
I Am A Monster

This is a story I wanted to write for a long time. It is about how monsters live in the fantasy and cultivation based worlds. NOTICE: The MC is a monster and not a reincarnated one. The MC is not bound to the human logics so you might find some scenes unsettling.

Alladin_Larma_7851 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Human Education 101

I am now four years old and when I look back at the things I did, I have to say I was really dumb. Teacher has being doing her best to teach me in the was of the cultivation. When I asked her what it was she said it was the way of the world where beings become stronger using the energy from the world called Yuan and use it to breakthrough mortal limitations. I did not understand what she was saying back then so she shared her energy with me.

I felt like there was a raging storm inside me and I was about to burst when she started spreading the energy until it got to my little heart. There, I felt something break and I felt stronger once more like that one time that monkey made something fly into my chest. I asked her what she had done and she said she just shared with me a sliver of her energy. But that energy was enough to make me breakthrough to level two of Servant Beast.

"If it is so easy to break through why don't you just lend me all your energy and I will be as strong as you," I told her excitedly but she bonked me on the head with a stick. I swear I would have snapped the stick if it was in my hands but on hers it was a deadly instrument.

"I am a Lord Beast, a monster level that you can't even imagine to pick fleas off. I can make rivers go dry and lakes freeze. You are just a measly level 2 Servant Beast; if I were to lend you my energy again you would explode. Besides, you need to be at least level 30 of Servant Beast in order to take in atleast a quarter of my energy so that you can breakthrough and become a Noble Beast."

From then on, I have been doing my best to take in energy into my heart and breakthrough. It has been hectic but I am doing alright. Believe or not I am a level eight Servant Beast now. I have grown to be as big as father too. I tried to prove my strength with Mr Snake but I had my ass handed to me, royally. I did not even know what happened only that I was looking at the oncoming sky suddenly then he appeared above me and slammed his tail onto my stomach and the sky started fleeing from me before the earth embraced me with a this. I lost my consciousness then and only woke up two days later. His children decided that I was too cocky with their papa so they challenged me but I beat their asses back to their burrow.

I also have been doing what the monkey in my dream has been doing both in my dream and when I had free time and I can feel myself becoming stronger and my stamina too. The monkey has been smiling more now so I knew I had impressed him with my geniusness.

One day, I was doing my daily lap round the territory when I heard a commotion towards the jackals' den. I kept to the trees and swang my way there. When I was in watching range, I looked over and saw Mr Jackal fighting four furless monkey that wore the same hides as the last ones I saw. They also had metal things that they used to hurt the poor partriarch till he was bleeding profusely.

There were other bodies of dead jackals around and I knew these furless monkeys were trying to kill his whole family. I grew enraged because these monkeys were killing the jackals at our territory so I launched down at one of them. The monkey had long fur on her head so I gripped it hard and slammed her at a tree. I could hear bones breaking from her but I did not waste time checking if she was still awake. Another one with shorter hair but still long swang his metal at me but I agilely evaded it with a somersault in the air then gripped it's hand with my feet and pulled him with me to the ground. He did not expect that for he keeled over and fell while I landed on one leg. What do you expect? They have their feet in weird hide so they can't use them to their advantage like I do; they are fighting with two arms while I am fighting with four!

With this monkey down, I could smell the fear coming from the others so I decided to make them be more terrified. I started hammering this monkey with my fists the same way father did to me. The monkey was screaming out loud and screeching in pain but he was still moving so I went on with my beating. Punches, scratching, pinching with my feet and slamming him down back and forth was what I did until I could not hear him breath. I turned to the other monkeys who were helping the first monkey I hit to a tree and roared at them. I smelt something putrid from one of them as they ran out screaming. With another roar to tell them not to return, I puffed my chest out and turned to the Partriarch Jackal.

"How was that you weak beast?" I gloated. The jackal just snorted and turned to his family. He locked their bodies as a farewell then turned back to me who was checking out the monkey I killed.

"Thank you, if you hadn't arrived to stop those humans I would have likely been used as a cultivation material," Mr Jackal said.

"Humans? Is this what these monkeys are called?" I asked him. Mr Jackal looked at me in surprise.

"You are the disciple of a Lord Beast class monster and you do not know what humans are?" he asked me in incridule.

"Well, I always called them Furless monkeys," I defended myself.

"Well, they are Furless monkeys, you aren't wrong about that. Any way, take me to your master, I need to report this," Mr Jackal said. I nodded then took the dead human by his feet and started dragging him to where my master resided.

"You are going to attract unwanted attention towards us with that human," Mr Jackal reprimanded me.

"Don't worry, I am quite strong now. If I can kill this human I can defend myself," I told him.

"Don't be so cocky, monkey. There are humans as strong or even stronger than your master. They can come here anytime and start wrecking havoc onto all of us.

"Lies, there is no-one as strong as master!" I reprimanded him with a shriek, making him double backwards. "If they win they will have used underhanded methods."

"Okay okay, fine," he said with a slight panic in his tone. Neither of us talked until we reached Master's tree. We found Mr Snake waiting for us with more Mr Snakes. Master was behind them and it appears they were waiting for us.

"Master, master, I killed a human. Would you believe that? I found them harrassing Mr Jackal and they had killed all his family so I went down and low pew and bang! I am sure I crippled the first one and I beat this one to death," I narrated. Master smiled at me kindly as she reached out to my head and rubbed it.

"Good job, Haran. As expected of my disciple. Noone should harrass my people without paying for the consequences. Let me see that corpse," she said. I dragged it to her and stepped aside. She first checked the human's hide then removed them and checked all his body. I knew she was looking for something so I kept quiet.

"I cannot find any insignia or makings to show he was part of any sect, family or kingdom," master said then everyone there sighed in relief. I was even more puzzled.

"What are those?" I asked her.

"Well, these creatures, just like us, might accept masters so that they can be taught on how to be stronger. Sometimes, the masters gather a lot of followers so they form a gathering called a sect. Or, the master can start a family till it becomes strong enough so they are called Cultivational Families. Others can decide to conquer territories and make them as their own so they rule as the masters and they are called kingdoms. Each of them can have marking made on their followers on their skin or the clothes they wear. Let me give you a word of warning my disciple, if you find any human who starts to harass you are sure you can kill them then leave none of them alive for they might retaliate," she told me. I nodded obediently.

"Since you killed your first human today, how about I give you some of my Yuan. It will make you breakthrough to level ten and have your first solidified core in your heart," Mr Snake said to me.

"Really? Can I, Master?" I asked master who just chuckled; yes, that is the noise she made the first time I came here.

"Sure, why not. But remember to solidify your cultivation or you might become a Strigoi Monster and I will hunt you down and kill you," she warned me. It is a warning that I have heard for a long time but it is still scary everytime. A Strigoi Monster is a beast whose cultivation went berserk either because of shaky foundation or they are too bloodthirsty. Their minds then become mush and they start hunting down every beast they see. They also become stronger by eating stronger beasts's hearts but most are killed by these beasts. Mr Snake touched my chest with his nose then I felt Yuan flowing into my heart. At once, I felt my strength sky rocket as I felt the Yuan in my heart solidify and purifying. That signalled to me that my Yuan was getting larger in quantity and quality and I am also becoming stronger and can use energy based attacks.

"I guess it's time to teach you how to use your Yuan in anything else but just punching and pinching," master told me with a smile.