
I Am A Villain At Night

Zhou Heng looked at the message in his retina. [Host has arrived at the determined age] [Integrating Villlainous Lives Management System] [Congratulations to the Host] While rubbing his eyes, even with the blurred sight, he can still read those words clearly. ''What's happening? Is this... my chance...?'' Zhou Heng soon will embark on what means to be a Villain in different worlds with different backgrounds, with the hope of changing his life for the better, not knowing that maybe his reality is more fantastic than those lives he can simulate with the system. *** - The MC lives in another world, that may have similarities with our own. - There may have different power systems for each life, including the 'real' one of the MC. - I don't know if it will be a harem, so, at your risk. - It's my first time writing a novel, so any help you can give is appreciated. - The cover is not mine, found it on Pinterest, very probably its also not from the one I take it, but any claimer can communicate with me. - The rhythm of chapters will be varied, as is my first novel and is something like a 'test'. - As for 18+ chapters... I don't know, maybe there will be, or maybe not.

ThatOneFella · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Incident in the Garden.

For a month Zhou Heng repeated the same routine, he would train, eat, and rest, the only other action he took was to listen to the personnel of the orphanage to learn more about this world, like the different districts of the city, the people, cultures, and language.

Currently, he was running around the garden of the orphanage while thinking about the information he collected for this past month.

''The most likely origins of the hero should be the West Ariethis.'' Of course, he didn't discard the East, but if this is treated as a 'plot' of a hero-like story, then he should be an ambitious man, someone that wants to reach the top, maybe a soldier from the bear district or a lesser noble from the lion district that wants to improve his status.

Having a poor origin like growing up in the rat district should be a motivational plot of 'rise from the bottom', but...

''The 'Villain' is from the rat district'' Zhou Heng muttered while slowing down the pace, the month of training certainly increased his stamina but he still needs to maintain limits, after all, his body isn't in the stage to force more than that.

Continuing with his theories, Zhou Heng certainly is a villain whose purpose is to kill the hero, even if there is no grudge and he can also be considered an 'outsider' of another world, but he is still a villain, after all the system said it a month ago, no matter what, he is fated to meet with the hero, so they are natural enemies.

This means that he and the hero should be rivals from childhood or stand on opposites sides in adulthood. He already investigated the other children of the orphanage and there are no signs of the hero, also that he didn't believe that the system will put him so near at the beginning of this mission.

He is a bit grateful for this, no matter how decided he is to end the life of the hero for benefits, he wants to maintain a bottom line, children are part of it.

He knows that is a bit hypocritical, after all, he is going to harm others for his sake, almost all evil acts are with that notion, meaning that he is giving different values to people's lives, something that although looks obvious, is difficult to accept to a young man that belongs to a relatively peaceful society, if everyone lives under that creed then order and safety will be missing.

That's another reason that makes him think that the hero is far from the current him, this world was recommended by the system for his start, he needs more than physical means to fulfill the mission, he needs mental preparation when the showdown between the two of them arrives, he doesn't need doubts.

''The rat district... indeed the best start for a villain.'' Zhou Heng sighs while looking at the end of the garden.

Four figures could be seen, for the current him they were very tall, it was the same trio that mocked him a few times in the past, the brown, black, and pale golden-haired kids. The fourth figure was also black-haired, about the same age as the other three, but his facial features were of the same origin as Zhou Heng, a southern.

''Dog, you are very impressive lately! even bragging to everyone about how rich you are, waging your tail all around the place, why don't you show us how many you have hidden?'' The black-haired bully scowled at the southern.

Most of the southerners are black-haired, some of them have other hair colors but the most pure-blooded ones have black, that is the reason the bully is more aggressive this time, he probably has a complex about his hair, as he wants to group with the little 'noble' kid, he may have suffered a lot to be the little follower.

This info was unknown to Zhou Heng a month ago, he thought that no matter the race, the hair colors weren't something important, as in Aurora there are many different hair colors no matter the race, but here in Bausmat the nobles have very showy hair colors, going from golden, crimson, blue and silver. When he learned about this, he even speculated that one of his parents was a noble, but if that is true then he only needs to be warier when dealing with the noble district in the future.

''I-I never bragged about that!'' The Southern exclaimed with a frightened expression.

''But that means that you really consider yourself rich! Quickly, show us!'' The brown-haired added at the side, while the two followers were dealing with the southern, the little noble was only looking while feigning an indifferent face, but the curved corners of his mouth said another thing.

