
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs


Finishing the talk about why he wanted to leave, Xiao Xianzhi looked at Xiao Ling, and Xia Qingyue and then at Mu Bingyun, who was listening to them.

He thought of something and asked, "Don't you two want to consolidate your Realm? After all, you two have broken through the Mortal Way and entered the 'Divine' Way?"

"Hmm? I don't think so. With the fight, and how we broke through under pressure, our cultivation is stable, right, Ling?"

"Yeah, Still why didn't you break through to Sovereign Profound Realm? You could have entered easily, right?"

Xiao Xianzhi nodded at them and said, "Yeah, but I will suppress as long as I can and only when I can't suppress anymore, I will break through. Yue'er, Ling'er, let's go. Martial Aunt will take care of things here. I have something that I want to show to you."

Xiao Xianzhi said as he smiled at Mu Bingyun, who snorted as she understood that he just wanted to spend time alone with them.

They disappeared from the place and seeing this, Mu Bingyin narrowed her eyes and a sigh escaped her lips.

"Come out, I have something I want to ask you."

Meanwhile, Xiao Ling, Xiao Xianzhi and Xia Qingyue had appeared far away from the city and Xiao Ling asked, "What did you want to show?"

"Meh! It's nothing, I just wanted to leave the place with both of them watching me." Xiao Xianzhi said with a shrug and Xia Qingyue narrowed her eyes.

"Jasmine, and Teacher?"


"Like I had expected both of them also had developed some feelings for you." Xia Qingyue said while shaking her head and Xiao Xianzhi just smiled in response.

"Now that we are here, I will just show you a few things that I have mastered and try to replicate them." Xiao Xianzhi said as he created a block of ice in his hand and then tapped it, The ice started to turn gray and then it disappeared and became time.

"What did you two see?"

"You used Darkness Energy."

"You destroyed it?"

Xiao Xianzhi shook his head and said, "See again."

This time, he took out the body of an animal and touched it. The animal's body started to turn grey as it turned to dust and it disappeared.

"Decay?" Xia Qingyue asked as she looked at it and Xiao Xianzhi nodded.

"Yeah, I used Darkness Energy and formed an Intent. With just a thought, I can now decay anything using Darkness Energy. Now see this." Xiao Xianzhi said as he created a cut on his hand.

The wound started to heal in a few moments, it was fully healed.

"5 breaths of time."

This time, he again created a cut and used Water Profound Energy with Healing Intent and he said, "Three Breaths with Healing Intent Created by Water Profound Energy."

"In the match, the reason why I could sense you and attack you, and even locate you at the same time was because I used Lighting Profound Energy to increase my thought process by 100x."

"Now see this." Xiao Xianzhi said as he created a layer of vacuum around Xiao Ling and said, "Say anything."

Xia Qingyue replied but Xiao Ling didn't say anything as she didn't hear what he said, and After he removed the vacuum he said, "Using Wind Profound Energy, I created a vacuum around you and as Sound can't travel without a medium, she didn't hear anything."

"I also have Burning Intent, which isn't necessary for the moment." Xiao Xianzhi and then looked at Xia Qingyue and Xiao Ling who were looking at him with stunned expressions on their face.

"How did you comprehend laws like this?" Xia Qingyue asked as she created a block of Ice and she started to decrease the temperature, but she couldn't after reaching a point.

"I have been trying to comprehend water laws and have hit a walk, and seeing what you did, I can feel the wall cracking. How did you do it?"

"Hmm? Water laws? Maybe it is because you were just thinking about the destruction aspect of water, like Ice that can freeze and destroy everything. But did you forget, Water is also the source of life and it also has nourishing properties."

"Without learning about other aspects, how do you understand water laws?" Xiao Xianzhi asked but Xia Qingyue wasn't listening to him. She understood what she was missing and now she was in enlightenment and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi looked at Xiao Ling, who nodded at him.

They both left her alone and moved away from her so that she wouldn't be disturbed by anything.

"Xian'er, now that we are alone, let's talk about something else."

