
I am in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Hayate Shiyu reincarnated into the anime Naruto, the first twelve years seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything. He had nothing but good looks. Shiyu thought he would live a mediocre life in the Naruto world, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shiyu a genius since then. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, no need to control, nor operate. It would work automatically. Naruto: "Why do you use the ninjutsu we learned yesterday, so we'll today? Is there a secret?" Sasuke: " You are the real genius. You played me before!" Kakashi: " There are geniuses every year, and thus year they are particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. Third Hokage I want to retire!" Third Hokage: " You want to retire? I want to retire! That kid is simply inhuman, I am a remnant of the old era, and there is no village where I can stay, in this new era!" *This book does not belong to me. I am just translating because it is tiring to read it MTLed.*

Anime_Fan_KpopFan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: I have ten skill bars *Edit*

(A/N: Hello! I am the translator, kudos to the original author! During some parts, I was really confused, so please be patient with me. It is my first time translating and I am not Chinese, so some parts I will get wrong. When the system is talking there were words like Daxian and Kun Jin, in the original book. I searched it up but it didnt really make sense. According to google though Daxian means "the limit of ones allocated lifespan" "Achiever, Peacemaker, More attractive." But I just put lifespan. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy! I put in a lot of effort interpreting what the author had written.)

Year 63 in Konoha!

At the gate of the ninja school, looking at the comprehensive test list posted, stood Gekko Shiyu. He saw his name in the 170th place.

He sighed silently and turned around to walk out of the crowd, towards home.

He will be graduating in a few months, and Shiyu feels very helpless now. Thinking since he had reincarnated, he can become a boss.

But it has been 12 years since Shiyu came to this world with these plans of his. Same age as Naruto, even in the same class.

But since his reincarnation, all of his skills are too ordinary. Whether it is his Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and chakra! Everything is average!

Apart from his appearance (he can compete with Sasuke), there is nothing he can show. The only fortunate thing is that since he is handsome (for a kid), it is easy to attract attention, and he is familiar with the protagonist' team.

Even if his strength is not good in the future, it should not be difficult for Naruto, the future Hokage, to take care of Shiyu. But it might be impossible to reincarnate again, then won't he regret living a mediocre life?


Of course it's a pity, Shiyu doesn't want this. But what can be done about such a thing?!

His talent is not as good as his previous life's experience, therefore, there is nothing outstanding about him.

The Gekko clan! A small family of a dozen or so people in nothing significant in Konoha.

The most famous ninja in the clan is Gekko Hayate who is a Tokubetsu Jonin.

Gekko Hayate could be considered as Shiyu's cousin, according to seniority. Due to Shiyu's mediocre talent, his cousin only came to say hello a few times.

As Shiyu arrives home, he begins to think about his parents who died during the Nine Tails Attack. Since then, the rest of the Gekko clan took on the responsibility of taking care of Shiyu.

In addition to helping Shiyu collect his parents' inheritance, they would pay Shiyu's living expenses every month. Several of the clan members would even pay for the tuition fee for the Academy.

Except for some left over money, the parents' inheritance consists of the house, which has three bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room. 

It's not too big, but it is quite spacious for Shiyu, who is living alone.

Going to the refrigerator and taking out a can of soda.




After drinking most of the can in two gulps, Shiyu went back to his room and laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

" It seems that after graduation, I can only live my life as an ordinary Genin and do nothing!"

[God-level skill system activated.]


Hearing the inexplicable voice, Shiyu sat up quickly. "I... really have..." System! System! I have been waiting for so long!

Twelve years, twelve full years! Do you know how I have lived?!

The smile on Shiyu's face when he was about to cry is very awkward looking.



'Hey Hey Hey! Don't do this to me! I'll stop talking about you!' (A/N: this part was awkward, I don't really get what the author was trying to say.)

Now Shiyu's heart was beating crazily!

After waiting for twelve years, the system finally came, but something happened to it.

If the system leaves, Shiyu will die! ( A/N: maybe cry or off himself?)

[Trying to restart...]

"Yes! Restart can solve 99% of all problems! It should be fine..."

[Restart failed.]

[System additional functions are damaged.]

[System shop module is missing.]

[The system task module is missing.]

[System template module is missing.]



"Are you kidding me?!"

Whatever, he'll just take a look at what the incomplete system looks like.

"It's just an additional function, it's fine without it! As long as there is no problem with the core of the system!"

Shiyu clutched the bed sheet nervously, staring intently at the screen that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The flashing error sign on it, made Shiyu's heart feel like he was on a roller coaster.

[System core module is missing.]



It's over! The core module is gone, so there is nothing he can do now.

The system just appeared, this is too unfair! Is there a more shameful system than this?!


[The only remaining module: the skill bar module.]

[The skill bar module is 70% damaged, trying to start it...]

Skill bar? What's the use of just giving a skill bar? It's even damaged.

[Skill bar opened.]

[Currently, there are seven empty slots in the passive skill bar section.]

[Three active skill bars.]

[Scanning the active skill bar... The core data of the skill is lost, do you want to repair it?]

Repair? If it can be repaired, of course I'm going to say yes!

Usually all skills in a system can be used. But since there is only one module left that can barely be used, of course it needs to be repaired.

If it is not repaired, then the last skill bar will be gone.

[Collecting active skill bar data.]

[Active skill 1: *Gluttony*]

[Effect: Error, Error, Error...]

[Active skill 2: **Player**]

[Effect: Error, Error, Copy, Error.....]

[Active skill 3: *###*]

[Effect: Error, Error, Error...]

Great! All the system did was give me garbled codes!

Can this be called fixed?

Would it even be able to be fixed?

[The active skill bar is being repaired, the repair time is unknown.]

Go away!

The repair time is unknown, and now he doesn't even know when he would be able to see what those three active skills are!


What about the passive skill bar?

[Passive skill 1: Empty]

[Passive skill 2: Empty]

[Passive skill 3: Empty]


[Passive skill 7: Empty]

A Empty skill bar. Nothing.

The active skills are somewhat functioning, but there is a bunch of garbled words.

What the hell is this passive skill?!

Why is it empty?!

Is it completely lost?!

[Detecting that all passive skills are lost. Host can install passive skill by himself.]

Install it by myself?

How am I supposed to install it?

What is the use of installing passive skills?

[Skills mastered by the current host: Chakra refining technique, Academy-Level Taijutsu, Transformation technique, Body replacement technique...Basic Kunai throwing technique, Basic cooking, Basic walking, Basic jumping...Basic language, Basic mathematics, Basic communication... Basic eating, Basic drinking...]

Shiyu: ....

It even counts eating and drinking as a skill?

Does wiping your ass count too?

[Advanced Wiping skills]

Fu*k! Why is wiping my ass an advanced skill?!

Am I so good at wiping my ass?!

Shiyu had a helpless look on his face.

Why does the remaining skill bar in this system look so unreliable?!

Maybe this is fate!

Shiyu glanced at the chakra refining technique that was regarded as a skill by the system.

Clicking on it casually, Shiyu puts the technique into the passive skill bar.

[Passive skill 1 is installed successfully]

Huh, it got installed?

What are the functions?

[Current passive skill 1: Chakra refining technique]

[Effect: Combining physical energy and spiritual energy to refine Chakra.]


