
I am a System Interface?

After a drunken night, Noah Carter woke to find himself trapped in an unfamiliar world. Usually, these types of things come with added perks, but in his case, there was no hack. He only got two unique skills. It was him to decide how to use them efficiently. He has to navigate the mystery of his arrival while attempting to ask for help from strangers. Over time he assumed many roles but ultimately he need to become the beacon of hope for others. But will he save this reality from disaster, or will he be the cause of its demise?

devonsewn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


" What do you think?" Cyra was startled. She turned to the side to see it was her master standing beside her.

" Master, when did you get here?" She tried to bow but it was awkward as she had her clutches.

" I was always here and saw everything which is why it's puzzling to not feel an ounce of magic from that thing."

" Are you sure? Maybe that kid is special?"

" Ho, I don't know about that when that black thing discharged all I could see was a fast projectile similar to what I faced when fighting him. It had the same strength behind it. Are you telling me that village kid is same as that mysterious man?"

" No, that's impossible." She looked down and stared at the clutches for a while. Noah was definitely hiding something, maybe he was from a faraway island probably from the centre because it is believed that's where the strongest people lived.

He could have drifted away here by chance. There was also one other chance of him acquiring some unknown abilities. It is a rare phenomenon which could result in a disaster. It that were to happen, Noah wouldn't survive for long because they were a dreadful bunch even for her master to handle.

" Maybe the little kid have some stealth related power, you never truly know but that young man is still a mystery. I asked some villagers and they told me he abruptly arrived with Alastair to heal his injuries. With how protective that muscle head is of him, it rumour about him being saved by the young man seemed true."

" But master, his power is too peculiar. Not to mention he was able to stand toe to toe with senior brother."

" Don't speak about it again. You know what will happen if wind about a 'strange' sorcerer gets out right? This place will be destroyed while he would be taken away by 'them'." Old man gave her a firm glance. It was a warning as well as a reminder of something that happened in the past.

Normally, Sorcerers are said to be pinnacle of power, standing atop of everyone with destructive capabilities that would level a small town in an instant. People like Flame Emperor were considered the best of the best, ranking highest in both prestige and fear.

But there existed an entity that could threaten their dominance, it was fairly hidden organization and even the old man didn't want to provoke them because no one knew who was behind them. There had been few instances where their traces were found but no one had concrete proof.

Still everyone believed of their existence, especially when many promising sorcerers either disappeared or died facing them. Old man could handle it but not when he had two injured disciples to protect.




" Just be sure to keep it somewhere those punks couldn't reach alright? And you lot, if I see you sneaking in items like this I will throw you into the Cursed Hollow!?" Mera yelled. She was pleased to see the children getting scared and scurrying away with mere mention of that bleak name.

" What's Cursed Hollow?" Noah who was inspecting his rifle for damage asked curiously. He might use that name if those brats tried to harass him in the future. 

" It's just a damned cave down the mountain. Don't fret about it, what about you? How are you feeling?" She circled around him inspecting his body. He still had bandages all over his body especially his torso and back which was peppered with arrows.

He was walking just fine and didn't seem to have any fever. She had been changing them and was aware his wounds mostly closed up. It didn't surprise her because she had seen it happen once. 

" You really are one tough son of a bitch." She patted his back. Seeing her cheerfully run around was good and all but it did cause some issues because Noah felt like they didn't have any concept of modest dressing.

He didn't know what was wrong with this tiny village but people here didn't seem to prioritize clothing. She is the chief of the village still she was wearing rag like leather clothes with fur etched into them but it barely covered her massive chest or her sleek long legs. 

" I am doing just fine." he faced away from her not wanting to stare at her while she jumped around unintentionally bouncing her assets. 

" Alright, but what's this?" Mera could see a wet stain on his chest.

" I think I already warned you not to put water on your wounds...wait..what's that smell?" She came closer. She definitely remembered it, she had a impressive sense of smell after all.

Noah looked down to see what she was talking about that's when he remembered the girl who was on his bed. Did she drool in her sleep?

" I see why you were so cheerful today even forgetting to stash your weapons." Mera could see Cyra at the distance. Her tone was low but Noah could see the anger behind her fake smile.

" Is she a cat or what?" He thought but it was too late.

" It's not what you think-"

" Shut up! You can't even wait until you recover?"

" I told you. It's not-"

" Don't keep lying to me! I can see the evidence, it's right there." She finally noticed the slight bulge. Noah was horrified to see his body acting weirdly. Was he that pent up? He couldn't say anything while Mera kept verbally assaulting him as his doctor.

It was only after old man interfered that the situation was resolved. Cyra went into another fury when she heard what they were talking about. Noah effectively lost credibility in both of their eyes labelling him as a pervert!