
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Evil Infant!

After talking with Xiao Ning'er for a few hours, they called off, and Xiao Xianzhi came outside and saw Yue Mo sitting in the place with the sword in his hand and on the ground, hundreds of people lay down unconscious.

"You didn't kill them?" Xiao Xianzhi asked as he looked at Yue Mo with a strange expression and hearing him, Yue Mo looked up and said, "I didn't do anything."

Xiao Xianzhi understood that it was Jasmine who did it and before he could speak anything, he sensed Jasmine appearing beside him, and then he found himself in another place.

Looking around, he understood that he was in the Royal Palace and he saw Cang Yue sitting on the bed with a worried expression on her face.

'Ah! Now I have to deal with this.'

Xiao Xianzhi understood why Jasmine brought him here as she didn't want to deal with Cang Yue, and looking at her, Xiao Xianzhi said, "Princess Cang Yue, how are you doing?"

Cang Yue, hearing his voice looked up and saw his face. Her expression brightened and she asked, "Brother Xiao, when did you come back? How is Lingxi doing?"

Xiao Xianzhi looked at Cang Yue and said, "Xiao Lingxi had been taken as a disciple by someone, so she won't be able to meet you for some time. As for how much time it is, I don't know."

Hearing this, Cang Yue's expression changed and she asked, "Eh? Really? Then it's good for her. Though, will she be okay at the place? And if the senior who took her as a disciple is trustworthy?"

Xiao Xianzhi looked at Cang Yue and said, "You don't have to worry about anything, she is safe and nothing will happen to her."

Cang Yue sighed in relief as she heard his words and said, "Brother Xiao, Thank you for coming and telling me this. Even though you could have just ignored it, You came and for this, I am extremely grateful to you."

Listening to her, Xiao Xianzhi remembered her original counterpart where she was left to be as Empress of the Empire in this world, he wondered if he should help her, and then an idea came to his mind.

"Princess Cang Yue, Do you want to be Empress Cang Yue?"

"Huh?" Cang Yue said with a stunned expression on her face as she heard his words. She didn't understand what he meant and even though she didn't want to, her mind went in a different direction and her face became red.

"Ah! I must have spoken correctly, Do you want to become the Ruler of the Blue Wind Empire? Even though I have cured your father, I think you are much better than him and if you became the ruler instead of your foolish brothers, the Empire would flourish."

Cang Yue, who understood the meaning behind his words, felt a little disappointment in her heart and then she straightened her thoughts and asked, "Brother Xiao, why would you want me to become the Empress?"

"Like I said, you would be a good Empress and seeing that you are asking questions, instead of just accepting, I am sure that my thoughts are correct."

"As for what I will get from this, Hmm! In future, if I ask you to become responsible for the whole Continent, then you will have to agree to it."

"Eh? Ehhhh!" Cang Yue shouted as she understood the meaning behind her words and she said, "Brother Xiao, do you want to dump the responsibility of the whole continent under me?"

Xiao Xianzhi smiled at her and said, "Yeah, you may be right! My Master had asked me to take control of the whole continent and bring it under me, but I was not interested in ruling. I would rather travel around instead of rule and because of this, I want someone competent who could become Ruler in my place, and I think you are a good choice."

"Eh! But...But... What if I messed up? What if I couldn't reach your expectations? Wouldn't you be punished by your Master then?"

"So? Yeah, I would be punished by her, and that would be because of my faulty judgement, and as you will make the mistakes, you will also be punished."

"Brother Xiao, you are so blunt. That's not what you should say in this situation." Cang Yue said as she heard his blunt words, and she understood what he meant when he said he wasn't interested in ruling.

'If Brother Xiao became the king, he would kill one official every day for making different mistakes and scheming against him. Though it would make everyone fearful of him and think of him as Tyrant.'

'I am sure she must be thinking about something along the lines that I would be labelled as a tyrant because of my behaviour. If she did, then it's good. If she accepted this, I will make sure that she would live her life as she wants, though that would be outside of her duties.'

Both of them looked at each other for a moment and then Cang Yue sighed and asked, "Brother Xiao, are you absolutely sure about this? This is a big decision and I don't want you to be hasty in it. There might be many people out there who are more capable than me, and you can choose one of them."

"Yeah, there might be. But there is a difference between them and you."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I trust you and I know that you wouldn't betray me in any way. As for them, I don't even know them, so how would I trust them."

Cang Yue chuckled as she heard his words and thought, 'Brother Xiao if you say like this, how can I reject?'


After the talk with Cang Yue, Xiao Xianzhi left the Palace and walked around the streets of the Capital. He hid his presence as he didn't want to be seen by anyone and just looked around.

