
I Am A Villain At Night

Zhou Heng looked at the message in his retina. [Host has arrived at the determined age] [Integrating Villlainous Lives Management System] [Congratulations to the Host] While rubbing his eyes, even with the blurred sight, he can still read those words clearly. ''What's happening? Is this... my chance...?'' Zhou Heng soon will embark on what means to be a Villain in different worlds with different backgrounds, with the hope of changing his life for the better, not knowing that maybe his reality is more fantastic than those lives he can simulate with the system. *** - The MC lives in another world, that may have similarities with our own. - There may have different power systems for each life, including the 'real' one of the MC. - I don't know if it will be a harem, so, at your risk. - It's my first time writing a novel, so any help you can give is appreciated. - The cover is not mine, found it on Pinterest, very probably its also not from the one I take it, but any claimer can communicate with me. - The rhythm of chapters will be varied, as is my first novel and is something like a 'test'. - As for 18+ chapters... I don't know, maybe there will be, or maybe not.

ThatOneFella · Fantasy
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29 Chs

First Day in another world.

No matter how determined is Zhou Heng to accomplish the mission of the system, he is only a four-years-old right now.

Gathering information of the Hero, strengthening himself, acquiring 'tools' to kill his target need to wait, at most he can only make plans and ensure that his body will grow up in the best way he can. That's currently his priority.

He lives in an orphanage that from time to time receives support from the nobles, but nothing too much, the food that every kid receives is calculated, enough for them to not die of hunger, but if his objective is to become strong enough to kill a being supported by the world itself, then he needs to find more than that.

With that in mind, Zhou Heng gives a last look at the city seen in the window and decides to explore the orphanage.

Gray Way Orphanage was his home for the past four years, he had many memories since birth, though his concentration was more on receiving the memories of his real life, that didn't mean that he was always ignoring his environment.

The first memory that he can remember was being carried by someone in an open place. If his reasoning doesn't fail him, that means that as soon as he was born, he was sent to the orphanage. He can only theorize about that, maybe his 'family' was in problems, and by concern or to get away from a burden, he was sent away, or maybe his birth was a mistake and the kindness was letting him born in the world, after that as planned by someone he was carried here.

Zhou Heng can only sigh a little about this, in his real-life he never meet his parents, his grandfather told him that his mother died while giving birth to him, and his father was a soldier that died on service while his mother was pregnant. He didn't have paternal uncles or aunts, as for his maternal family, his grandfather told him that even he didn't know about it, since his father came one day with his mother.

When he grew up he was doubtful about this matter, but Grandpa Zhou told him how his father introduced his mother, and the feelings he displayed while narrating the story weren't fake, so he believes that at least the part of the story about the sudden appearance of his mother on the Zhou Household was true.

Thinking that this is the second time he could have parents Zhou Heng's eyes were a bit dazed while walking out of the room he was in, but as soon as he stepped outside he decided to leave those thoughts, after all this is not his real life.

He treats this as a mission, something fake, like a game, his objective is to use the extraordinary means of the system, to help his grandfather and help his family to have a better future. Since a child, he helped his family, dreams, or ambitions were to seek stability, maybe with the help of the system he can also find a purpose, he was also a curious person, looking for information about the system creator is also that interest him greatly.

Shaking his head, Zhou Heng started looking around, he found himself in the middle of a corridor with about five doors, he was quite surprised, the place wasn't that bad, although it couldn't be called luxurious the overall state was very maintained, Zhou Heng clicked his tongue, this place was probably a magnificent mansion compared to his house. He even wondered if some of the children that live here were illegitimate of the nobles, even if they didn't want them, at the end, they were their blood, so they shouldn't live that bad.

The chance of him being a child of nobility was instantly rejected, his features were from what people of this world call a 'Southern' quite ironic considering that in Aurora, the southerners would be the ones that control this country. Southerners were people that came from the south of Bausmat, this country continent, he didn't know too much about it, he was only four and the orphanage doesn't seem to care too much about education. The reason for his knowledge about the theme was from...

''Hey, look it's the little south dreamer!'' A sharp voice sounded at the side.

Zhou Heng cut his train of thought and looked at the end of the corridor, an open door with three youths could be seen, they were older than him, about eight to nine years, they have different hair colors, brown, black and pale golden. He raised an eyebrow at that color, maybe this place really has some illegitimate noble children.

