
No Spoiler

"On Your Left."


__MC POV__

I always wanted to say that but there was no opportunity for it. Who would have thought that I would say it to Tony Stark himself. Although I must admit that in Iron-man armor the most that captivate me is JARVIS, in short, artificial intelligence helping Tony.

I hope that I can persuade him to create a similar AI for me. It would be best if it was the FRIDAY that he created when he fought Ultron.

Well, let's say that Friday is my second favorite f-word.

Returning to urgent matters. Because the nuclear bomb is a matter of urgency of the first priority right now.

I leveled my speed with the missile. I covered it with my hands. And I started to fly towards the portal. Only this time much slower. After all, I do not want a bomb to explode right next to my face for some stupid reason. It's better not to risk it.

Tony was flying just right behind me. With open flaps for the missiles. In total, there is nothing to be surprised about in the end, there is a guy from nowhere, which catches a missile and flies towards New York and more specifically above the city. Well, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change and here on one side is my personal safety and on another Iron-Man perspective, there is the safety of the people of the metropolis.

Jarvis should already enumerate my flight trajectory, that's why I still have not got a salvo of bullets on my ass ... probably. Although I doubt he would do it, considering that I am holding a nuclear bomb.

I take a deep breath just above the gate and ... I'm on the other side.

Strange feeling, on the one hand, I feel the air that is sucked from earth to space thanks to which I can still breathe Earth air ... on the other I know that I will survive without it, because the aura that was invisible to the naked eye surrounded me, which protects me from the cold and at the same time I can treat it like air, thanks to that I can breathe through it. It will probably also work underwater ...

Aura, or rather the energy supporting the aura, comes out of my body. The energy needed to sustain the aura is as small as one drop in the ocean. After returning, I have to check where it comes from.

I released the missile making sure it would hit the enemy ship. I turned back ... at the same time, the portal to Earth was closing. Black Widow probably destroyed the device.

Let's go back. Then I used most of my flight speed to get on Earth.

On another side, Iron-Man was waiting next to the portal.

"Who are you?" asked Tony.

"I am Olivander Oliver but I am not who you think I am. Not who you want me to be. I am me."

"What do you mean?" said Tony while frowning.

But I did not answer only turned to fly in the direction of shawarma restaurant. Where I knew everyone from the Avengers would come to eat after the battle.


After some time, the Avengers came to the restaurant.

Surprised seeing me sitting at the table. But this surprise was not for the person, which instead of running away from the battle was in the restaurant to eat something ... no rather it was surprise and preparation for the fight. Evidently Tony showed a recording with my face, which Jarvis probably did.

I got up from the chair. Approached them at a distance of face to face talk and said.

"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?"


status: paused.

Snowballcreators' thoughts