After walking for thirty minutes, he saw 10 murders, 5 Young Masters beating commoners, and 20 people trying to kidnap.

Seeing all this, he again understood that the cultivation world is so fucked up and he disappeared from the place after taking care of Young Masters and their eighteen generations of Elders.

'What if I created a massive Genjutsu, like the Omnipotence in Naruto and changed everyone's mentality in this world, and made them a bit normal?'

'Nope, that's the wrong direction of thoughts. Also, it would be too much of a bother.'

Leaving the capital, Xiao Xianzhi arrived in the forest and thought of what he could do now.

'I have already talked with everyone in the Group Chat, and like how I did with Xiao Ning'er, I will give them the jade containing all the knowledge from their worlds. Now that I know that I am a Seer, and the worlds are different, I don't think it would matter if they knew everything.'

'Also, I wonder if we will be getting Missions? It's already been Nine months since I started cultivating and now I can fight almost anyone in this world's inhabitants.'

'Three months later, we will be meeting each other, I wonder how much they have changed. I guess I will start learning the Miracle of Life, and most importantly, recover the Evil Infant's energy.'

{Infant, is there any other way for you to recover energy?}

{Any other way? Hmm! I could absorb the Yin Energy in the world but it is so little that if I start absorbing it, the world will collapse.}

{If you can convert Negative Emotions into Yin Energy, can't you convert all the energy coming from Sun, Sound, and Light into Yin Energy?}

Xiao Xianzhi asked as he thought of this. If it was possible, then there wouldn't be any worries about Yin Energy in the world.

{How do I do that?}

{How can you convert the Emotions into Negative Energy?}

{I can just do that.}

Xiao Xianzhi resisted the urge to groan as he heard this.

{Show me how you are made, and how you work. There must be runes in your body, right?}

{Runes? Do you mean those weird designs I have in my body that light up when I sense Negative Emotions?}


Xiao Xianzhi saw his vision changing and he found himself in a dark world.

"Here!" He heard a voice and he started to move in the darkness. A moment later, he saw a little girl with black hair, black eyes, black lips and black nails.

"Here, Kind human! See them, they are the runes you talked about."

Xiao Xianzhi looked in the direction the girl was pointing and as he did, his head started to hurt and he could only see one rune in a language he didn't understand.

He was expelled from the world, and he knocked himself unconscious because the pain was too unbearable for him.

In the sky, Jasmine was looking at this and saw him knocking himself unconscious, she arrived at the place. Before she could move towards him, she heard Infant's cry and a voice, "Bad Human, Stay away from Kind human!"

Listening to this, her expression changed and a look of horror appeared on her face.

"Evil? Evil Infant? How? How does he have this?" Jasmine said in a shaky voice as she heard the cries of the artefact that ended the age of gods in the universe.

"Bad human, Stay away from kind human." Again, she heard the voice and her expression changed as she understood the meaning behind the words.

She stepped back as she heard this, and looked at Xiao Xianzhi with a shocked and worried expression.

An hour later, Xiao Xianzhi woke up and he cursed, "Fuck! That was too much pain. Was that the Language of Gods, or I should say, Language in which the Ancestral Goddess created the world?"

Even when he thought of the rune that he had seen, his head hurt slightly, but it was bearable. He tried to write the rune on a paper, but the paper crumbled before he could, and when he tried to write using his energy, half of his energy was used in creating one-tenth of a stroke of three strokes in the rune.

"What a Powerful Language. I now know what I have to do. If I could master it, with just my words, I would be able to control the reality." Xiao Xianzhi said as he looked at the small stroke he created with his energy.

"Xiao Xianzhi, We need to talk." He heard a voice and looking at the side, he saw Jasmine with a look of fear in her eyes.

"Hmm? Did you guard for me? Thank you for that." Xiao Xianzhi said and Jasmine shook her head at it.

"I didn't, the one who guarded you was Evil Infant Wheel," Jasmine said and hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi nodded as he understood why she had a look of fear in her eyes.

"You don't need to worry about Infant, she wouldn't hurt anyone until I said so. Also, Jasmine, can you release all of your Killing Intent towards me? I want to check something."

"Eh? What?" Jasmine said as she heard his words. She didn't understand how he was so confident that Evil Infant Wheel wouldn't hurt anyone without his permission.

"Why would you want me to release Killing Intent towards you? You must know that my real Killing Intent is nothing compared to what you have felt before."

"Yeah, I know. Just do it! If it works, then I wouldn't have to worry about many things."

Jasmine looked at Xiao Xianzhi and then released her killing intent. Feeling this, Xiao Xianzhi felt his body getting suppressed but then his expression changed and a grin appeared on his face as he heard Evil Infant's words, and the pressure on his body decreasing.


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