
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs


"Peak Tyrant Profound in a year, I didn't expect you would raise your cultivation to this much." Xiao Ling said with an amazed expression on her face.

"Not only that, but your pressure also matches with us, even though we are in Peak Sovereign Realm, one whole realm greater than you. Just how did you do this?" Xia Qingyue said as she tried to read Xiao Xianzhi but failed and all she could see was a blank heart.

"Oya? Do you two want to fight with mouth? Then we don't have to move from this place, do we?" Xiao Xianzhi asked while looking at their stunned expression and even he was shocked by their pressure.

'Just how did the two cultivate? They were Emperor Profound Realm when they left but now, they are Peak Sovereign? It must be because of Faith Energy in Ling'er's case and Bingyun helping Yue'er.'

"Let's go somewhere else, or the whole area will be destroyed." Xia Qingyue said, and Xiao Ling nodded with her.

They were about to leave but they saw a dome of Ice appearing around them and they heard Mu Bingyun's voice.

"You three can fight as much as you want inside the dome."

A grin appeared on Xia Qingyue's face as she heard this and now, she has terrain advantage.

"Heh! Do you think only you can use Ice?" Xiao Xianzhi said as he looked at Xia Qingyue and an Ice Sword appeared in his hand.

Seeing this, Xia Qingyue also did the same and a spear appeared in her hand and looking at Xiao Ling, she said, "We will switch in between, After all, it's 2v1."

Xiao Ling nodded at her, and a Wand appeared in her hand.

"Enhancement, Anti Elements, Deflection, and Shield."

She said as he created four runes and sent them to Xia Qingyue, but her expression changed as she saw the runes getting destroyed by bullets.

"Ling'er, what a basic mistake you are making. Did you forget I am also a runemaster? It seems you didn't get any combat experience in the year."

Xiao Xianzhi said while he deflected Xia Qingyue's attacks. He didn't understand why she made a basic mistake like this, and because of this, he was on guard against every attack.

As for Xiao Ling, well she didn't understand how he had destroyed the runes, after all, she had added the barrier around them, and they weren't slow.

"Yue'er, where is the speed that you showed when you were playing with Yuanba? Are you underestimating me?"

"Hehe! I can say the same to you, why aren't you using your full strength against me?"

"It's because I don't want to end the spar in one attack. I am giving you both time to show me everything you have learned in this year."

"Ara? Really? Then I will show you." Xia Qingyue said as she disappeared from the place and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi enhanced his thought process and released his Darkness domain.

The whole area in the dome was covered with Darkness and Xiao Xianzhi smiled as he sensed both of them.

Xia Qingyue, who was about to sneak attack using Moon Splitting Cascade, failed due to the Darkness and she abandoned attacking like this.

She saw Xiao Ling using her Phoenix Domain to clear the darkness and decided to take advantage of it, but her expression changed as she felt someone behind her.

"You are dead." She heard in her ear as she felt a poke on her neck, and she didn't understand why she could sense three presences around her.

"Keep on fighting as I need to see everything." Xiao Xianzhi said as he went towards Xiao Ling and looked at the barrier made of Phoenix Flames around her. 

Seeing this, he nodded as the barrier was strong enough to defend against anyone in Mortal Realms, but it seemed Xiao Ling was still underestimating him.

He entered the barrier without any resistance and appearing behind her, he asked, "Did you forget I have absolute immunity against all elements?"

Xiao Ling's expression changed as she moved away while attacking behind her, but she felt her earlobe getting bitten and she heard, "You are dead, keep on fighting."

The darkness in the place disappeared and they saw Xiao Xianzhi sitting in the air with a bored expression on his face.

"You two, are you saying that's all you two amounts to? If it is, then I guess I was overestimating both of you."

"Xiao Ling, Xia Qingyue, have you been wasting the whole year on these childish methods of fighting?"

Xiao Xianzhi said with his expression changing as he opened the Four Gates and released all of his killing intent and pressure on them.

Feeling the sudden pressure, they both stumbled for a second, but they tried to counter it while releasing their profound strength.

"Tsk! What a joke! Two Peak Sovereign Profound Realm cultivators with Battle Powers of Divine Origin Realm can't even fight against a Peak Tyrant Profound Realm cultivator who isn't giving his all."

Xiao Xianzhi said while clicking his tongue.

"It's time to end this."

