBU shook his head and said

"Well, I admire how you managed to convince us that you don't understand the language before , You really have a talent for acting , but As for your suggestion, I'm afraid that's not something I can do..."

He looked at his comrades and added in a menacing tone of voice

"Quietly escort me back to the village, otherwise I can't guarantee that you won't lose an arm or even two !!"

"Four ANBU! , I'm afraid that , I'm in a very bad situation, but the good thing is that at least their goal is to bring me back alive, otherwise they won't bother talking to me..."

Max looked at the situation a little nervously, trying to make himself calm down a little.

After all, he was just a normal person five days ago.

But now he is in a world where there are all kinds of supernatural abilities that were just a fantasy in his previous world, not to mention that he was driven to kill and now he is besieged by four ninjas who are trained to kill and outnumber him.

Even with the power he has gained, the ANBU still has a great advantage over him, because they are more experienced than him in combat, especially since they are ANBU, which is considered the secret squad of Konoha, the squad that does all the important and the dark work.

When the ANBU saw Max's stance, he sighed and gestured to the rest with a nod

Suddenly some piercing sounds entered his ear

His eyes narrowed violently when he saw three kunai flying towards him at very high speed.

These three kunai were directed at his head, side waist, and lower limbs respectively.

Facing the incoming kunai, Max did not dodge, but took out three shurikens from a bag he had previously stolen, and casually threw them forward, blocking the three kunai.




At this time, one of the four ANBU suddenly appeared behind him very quickly

"Damn!!, why , he's so fast…" Max silently cursed in his heart before jumping to the side while sealing the twelve seals with his hand.

He sucked a large amount of air into his chest and then released it

| Wind style: wind breath |


Due to the use of a large amount of chakra while executing the ninjutsu, the destructive power this ninjutsu produced was terrifying as it nearly destroyed a large portion of the trees within its attack range.

Of course, this wasn't intentional by Max, because although he got almost all of his ninjutsu from the ninja he absorbed his energy, he didn't get the experience on how to use them.

"Hmm, a substitution technique…" Michael murmured when he saw that the Anbu that was within his attack range, had turned into a tree branch and appeared in another area.

"I don't know if you're stupid or you have a large chakra reserve..." An Anbu sneered, before starting to form several hand gestures.

| Earth Style: Swamp |

"Damn it!!" Max murmured indignantly as he felt the ground swallow his legs, the ground under his feet turned into a large quagmire.

He quickly formed several seals with his hand and pointed his palm toward the ground

| Wind Style: Wind Bomb |


This time he was able to control the amount of chakra he used in performing ninjutsu.

He was freed from the swamp due to the shock wave resulting from the use of ninjutsu.

In the air, Max took out several shuriken and threw them at the ANBU, who nodded at each other and then jumped towards him while doing several seals at the same time.




The shuriken fell to the ground, but one of them turned into Max, while Max, who was at the top, turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

"Shadow clone…" All four ANBU were surprised but they quickly stopped the ninjutsu that were preparing to launch and disappeared from the air.


One of them appeared behind Max who was preparing to launch a ninjutsu but was forced to stop due to an ANBU kick.


He fell back a little after being kicked.

The ANBU did not give him time to rest, and they all began attacking Max using taijutsu. Naturally, the ANBU members were limiting their strength by not using A-rank or even S-rank ninjutsu, due to their fear of killing Max by mistake. .

"Damn!!, this guy's fighting style is weird..." These were the thoughts of the four ANBU when they saw Max's fighting style that he had the advantage over them.

| Wind Style: Wind Bomb |


Max forced all the ANBU to retreat a little after he used this ninjutsu.

Suddenly a malicious smile formed on Max's face.

Inside his body, the chakra energy began to circulate very quickly within his veins.