
I am in a novel as a side character

Chen Mai, 27, as the heir to a large company in the future, faces pressure from his father and brothers, as he is always exposed to murder, which made him unpredictable and moody. In order to distance himself from his stresses, he resorts to reading novels to entertain himself While he is in bed reading a new novel, he begins to make fun of its honest and optimistic hero, despite the odds, who, unlike him, is cold-hearted and distrustful. And while reading, he falls asleep until he wakes up to find himself in a strange but familiar place. Isn't this the last novel I read? And the worst is me as a trash character, and it is “George Alpha ” that is not mentioned in it. Well, I knew that I was unlucky, but isn’t this exaggerated, author?

solo_solo1 · Others
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4 Chs

My life in short

Well where do we start

From my life, which in the eyes of others is a blessing, because I am rich or because I am the next Wyeth of a large and famous company

Well, I don't blame them, for they don't know that I am the unlucky heir of the first degree

Well I will tell you why

Because as the heir, I receive the envy of my brothers and my father, because my stupid grandfather, in his will before his death, bequeathed his company to inherit when I am 30 years old.

Damn him, what he was thinking until he was involved in it

With this, my father, who was the heir in partnership before the will, began to hate me and consider me his disobedient son

Well, isn't that ridiculous, as if I wanted to inherit her and destroy my peaceful life. Fuck my grandfather and his family

And my brothers, to remind my brothers, are the blood of my father and his second wife

Since my mother passed away when I was 3 years old, and she named me Chen Mai because it means the truthful and the one who does not lie, do you believe?

Well, I don't know what she was thinking when she gave birth to me. Will you be honest when you live in a family that only cares about position and money, or a family that your brothers and their mother are trying to kill you, and your father is trying to kill you and erase you from the family register so that I don't inherit the company?

« Wavee » Sigh, every week I'm throwing killers in the dumpster, just because I'm unlucky doesn't mean I'm going to let them take my head.

And another thing is that my grandfather left me first-class guards and trainers to protect me and train me because he expected the actions of his son and grandchildren.

That's why my life is almost repetitive, training and trying to survive, so I relax my mind by reading novels, I guess it's the only thing I don't find boring.

And like most of the time, I was reading a new novel. It's the most and worst novel I've read. I'll tell you why. Because its hero is honest and optimistic, and he's annoying. I've seen a hero, where your planet is invaded by demons, and they kill people, and they contract with people to support their ranks, and you pity them instead of killing them, and because his mother told him that people can change.

That's why a novel bothers me. Do you wonder why I didn't stop with it? I'll tell you because when I start reading one, I have to finish it. This is my way of thinking.

As I read until I fell asleep from fatigue, I think I have wrinkles at the age of 27. Well, where were we?

I woke up in a strange but familiar place

Isn't this the same place in the novel whose hero I used to mock and guess what?

Hey you goddamn author, do you have pity on me?