
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Humiliating Them!

{Hehe! What a good meal! If she keeps on doing it for 10 days straight, I will recover 1% of my whole energy. Kind Human, I have also absorbed the pressure, so you don't have to feel anything.}

A grin appeared on Xiao Xianzhi's face as he heard this and said, {With this, I can help you in recovering your energy easily.}

{Umm! Kind Human, When I have recovered, I will help you.}

Xiao Xianzhi just nodded and fifteen minutes later, Jasmine stopped releasing her Killing intent and asked, "Why are unbothered with my Killing Intent? Don't you feel any pressure?"

"Nope! Jasmine, I want you to release your Killing Intent towards me every day when you can."

"Huh? Have you gone mad or what? Don't you know that not only you, but my spirit also feels pressured because of the Killing Intent? If it is in low quantity, I could do it, but if I released all of my Killing intent every day, my spirit would be damaged."

"Hmm! So, in what time frame you can release your Killing Intent continuously?"

"Three Days," Jasmine said lying with a straight face and Xiao Xianzhi nodded at her.

"Then can you do it in three days?"

"Yeah, I can. But what will I get for doing it?" Jasmine asked with a smile on her face and hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi asked, "What do you want?"

"What do I want? I can't think one anything for now, but when I need it, I will ask you."

Xiao Xianzhi looked at Jasmine for a moment and then said, "Sure, but make sure that it isn't something unreasonable."

Jasmine nodded with a smile and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi just hoped that she wouldn't cause trouble later.

He looked at her and then an idea appeared in his mind, and he said, "Jasmine, take me to the Supreme Ocean Palace."

"Huh? What do you want to do there?"

"Just take me there and you will see."

Jasmine nodded and they appeared in Supreme Ocean Palace. Looking at the palace, Xiao Xianzhi asked, "Where is Yue Mo?"

"He said he is going to search for someone from Ye family and get back the drop of blood from them."

"Hmm! I know where he will get, but I will let him walk around for a few days."

He then appeared in front of the gates of the Palace and shouted, "Everyone in Puny Pond Palace, come out of I will raze this Palace."

He released his cultivation of the Sixth Level of Emperor Profound Cultivation while opening the three gates. Seeing this, Jasmine wondered what he was trying to do and then they saw a lot of people appearing in the place.

They were led by a woman who had no sense of femininity but each step she took had solemn dignity and sharpness.

"Throne Cultivator, Get lost from the place. Because we are in a hurry, you won't be condemned for your words, and you can keep your life."

A purple-clothes elder said and hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi laughed and said, "Senile Old Man! If I wanted to leave, why would I come here?"

"And what are you hurrying for? Do you want to know the state of the Elders you sent to the Devil Nest? Don't worry, I have buried them underground."

"Oh Sorry! I misspoke! How can I bury them in water? I just threw away their bodies in the sea so that those good for nothing would become food for animals."

Xiao Xianzhi said and then he felt Killing Intent. Seeing this, he smiled and then a mocking look appeared on his face.

"Tch! What a weak ass killing intent you have! This is what happens when you eat a pill and sit in a place for years to cultivate and breakthrough for the next realm. Your mind is degraded, and your spirit weakens. Weak Ass Old man ins Sovereign Realm can't do anything to an Emperor Profound Realm cultivator."

The killing intent on Xiao Xianzhi increased and he heard the woman speak.

"Boy! Who are you? Why do you want to become the enemy of my Sacred Ground?"

Xiao Xianzhi looked at the woman and tilting his head, he said, "Old Woman, Your Palace wants to become my Enemies? You all aren't worthy."

Their expression changed as they heard and finally, one of the elders in red lost it and attacked Xiao Xianzhi.

"Damned Boy! Your death won't be peaceful." The Red Elder shouted as he attacked and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi snorted and as the Elder reached, he was slapped away from Xiao Xianzhi and like a missile, he hit the ground and created a crater.

"Bitch! Don't you know that you shouldn't shout when you are attacking? I guess I was speaking the truth when I said you all are senile Old men."

"As for you all, what are you standing there and seeing the drama? Come and attack me or do have to insult you all one by one?"

"Sure, I will do that. Sovereign of Seas? Pfff! Hhahah! Your Palace's name has Ocean, Your Name has Sea, but your strength? It's the same as a pond." Xiao Xianzhi said as he looked at Qu Fengyi and he sensed her getting angry and she said in a cold tone, "Leave him alive!"

"Yes, Palace Master!" The Rainbow Elders said as they rushed at Xiao Xianzhi to attack him and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi grinned, and an Ice Sword appeared in his hand.

"Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red. With Red done, I will deal with Orange." Xiao Xianzhi said as he rushed in the direction of the Orange Elder, but in between, he switched his direction and attacked the closest to him, i.e. The Violet Elder.

The Violet Elder was taken back by the attack, and before he could defend himself, he was attacked by Xiao Xianzhi's blunt Ice Sword, and he flew to the ground.

