
I am in a novel as a side character

Chen Mai, 27, as the heir to a large company in the future, faces pressure from his father and brothers, as he is always exposed to murder, which made him unpredictable and moody. In order to distance himself from his stresses, he resorts to reading novels to entertain himself While he is in bed reading a new novel, he begins to make fun of its honest and optimistic hero, despite the odds, who, unlike him, is cold-hearted and distrustful. And while reading, he falls asleep until he wakes up to find himself in a strange but familiar place. Isn't this the last novel I read? And the worst is me as a trash character, and it is “George Alpha ” that is not mentioned in it. Well, I knew that I was unlucky, but isn’t this exaggerated, author?

solo_solo1 · Others
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4 Chs


Ringing... Ringing ....

I woke up to the sound of the alarm and I see the time is 5 in the morning. Do you wonder why I am waking up now?

I did not think that an order would appear out of nowhere, even the hero of this novel does not possess it. I do not know where it appeared from, but it is not because I am lucky, because I know my luck well.

And I think I said

* The condition

System : level 1

* statistics :

name : George Alpha

the age : 16

Rank : F+

Talent : C

Power : 29 (+5)

speed : 27 (+5)

Mana : 100

Magic : 15

luck : 5

Intelligence : 93%

Ability to resist : 26 (+15 )

gravity (Handsomeness ): 85 %

* skills :

fencing ( junior )

* a store :

Locked until you finish the trial missions and raise your stats to low

I knew my stats were weak but for a system to make fun of me

The reason I get up in the morning is because of these experimental missions

* a task :

running : 140 km

squatting : 3000 Once

Push-ups : 3000 Once

contemplation : 1hour

The punishment : 5 random points drop from your stats

The punishment is harsh on me and my weak body. Although getting up early is exhausting because I have lessons at 8 in the morning, my stats have increased slightly thanks to my training.

When I completed my training, I went to my room because I was training in a training center. Since I am a low-level student, there is no training center in my room. Only those in the first 20 centers have a room or a house in which everything is available from a training hall to multiple rooms, a personal servant and authority in a student council according to their rank.

After returning and taking a shower, I heard a ring from my watch, where I received a message, since it is a magical and technological world, it will be an advanced technology on my world. A simple example, this watch looks like any ordinary electronic watch, but it can do things that the best computer in my world cannot do.

As I looked at my watch, I opened a message section and found a message from the academy for the first classification after the admission test. I did not test it because I did not reincarnate in this body because the test took place a month before entering the academy.

So I read a message that found my rank poor 3596As for me, out of 4000 Student in the first year

How much is expected of an additional character who applauds the protagonists or dies a miserable death due to an attack and is a starting point for the main characters?

In order not to become a chess piece, a soldier dying in order to add action to the lives of the main characters, I have to get stronger and manage money, because this is a world that although it recognizes strength, money also has its power in accelerating the growth of my strength.

As for my rating, it does not matter since it is the first day of the academic year, and it will rise later. The important thing is to survive and provide financial stability to make my plans and change chess pieces from extra soldier to rebel in the game.

As I look at my watch, I see the time is 7:53 Damn I'm going to be late so I rush to get dressed and rush to class because of practice and procrastination I didn't eat my breakfast

When I arrived in my class, I found everyone had arrived, including the teacher, except me. When I entered, everyone stared at me and resumed some of what they were doing, while the rest looked as if they were waiting for a play, and I knew the reason for that.

George, why are you a full minute late?

The teacher, whose name was Rose, spoke. She was beautiful, with fiery red hair and cold scarlet eyes. Yes, she is a champion ranked 35th in the world. A princess of fire. She is the most powerful user and controller of a fire element at the human level in a world.

Hey, didn't you hear me, why are you late?

Her cold voice took me out of my thoughts and I said stammering I was asleep and didn't wake up early sorry

She didn't seem to believe me but she didn't follow through and said take your seat and don't waste any more of my time by standing in the door.

So I hurried towards an empty seat to the right, so I went and sat in it alone. I think this is better than disturbing these young children, because the age of students and a body in only 16 years is considered like high school students.

As I looked at other seats, I saw a group of handsome characters in the first seats. I found that he is the hero of Edward's novel and other main characters with him, as mentioned in the novel

He mentioned in it that he used half of his strength in order to hide his strength, but with suppressing himself, except that he occupied the first rank. He did not know that his talent was overwhelming from his peers, as he thought that his talent was the same as that of other nobles.

Little does he know that his talent is monstrous as he has reached the (D-) rank and his peers have now reached the ( E ) rank.

On the other hand, if I use my full strength, I can reach rank 2950 at most with my stats, and this is only because of my experience in fighting from my previous life. I can defeat anyone who is at my level, but more than my rank.

But with a system and my knowledge of the future, I will take advantage of every possible opportunity quickly before the future of what I know changes, although I do not trust the source of the system and the reason for choosing me.

Because when I asked Nizam why he chose me or what exactly Nizam was, he answered that Nizam is of a low level.

I continued to think about a lot of things until two hours passed and the bell rang for the end of the class since I came to this world and I talk to myself a lot and think about a lot of useless things so I carried my things and went to my room .