''It is not like I'm rich, I just get a little, after going out and working for the people of the ram district, but is nothing much, believe me!'' That was true when a child from the orphanage has nine years they are allowed to go out and explore the other districts, so the southern kid since the moment he could go out has explored the Northeast district the most.

He even dreamed that when he turned 15, the age limit the orphanage allows kids to stay, he will buy his own shop in the ram district using the money he collected over the years.

''Isn't that just a way of telling us that you have money!?'' The black-haired bully said with a smile, he charged to the southern and pushed him to the ground. ''Hurry up, and take it!''

The reason the three of them knew about the money is that they heard him talking with his friends about his dream, even buying a few candies outside and sharing them.

On the ground, the southern boy had tears in his eyes, looking around to see if anyone could help him, in the distance he saw his friends but they pretended that they didn't see him. He also saw Zhou Heng nearby, but quickly ignore him because he is just a four-years-old.

This is one of the reasons Zhou Heng didn't move to help him, after all, they are three and are thrice his age, sure, they are kids and as long as you can act well it might have a way to scare them, but Zhou Heng also considered another thing.

''A villain shouldn't help others...'' With complex eyes, he muttered. It's not like he doesn't want to help or that he is obliged to live like a 'bad guy' just because the system called him a villain, but he doesn't like this situation, just a bit of bullying between children already puts him on this mood, what will happen in the future when he confronts the hero?

He can say 'Just this time' but that is one of the most dangerous words for someone that is trying to change can say, so Zhou Heng could only harden his heart and treat this event as training.

''Stop!'' At this moment a crisp soft voice sounded.

The kids around the garden that were looking at the incident directed their eyes towards the origin of the voice.

A small feminine figure could be seen, white milky skin, hazel brown short hair that reaches the shoulders, skinny limbs, and a brown dress. It was a little girl about twelve years, her face was beautiful and delicate with gentle eyes, certainly could be called a little beauty, her expression contrasted with her gentle looks, she was frowning with anger at the sight of the three bullies.

''Weren't the three of you acting always as nobles? Why is it that today you act like thieves!?''

The three bullies became angry at her words, with dark faces they leave the southern boy and approached her.

''This is not of your business! What can a girl like you know!? You can even reach our shoulders and you are provoking us!?'' The black-haired kid yelled.

''Humph! What are you going to do if I provoke you? Are you going to push me? Come try it!'' With sly eyes, the girl mocked them and signaled at the caretaker of the orphanage that had just arrived to the garden.

The three become angrier at her, but seeing the look the caretaker gave them, they just throw her a glare and walked away.

''Cowards! That's all you can do? You called him a dog but you three are the only ones that bark without biting around here!'' With a smug face, the girl keeps mocking them.

The three kids were enraged but they didn't dare to do anything else.

''Out of the way! What are you looking at!? You are just a stupid southern that has a wrecked head. Why are you looking at us like that!''

Coincidentally the three walked in direction of Zhou Heng that was impressed by the sly courageous little girl and looked with pity a the bullies, he consider them children that's why he understand how can they scream all they want but in the end, apart from slight threats they didn't dare to do more.

Seeing how he didn't move after being yelled at, the three of them feel as if no one will respect them anymore after this. With dark faces, they glared at Zhou Heng and the black-haired kid tried to push him with his side, but Zhou Heng just gave a step dodging him.

Even angrier, they leave the garden quickly, when they passed by his side, Zhou Heng could hear that the golden-haired was gritting his teeth, even his knuckles made sounds. This made him frown while staring at his back.

''Don't be scared, they will not do anything to you. Even them will think a lot before messing with someone as young as you.'' Zhou Heng looked over and saw the little girl smiling at him with a gentle expression.

''I'm not scared, but you should be careful.'' Zhou Heng replied.

''Eh...? Hehe, thanks little guy, but it's okay, they can't do anything to me.'' The girl was surprised that the little boy replied with calmness and even was concerned about her. With a soft smile, she patted Zhou Heng's head as if reassuring him.

Zhou Heng's lips twitched a bit at this kid's treatment, but he didn't say anything and watched how she stopped patting him and went to comfort the southern boy that was still in the ground with a frustrated expression, it was an interesting view, how the girl that far shorter than the boy on the ground, helped him get up with a reassuring face.