''Huh? he reacted this time.'' The brown-haired kid said with a surprised face, he was also the one that called first.

''That's weird, he is always in a daze, could it be that his ears finally started working?''

''Tsk tsk, maybe that's special about the southerners, they need more time to finally be called humans.''

Southerners aren't that hated, in fact, most of the people in Ariethis respects them for their hard work attitudes, the problem lies with the nobles, the southerners living in Ariethis came many time ago for problems in their own country, as they were different and worked harder than some of the natives, some nobles saw them as good cheap manpower, hiring them for many jobs.

The problem started when they wanted more than that, they wanted political positions, be the owner of a business, and increase their standing, at that moment, most of the nobles treated them with disdain and blocked many opportunities for them, beginning a subtle relationship between the two.

Zhou Heng's opinion about this matter is neutral, every human will want to be at the top if is not individually, then having your group at the top is well received, the same situation will happen if the two sides changed from the start, at the end of the day they were all humans moved by desire.

About the children in front of him, he considers them like that, children, probably because of the golden hair of the lead, that at this moment haven't even opened his mouth, but stands with a look of superiority and disdain, they feel like nobles of this orphanage and copy what the had seen while growing up.

As for the nickname, they called him that is what other kids also use when referring to him, a sad part of this life is, he doesn't have a proper name, the personnel of the orphanage doesn't have a southern, so selecting a name that isn't from the south was weird for them. Of course, he isn't the only southern child in the orphanage, but they usually after learning to speak, communicate with southerners from outside the orphanage and look for a name themselves.

Zhou Heng feels that this may be the common sense of this world, he will try to understand it later. After glancing at the three kids, he just turned around and walked to the other end of the corridor to go to the first floor of the orphanage.

''It seems that we overestimated him, is still the same.'' Brown-haired shook his head.

''Wait for a few years, after that we can start teaching him how to hear his seniors,'' Black-haired said, after all, no matter how bully they are, the other party is only a four-year brat, if they wanted to do more than verbal abuse, they need to wait.

''Ignore him.'' The golden-haired youth said with indifference, but his eyes were annoyed, he truly feels superior to everyone else, his father is one of the nobles that support the orphanage, he always heard him say that if it wasn't because of people like him, those southerners will live at the end of the rat district. His father also says how in the future he will bring him to the main house at the Northwest district, but he just needs to wait a bit until he solves some troublesome matters.

Though unknown to the kid, that troublesome matter is the wife of his father, that doesn't know about his existence luckily for him, and here he was with shining eyes looking forward to living like a king in the future.


Zhou Heng came to the first floor of the orphanage in the way he found that the children living here were from three to twelve years. newborns are rare, and they are taken care of by the oldest of the personnel, a sixty years old woman that is called Miss Wrinkles by everyone, she isn't opposed to that nickname, in fact, is proud of it, as she is probably the oldest being in Ariethis City, living so long has become a pride for her.

Zhou Heng came outside the orphanage, to a small garden that is used for the children to play, ignoring the weird gazes of the other children, he started making some flexibility exercises and started to run around the garden as if trying to circle it, in his mind, the best way to develop his body, he can't do potency training as it could be harmful, so he wanted only to run and do a cardio workout.

After running for a few minutes, he started panting, he slowed down but didn't stop, only when he couldn't truly force his body more, did he fall into the floor and calmed his shaking body, after resting for a few time, he did the routine again, in the middle of it, a young man in charge of cleaning the garden, appeared and while confused at his behavior, shouted.

''Food Time!'' After shouting a few times at the kids in the garden, he went inside, if the kids didn't come it wasn't his problem.

Zhou Heng then went without hesitation to the dining room, he had burning legs, and his breath was ragged, but he didn't stop, he needed nutrients to continue with training, he felt helpless inside, while all the time he has to prepare for his mission is his biggest advantage, he is currently in a little boy body, where can one find a child that is working hard to grow up with a healthy strong body?

With a sigh, Zhou Heng continued his way to the dining room.

I saw that some of the paragraphs were too long, and the chapters were a bit heavy, the number of the words was okay, but the size of the paragraphs didn't motivate too much to read, so I tried to short them. What do you think?

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