"Talk? We can also do something else, something we couldn't complete before." Xiao Xianzhi said with a smile and he cupped her face. He had promised Xia Qingyue that she would be his first, so he could do anything with Xiao Ling, except going to the last base.

Hearing him, Xiao Ling smiled and she decided to 'talk' later, and do what he said.

"You tasted amazing before, let me taste you again." Xiao Ling said as she kissed his lips and started to suck them. Seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi created a barrier around them and his hands went inside her clothes, while he kept on kissing her.

While the three were busy, Mu Bingyun and Jasmine were having a conversation with Xiao Xianzhi at the centre.

"He said he will leave the world and when he will be in the Divine Realm, what are you going to do?" Mu Bingyun asked as she looked at Jasmine, who had recovered.

Hearing this, Jasmine looked at Mu Bingyun for a moment and said, "He promise that he will help me in my revenge, and I will wait for the time when he is strong enough."

"So you won't be moving around and killing people, right?"

"Yeah," Jasmine said in a low voice and Mu Bingyun narrowed her eyes as she saw this.

"Look, if you want revenge, then I and my sister won't stop you, but if  because of your recklessness, Zhi'er is involved, then we will hunt you together and kill you." Mu Bingyun said in a cold voice and hearing this, Jasmine's expression changed and she said, "Heh! You are a Divine Sovereign, can you kill me?"

"Haha! I am a Divine Sovereign cultivator and I can't kill you, but I absolutely know that even if you will become a True God, you won't have the guts to kill me, You know why, right?"

Mu Bingyun bent down a little and whispered in Jasmine's ear.

"It's because my position as his 'aunt' is much better than you, who is just bound because of words. If I move, it will be for Zhi'er, but if you moved, it would be because of your selfishness. Even if I died because of you, it wouldn't matter much but I know that if I died, you can say goodbye to your revenge, your sister and you will have a far worse death, maybe in the hands of your enemy, Qianye Ying'er."

Mu Bingyun said in a cold voice with a smile on her face as she looked at Jasmine, whose expression was full of anger and disgust.

"Even if he trusts you, I don't. After all, he trusts you in the image of how you will be in future, but I judge you based on what you have done in past, and how you are now."

Mu Bingyun said while looking at Jasmine, and she inwardly sighed as she had passed the test.

'But there is no need to tell her.'

"Don't forget, I will be watching you and if you did something that would cause him harm, or his plans to fail, then you will be responsible for it."

Saying this, Mu Bingyun disappeared from the place while Jasmine clenched her hands until they started to bleed.

"Damn it!" She cursed as she disappeared from the place and the area became silent.


Xia Qingyue, who was in a state of enlightenment opened her eyes as her understanding of Water laws had increased. She raised her hand and a transparent Ice appeared in her hand and seeing this, a smile appeared on her face. She then looked around and her expression changed as she saw Xiao Ling and Xiao Xianzhi sitting together, and Even though everything between them was normal, she could sense that something had changed.

'It's night already, it's time to end the day and take my gift.'

"Zhi'er, let's go. I am ready to take my gift." Xia Qingyue said as she appeared beside them and hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi looked at her and said, "Congratulations."

"Hmm! Let's go." Xia Qingyue said while holding his hand and then winking at Xiao Ling. Seeing this, Xiao Ling smiled and said, "I will meet you two later."

Xiao Ling flew away as she said it and hearing this, Xia Qingyue nodded and she looked at Xiao Xianzhi.

"You really couldn't wait, huh."

"Eh? I wonder what you are talking about."

"Hmph! Do you think you can hide anything from me?"

"Yeah, if I want to."

"But you have left your heart open."

"Because I don't want to hide anything." Xiao Xianzhi said with a smile and a smile appeared on her face as she heard this.

"You are making me fall for you more and more. Just how much more do you want me to fall?"

"Haha! Fall so that you will never have enough for me, and we will never separate." Xiao Xianzhi said as he looked into her eyes and hearing this, she giggled and said, "Hehe! As you wish."

They both moved their face closer, and their lips touched while they kept looking into each other's eyes.


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