
I am in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Hayate Shiyu reincarnated into the anime Naruto, the first twelve years seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything. He had nothing but good looks. Shiyu thought he would live a mediocre life in the Naruto world, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shiyu a genius since then. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, no need to control, nor operate. It would work automatically. Naruto: "Why do you use the ninjutsu we learned yesterday, so we'll today? Is there a secret?" Sasuke: " You are the real genius. You played me before!" Kakashi: " There are geniuses every year, and thus year they are particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. Third Hokage I want to retire!" Third Hokage: " You want to retire? I want to retire! That kid is simply inhuman, I am a remnant of the old era, and there is no village where I can stay, in this new era!" *This book does not belong to me. I am just translating because it is tiring to read it MTLed.*

Anime_Fan_KpopFan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Double the effect of overlapping skills


This is up and running? Put the skill in and it starts right away? Chakra refining does not need to much explanation.

The second year class learns how to refine Chakra. Although everyone has Chakra, ordinary people cannot extract Chakra.

Only those who are gifted, that is, those who have a certain level of talent with Chakra, can combine physical and spiritual energy to extract Chakra.

For six years, Shiyu continued to refine Chakra day and night. But! The talents and qualifications are limited, and the current Shiyu's Chakra is only in the last echelon (level) of the Academy.

In terms of the amount of Chakra, there is still a long way to go to meet the requirements of Genin.

It is not possible to refine Chakra 24 hours a day.

Both physical and mental energy need to be restored, and often after several times of refining Chakra, it is impossible to continue without a certain amount of recovery.

Different people with different talents can extract different qualities of Chakra every day.

But no matter the kind of genius, there is a limit to how much physical and mental energy that can be used.

Once the limit is reached, Chakra can no longer be refined. Perhaps it is the body's self-protection mechanism.

If you continue to forcibly refine Chakra, you will faint.

In the end, not only will Chakra not be extracted, but the original Chakra would dissipate.

And Shiyu can now refine Chakra three times a day, and after the fourth refinement, he will faint.

The teacher at the Academy explained that as the body grows stronger and the spirit increases in the future, the number of times to refine Chakra will also increase.

The amount of Chakra will also increase slowly.

But people from the Uzumaki clan, like Naruto, who refine Chakra, are simply cheating.

It is conservatively estimated that Naruto can complete hundreds of refinements in a day.

Even if it is the first refinement of Chakra. (A/N: not really sure what the author is trying to say.)

This is the gap between geniuses and ordinary people.

There is simply no way to go beyond them.

[Pasive skill 1: Chakra refining]

[Completed 1 time]

When the system spoke, Shiyu froze for a moment. Suddenly, he felt a warm current surging through his body.

This feeling is all too familiar to Shiyu. He feels it three times a day.

This is the same feeling of refining Chakra and increasing the amount of Chakra.

Completing a refinement is nothing more than adding a pinch of Chakra to your original amount.

And the Chakra flow in Shiyu's body is only about the size of a little finger.

This is the Chakra that has been refined for six years. (A/N: you're telling me 6 years of using Chakra, and this is all you have?!!! Damn.)

Such weak Chakra reserves doesn't even meet a Genin's Chakra amount. According to Shiyu's own understanding, the amount of Chakra in a Genin should be larger than his.

As Shiyu carefully felt the Chakra that just increased, he feels that that this trace of Chakra was refined perfectly.

This kind of Chakra refinement can only be achieved to the best effect, when Shiyu is in a healthy/energetic state and devotes himself to refining.

This passive skill bar seems to have directly allowed Shiyu to complete Chakra refinement in his best state.

And he doesn't need to control it himself, after completing Chakra refining, the physical and mental energy in the body were not consumed at all.

This is...

'Increasing the Chakra volume out of thin air?'

[Passive skill 1: Chakra refining]

[Completed 1 time]

While Shiyu was thinking, his Chakra went up a smidge. This time Shiyu had a surprised look on his face.

'Another... Another increase!' The system completed two Chakra refinements in 10 minutes?

Is this the effect of the passive skill bar?!

This is too awesome!

The refinement of Chakra is fine, and there is no consumption at all.

If this is the case, doesn't that mean he could refine Chakra without limit?

Does that mean he can just sit like this?

Every few minutes... one hour of refining chakra is worth the past few months of training!

It seems that it is not difficult to get Genin level Chakra reserves soon!

With closed eyes, Shiyu carefully felt the flow of Chakra in his body, which was under the control of the passive skill bar.

Five minutes passed and another layer of Chakra was added. Shiyu still didn't make any movements.

He sat still on the bed with his eyes closed.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

The passive skill bar allowed Shiyu to complete six Chakra refinements.

Slowly opening his eyes, Shiyu felt ecstatic.

Shiyu can refine Chakra three times a day, and in this half an hour, he has refined it six times.

There is still no feeling of tiredness. It was as if nothing happened.

But the problem is that the amount of Chakra was enhanced. The Chakra fluctuation in the body is obviously stronger than before.

If I sit like this for one night, I'm afraid I will reach Genin's level Chakra reserves. There is absolutely nothing wrong with expanding the Chakra in the body.

"Great, now I don't have to worry!"

I have been here for more than ten years, and that is not a short amount of time.

Now Shiyu has six skill bars. Thinking of this Shiyu decides to pick a few more skills and throw them in.

Shiyu looked at his skills, and he didn't care about eating, drinking, and the other non-shinobi based skills.

Of course, he had to pick useful skills. Such as ninjutsu and toss them in the skill bar.

However, when Shiyu checked his own skills, he didn't know what to choose for awhile, but saw that among the optional skills, the first skill was still the Chakra refining technique!

"Can I continue to install the same skills?"

With the mentality of giving it a try, Shiyu threw another Chakra refining technique into passive skill bar 2.

[Passive skill 2 installed successfully]

[Current passive skill 2: Chakra refining technique]


It really is possible!

[Passive skills 1 and 2 completed once]

In the next second, two traces of Chakra appeared at the same time.

Double the effect?

Installing two passive skills of Chakra refining technique directly obtained double the effect of training.

There was a sparkle in Shiyu's eyes. He almost couldn't help screaming. Thankfully, he did not.

"There are still five empty passive skill bars, if I install the Chakra refining technique on all of them..."

Then it would have seven times the effect, and it runs every five minutes, it would have the Chakra refinement of Shiyu's most perfect state.

Even Sasuke, who is known as a genius, or Naruto, who has inherited the cheat-like physique of the Uzumaki clan, cannot reach this Chakra refining speed!

Shiyu's Chakra refinement has no consumption, fatigue, nor a decline in state.

Every refinement can achieve the effect of the most perfect Chakra refinement ever done.

"Install Chakra refinement on all skill bars."

With a wave of Shiyu's hand, all five vacant passive skill bars were installed with the Chakra refining technique.

The most perfect state of refining x 7!!!