

I will say only one thing. The sight of their faces was ... priceless. "So nobody wants to use the toilet? Fortunately, because there is only one bathroom. Will you believe it !?" and headed towards the bathroom, "Stop! Where are you going! we're not finished yet." Natasha's voice sounded with a hint of warning that something bad could happen to me if I didn't stop.

Ahh, I know that this joke was one of my weakest but to be threaten immediately ... Okay I admit I wanted to shine a little. Can't you see I'm going to the bathroom? But if you want to have fun like this, it suits me.

"We haven't even started yet, but if you want to know very much, I want to go out, hug someone I would like to introduce to such a beautiful woman tonight" I replied. Got it? To hug someone in the bathroom. What could it be? Prompt little brother :)

"Who are you and what are you doing here? " Captain America asked in a surprisingly composed tone.

"I'm Olivader Oliver, please call me Oliver. What am I doing here!? Honestly ... I was hungry, and as this is the only place open, you know, I decided to eat here."

You can see that this answer did not satisfy them, but what could I tell them... hey I'm Oliver I didn't drink for the last 5 years... let's come back... I have been in your universe for some time. I don't know why exactly, but don't worry, I am only able to annihilate all life on the earth, and your weapons probably won't do me any harm.

Yes ... it wouldn't have passed.

"And honestly ... I have to figure out some facts myself ... until I do, I can't talk to you. You can know one thing I have no evil intentions. Hope I proved it today, or at least to some extent." Saying this, I headed towards the exit.

"Don't look for me. It will show myself when I'm ready for questions. Although I doubt you'll listen to me anyway."

Get off their radars? There is such a place. We're going to the moon.


These were my last notes.


I wanted to inform you that I have started a new novel. The name is: Am I in MCU?