
I Am A Monster

This is a story I wanted to write for a long time. It is about how monsters live in the fantasy and cultivation based worlds. NOTICE: The MC is a monster and not a reincarnated one. The MC is not bound to the human logics so you might find some scenes unsettling.

Alladin_Larma_7851 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Mr Snake

I woke up feeling not so great. When I realized I was not in my family tree, I panicked for a bit but then I remembered what happened. It was probably the most traumatizing time of my life; seeing father charging at me with murderous fury and my family chasing after me, chattering war songs while my heart beat like I was running from a Titana Boa. I tried to get up but I could feel my body was not working well, some bones might be broken. I just continued lying on the ground, thinking of how painful or painless my death would be. Our mommies had told us numerous times that being injured out here is akin to a death sentence so I was just waiting for it.

When I closed my eyes once again, the same monkey appeared in my dreams but this time, he was sitting cross-legged, eyes closed and taking deep breaths in and out. I wanted to beat him up because of his lack of concern but I did not have the strength to. I could already feel my strength slipping, I knew death was coming.

The monkey suddenly opened his eyes and looked at me, making my heart pound even more faster as his expression showed the same thing I saw on father's face when he was charging down the mountain on all fours. Somehow, I knew he wanted me to do as he was doing so I went to the same position though stiffly because of my age and injuries and started doing the same did he was. Some time passed and just when I was starting to lose faith, I felt something inside my body break. I could feel a sort of energy going all through my body and the injuries I had somehow felt better. I opened my eyes in amazement at this.

"Is this what you wanted to tell me about?" I asked the monkey who just disappeared. "What is this energy? It feels like something else is in my body, living and profiting from me just to make me stronger."

I never got the answer I wanted so I just sucked it in and started looking around for somewhere to stay. I did find a good enough tree that was not marked by someone's urine and I was about to climb it when I saw a snake slithering towards me. By instinct, I wanted to climb on to my mother's back but she wasn't here so I could just wonder as the big snake came towards me. It stopped a small distance next to me then hissed loudly at me. I thought it was just teasing me until it spoke in my language.

"So you have not opened up your All Beast language yet, that's disappointing," the snake spoke.

"You can speak?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course I can speak, I have trying to speak to you all this while," the snake answered.

"No you haven't. All I heard was hissing," I corrected him.

"I wasn't speaking in your language," the snake said as he started getting ticked off.

"But there is no language but my language. That's all my family use," I continued to correct him.

"Listen here, brat, I am not here for a debate. My master sensed you are an awakened Level One Monster and he wants you to come with me and meet him," the snake hissed out loud making me scurry away from him. He saw my terrified expression and sighed in exasperation. "I'm not here to hurt you. Will you come with me?"

"Okay, Mr.Snake," I agreed and came forward. The snake was surprised by my change of heart.

"Are kids these easy to convince? No, I have around a hundred of them and it was never this easy. It might mean that he is a dunce," the snake thought to himself. "Jump on back, kid."

I jumped onto the friendly snake's back and we headed off towards where he said his master was. Along the way, I asked him if he was part monkey but he denied it. I asked him if he was ashamed of being part monkey but he shouted at me that he was not part monkey. I told him he's just too shy to admit it and he almost threw me off his back but I have had years of practice so I stuck to him like a tick. We also meet other animals but for some reason they kept on avoiding us. I was not stupid enough to believe I was cute enough for them to do so; in fact I knew I was too cute that they would just gobble me up. That means Mr Snake had a secret. He does not look powerful so he might have an ancestor who was powerful.

"Mr Snake, seeing as how others are avoiding us, your ancestors might have been powerful, huh?" I asked him. Mr Snake seemed proud of this.

"Of course, I am a descendant of a World Eater Python. My ancestor was so powerful he made dragons his concubines," he answered.

"Who cares about a dumb old snake, the monkey blood in you is so strong they might have smelt it," I corrected him. I never thought a snake would blush so I patted his head lovingly. "There there, I won't tell anyone." There it was again, even more blushing and smoke out of his nose. Jeez, this guy is sensitive. Silence pervaded the rest of journey until we reached a huge tree.

"Master, I brought the annoying brat!" Mr Snake shouted then I floated off his back and dumped onto the ground.

"What was that?" I asked him as stars formed in my eyes.

"My cultivation energy. I can carry light things with just my mind," Mr Snake answered. I quickly jumped onto his back once more.

"Again again again," I howled. He had no choice but to use it on me. Ass soon as my feet touched the ground, I scurried back on his back, screaming for him to do it again. This went on until he was just too tired.

"Can't keep up with a kid?" someone said. We both looked up and saw a female with the most wired deformations I ever saw. She had the face of a monkey but smaller and less hairy. On he head was long fur and two pointed ears that reminded him of foxes. She had on those skins that he saw on those hairless monkeys and on her back were six bushy tailed swaying. I was immediately mesmerised by these golden tails and I went to them immediately. She must have hated getting them touched for the tails started moving around faster than I could grab one. She then made me float like Mr Snake did and it felt wonderful.

"You are quite the curious one, aren't you?" she asked him with a soft tone.

"You can speak too? Are you part monkey like Mr Snake?" I asked her. She looked down at Mr Snake who averted his eyes from us as if ashamed. She then produced a sound I never thought animals would produce and I thought she was talking in her other language.

"Funny too, I think I will like you," she told me. "Do you know who I am?" I shook my head sincerely. "My name is Chyris, I am the Lord Level Monster of this territory. You are one of my servants and you are here because I can feel you show promise."

"I'm sorry, I am trying to concentrate but my mind and body says no no no," I apologized to her. She turned to Mr Snake who just sighed.

"He's an airhead," he said. I don't know what that was but I like air and I have a head so I like it.

"Yes, like Mr. Snake said, I am an airhead," I say which makes both of them produce that noise again. What kind of language is that that two part monkeys know but I don't?

"You're so lucky you're so cute. I will make you my personal disciple," she said.

"What is that?" I ask her.

"It means I get to teach you how to become stronger. You can float things in the air like me and Mr Snake," she answered and I was immediately hooked.

"Will I be able to kick a panther's ass?" I ask her.

"You will be using dragons as your personal beaters when I am done with you," she answered.

"Yaay!" I howl in delight as she took me from the air and hugged me. It's been long since I have been hugged so I reciprocated it. It went on for quite sometime until something hit me.

"Master, I have a question," I said and she released me with a questioning look. "What's a dragon?"