"Fucking Idiots! Believing your enemy's words." Xiao Xianzhi said as moved towards the left dodging the attack from Blue Elder and he punched his face, breaking a few teeth.

Dodging towards the right, he held the sword of Green and with two fingers and kicked him in his guts.

In just a few minutes, all the Rainbow Elders were lying on the ground and the reason why they didn't get up was that in his every attack, Xiao Xianzhi added the seal that sealed their cultivation.

Qu Fengyi looked at this and her anger towards Xiao Xianzhi increased.

"What are you all doing? You all can't even handle an Emperor Profound Cultivator?"

"Everyone, attack him at the same time."


The remaining normal Elders and disciples looked at Xiao Xianzhi, but before they could even attack, they all were suppressed because Xiao Xianzhi released his Dragon Soul Domain and a roar of Dragon was heard in the place.

"Puny Insects! Sleep!" Xiao Xianzhi spoke while putting Energy into his words as he created a Sleep Seal, and under his pressure, all cultivators below Sovereign Profound Cultivators fell unconscious.

Now, only Four people were standing in the air, with three on the Palace's Side, and Xiao Xianzhi on the other side.

"Qu Fengyi! Are you going to move, or Do I have to attack you?"

"Who you are? How are you so strong when you are just an Emperor Profound Cultivator? Or you are just faking your cultivation."

"Huh? So, you finally lost it." Xiao Xianzhi said as he heard her words, and he appeared in front of her and held her head.

"Now that you have already lost the will, it will be easy."

"Sovereign!" The two Elders behind her shouted as they rushed to attack, but then they saw Xiao Xianzhi looking at them and behind him, they saw a Huge Dragon glaring at them, and they couldn't move under its pressure.

"Weak ass mentality! From today onwards, you are going to be my slave and you will only work for me and my benefit." Xiao Xianzhi said as he went inside her Sea of Consciousness and put a Slave Seal on it.

As he did, Qu Fengyi, who was trying to escape, stopped struggling and said in a defeated voice, "Yes Master."

With this, Supreme Ocean Palace became Xiao Xianzhi's, and he gave his first order.

"Wake them up and gather everyone in the Palace. Announce my new Identity and wait for my orders."

"Yes, Master!" Qu Fengyi said as she disappeared from the place and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi went to the Treasury of the Palace.

As he appeared in front of the Palace, Jasmine appeared at his side and asked, "Why did you do that?"

"They are going to be workers that will help me in decreasing the time required to recover."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Do you want to know? It is related to the welfare of the whole Primal Chaos." Xiao Xianzhi said in a serious voice as he opened the door and saw various shelves.

"Yeah, I want to know."

"Hmm! You can take anything from the place." Xiao Xianzhi said as he took out a jade and threw it at her. Seeing this, Jasmine looked at Xiao Xianzhi and before she could ask what to do, she heard his voice.

"Put it on your forehead, and you will know what you can know."

Entering the Treasure, Xiao Xianzhi looked around and he took Purple Veins Divine Crystal, a few weapons, some herbs, and a few million coins.

He appeared outside and saw Jasmine with a stunned look on her face and she asked, "Is this true?"

"No, it's false." Xiao Xianzhi with a chuckle as he walked away and seeing this, Jasmine stomped her feet and asked, "What are you going to do? What is the plan? Why does no one know about it?"

"I will do what I can do. I have no complete plan. No one knows because those who know didn't tell anyone else."

They appeared on the ground and saw every member of Supreme Palace kneeling on the floor with Qu Fengyi at the front, followed by Rainbow Elders.

"We greet the New Master of Supreme Ocean Palace."

"Nope! Qu Fengyi will remain as the Master of Palace, and you all will listen to her, and she will listen to me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord." Qu Fengyi said, and she was followed by others.

"Hmm! Now, your first order. Focus all of your Killing Intent on me." Xiao Xianzhi said and hearing this, everyone was stunned, and then they saw Qu Fengyi doing it, and they followed her.

{How is it?}

{Bad! Too bad! They aren't even 1% of the bad human from before.}

{Huh? Bad Human? Jasmine?}

{Umm! Her.}

{oh? Why she is bad?}

{Everyone other than Kind human is bad.}

Xiao Xianzhi chuckled as he heard this and thirty minutes later, Qu Fengyi stopped releasing her Killing Intent and she was the last one.

"Hmm! You all should start mastering the Killing Intent and increase the time you can. That's all for today. Except for Qu Fengyi, everyone can leave."

They all walked away while holding each other and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi shook his head and he looked at Qu Fengyi, who was holding her head.

"Xuanyuan Wentian is already dead. You can take over the Region too." A stunned expression appeared on Qu Fengyi as she heard this, and then she heard another voice.

"Even if she would go, she wouldn't be able to get anything." Jasmine said while appearing at his side and hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi raised his brows and asked, "Hmm? Why?"

"Mu Bingyun froze the whole area because you left witnesses in the place. At least that's what I think happened. Though the whole area is indeed frozen."

A stunned expression appeared on Xiao Xianzhi's face and then he chuckled as he thought why she had done it.


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