Saying this, Xiao Xianzhi stood up and his eyes changed. A phantom of Dragon appeared behind him, and glaring at them Xiao Xianzhi said, "This is my world, and I am the Dominion."

The Dragon behind him let out a loud roar and Xiao Ling and Xia Qingyue felt the pressure on their body increase.

Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, and Darkness gathered around Xiao Xianzhi and they merged with the Dragon and rushed at Xiao Ling and Xia Qingyue.

Seeing this, their expression changed and the pressure on them again started to increase. Looking at the cold eyes that were full of disappointment, Xia Qingyue's expression changed and something inside her broke.

A large amount of energy gathered around her as her cultivation broke through to the 1st Level of the Divine Origin Realm, and as the pressure on her lessened, she could move and looking at the Dragon, Xia Qingyue said, "Ice Goddess's Embrace."

A figure of a woman appeared behind her, and she looked at the Dragon with a cold gaze that would make anyone tremble. The woman raised her hand, and the Dragon was attacked by the Ice blocks, and Chains of Ice appeared around it and tried to hold it.

Seeing this, Xiao Ling's expression changed and as she didn't want to make Xiao Xianzhi disappointed and get beaten by Xia Qingyue, she also used all of her energy to push her cultivation, and looking at Dragon, she said, "Phoenix's Breath!"

  A figure of Phoenix appeared behind and looking at the dragon, The Phoenix scowled and opened her mouth and a large amount of Fire appeared in it and it attacked the dragon.

Xiao Xianzhi, who was watching everything with a cold expression snorted as he looked at this, but his eyes were full of satisfaction.

'Saying all this, if I get beaten by them, it would be embarrassing.'

Looking at the Phoenix that was about to attack, Xiao Xianzhi raised his hand and a large amount of energy started to gather around his hand as another Dragon materialized behind him. This time, the Dragon was Pitch black and it opened his mouth behind the sphere of energy that was gathering in his hand.

"Darkness! Envelop them! Dragon's Breath." Xiao Xianzhi said as he strengthened his attack with runes and The Dragon released his breath, taking the sphere away at the same the Phoenix attacked, and they both clashed.

Seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi looked at Xiao Ling and Xia Qingyue and matching his eyes, he disappeared from the place and arrived beside them.

"I win!" He said as he poked their cheeks, making them stunned and they saw the two Dragons disappearing and the same with their phantoms.

"Fuck!!!!!" Xia Qingyue shouted with her voice full of disappointment and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi shook his head and said, "You both did well, If It wasn't because of my Physique, you both would have one."

'Maybe!' Xiao Xianzhi added internally as he hadn't used You'er, Evil Infant, and most of his intents that were life-threatening.

"Stop lying! We aren't sore losers and if lost, we lost." Xiao Ling said in a serious voice and Xiao Xianzhi shrugged his shoulder.

"By the way, what were those Dragon, Phoenix, and the woman that appeared behind me? I don't think I have seen it on others." Xia Qingyue asked with a curious expression and before Xiao Xianzhi could speak, Mu Bingyun appeared in the place and explained.

"Those were God Manifestations that only Divine Masters could use if they had enough blood in them. On the one hand, what you all used were similar, they were weak, if compared to real ones. On the other hand, I don't understand how you all can use something like this in your realm." Mu Bingyun said while holding her head.

The number of surprises she received in the match was too much.

"Also, Xianzhi, we are going to have a long talk regarding your methods and the technique you have used in the match." Mu Bingyun said as she looked at Xiao Xianzhi with a serious expression, but he shook his head and said, "You don't have to think much, Master already knows about everything."

"And how does my sister know about them? I don't remember her coming here and meeting you."

"Ah Well, she just knows! I can't explain how, and you can ask her later. She will be coming here in a month or two as we are leaving the planet and going to Divine Realm." Xiao Xianzhi said, making everyone stunned.

"What?" Xiao Ling and Xia Qingyue shouted as they heard this, and Mu Bingyun raised her brows.

"What do you mean by this? When? How? and why was it decided?" Xiao Ling asked as she shook him and Xiao Xianzhi calmed her and said, "Well, I decided because I have nothing to do in the world, at least for a few years. But if you don't want to leave, then you don't have to."

Xiao Ling's expression changed as she heard this, and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi laughed and said, "What are you worried about? I will look for a way so that even if you are here, I will be able to meet you every day."

Saying this, he pinched her nose and a smile appeared on Xiao Ling's face as she heard this.


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