
I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Mu Feng, a historian, became the warchief of the primitive tribe! Historical knowledge, the chieftain system is integrated. Drilling wood for fire, ice-cutting for fishing, domesticating six animals, and hunting with bows will take you to experience the rural scenery of primitive tribes! More fortifications, battles for territories, the same primitive tribe, with me, a different way to rise!

NovelInsights · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 31: Recipient of donated knife

Naturally, what Mufeng needs to do is chicken soup, because the most suitable thing for Shuofeng's body now is to drink chicken soup to make up for it.

The scent of chicken soup overflowed the cave when the soup was being cooked, and the Mingguang couple couldn't help but approach Mu Feng and asked, "Mu Feng, is this the stew you mentioned? It's too fragrant!"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng picked up a small stone jar, filled it up, and tore off two large chicken legs and placed it in a bowl, holding it in front of Shuo Feng, "Shuo Feng, it's a bit hot, be careful!"

But from the bottom of his heart, he thought: "It's a pity, there is no green onion and **** and shiitake mushrooms, otherwise it will be more fragrant."

At this moment, his mind flashed: "Yes, green onion, ginger, garlic, and mushroom shoots, these can be used as spices and food!"

Immediately he had a care in his heart.

Shuofeng was already hungry by smelling the scent. He pulled the chicken leg, pinched it in his hand and inhaled the scent on the tip of his nose, and then took a big bite!

It's just that this bite bit the whole chicken leg in his mouth, and it was so hot that he stuck out his tongue again and again.

Even so, the first time I tasted such a delicious new wind, I was still reluctant to let go, chewed and swallowed.

Mu Feng was a little helpless, he thought of the original chicken's unwillingness to let go in order to eat fish sticks.

Then he hurriedly suppressed this idea, after all, humans are not the same as animals!

Just as Mu Feng sighed, Shuofeng ate another chicken leg, and then he held up the stone jar and sniffed the chicken soup. He raised his head and drank it all.

From his appearance, it was as if the chicken soup was not hot, and it was as if he had poured it directly into his stomach just as if he had no voice.

"Is there any more?" Shuofeng, who finished drinking the soup in a flash, was still unsatisfied and looked at Mufeng.

"Yes!" Mu Feng held the stone pot, turned around to serve him soup, and brought all the remaining chicken to Shuo Feng.

Shuofeng is not welcome, Feng Juan Canyun usually finishes the meat and drank the soup clean.

Mu Feng was dumbfounded.

That's a raw chicken of no less than seven or eight catties, plus a large stone pot of soup, and it will be eaten by Shuofeng alone!

It's not that he loves the chicken, but that such a large amount, can Shuofeng's stomach hold it?

It's just that he was obviously worried, and the satiated wind rubbed his stomach, let out a smelly fart, then stood up from the thatch bed, covered his nose and said, "Go out and talk!"

Mu Feng looked at Shuofeng in surprise: "You don't need to rest anymore?"

"No! Sleeping on it is too uncomfortable!" Shufeng shook his head, "and I'm fine too!"

The shock in Mingguang's eyes who followed him was beyond comprehension, and he was even more certain of the magic speculation that Mu Feng had cast in his heart.

The more so, the more brilliant in his eyes.

Shuofeng came out of the cave and took a breath of fresh air: "Don't worry, I won't eat you for nothing, I'll give you one more when I look back!"

Mu Feng didn't care, shook his head and said, "No need!"

"Why don't you need it!" He had a thin neck, "I know that Huamaolong is difficult to catch, so I will definitely pay you!"

"However, there are now more than a hundred in the tribe!" Mu Feng said with a smile.

"How is it possible!" Shuofeng looked at Mu Feng incredulously, "More than a hundred! Are you lying to me?"

"What are you doing to lie to you?" Mu Feng smiled and shook his head. "You'll know if you follow me to see it!"

Shuo Feng will be suspicious, and follow Mu Feng to Beishan.

Mingguang, who didn't follow him, was obviously relieved to the two of them.

The two came to the chicken cage, Shuofeng looked at the primitive chickens running in the chicken cage, and was speechless in surprise.

He looked at the wild sheep in the sheep pen again, and asked uncertainly: "These are the few days I slept you caught?"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng laughed and nodded, "How about it, now you believe it!"

"Believe it!" Shuofeng looked at the wild sheep and the original chicken, his eyes gleaming.

Suddenly, Mu Feng remembered the purpose of looking for Mingguang today. Seeing the boy in front of him couldn't help but shine, he smiled and asked, "Shuofeng, is the soup delicious?"

"It's delicious!" Shuofeng said with a smile, "I've never had such a delicious thing!"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng nodded and smiled, "But if you can put something else in it, it will taste even better!"

"Ah, can it be better?" Shufeng asked in surprise, "What should I put?"

"Uh, put some spices in it, such as green onions, mushrooms, etc."

"Spices, fungus?" Shufeng was puzzled, "Where are they?"

Mu Feng was happy, Shuo Feng had asked for an idea.

He smiled and said, "There are forests and mountains outside! So we can look for them there!"

Shuofeng suddenly understood what Mufeng meant: "You mean to look for it in the woods? But the woods are too dangerous. They are all wild animals. We don't have weapons either!"

His meaning is obvious, there are many beasts outside, and they are also very dangerous.

But if he had weapons, he would dare to go out.

Mu Feng knew him very well, and he was waiting for these words.

"Why not?" He flipped his hand out, holding a fine iron short knife with the forearm in his hand, "Hey, here you are!"

"This is..." Shuofeng suddenly breathed, "This is a golden tool! Or the sharpest golden knife!"

He looked at Mu Feng in disbelief: "Where did you get it?"

Before Mu Feng could answer, he asked eagerly, "Is this for me?"

Mu Feng smiled and nodded, and handed him the knife.

Shuo Feng's momentum suddenly changed when he took the knife, and his thin and black face suddenly showed a fierce look of confidence.

He licked his lips and grinned: "With this golden knife, I can take you into the jungle!"

Mu Feng looked around, nodded and smiled.

In the bottom of my heart, he sighed slightly: "What the hell, this knife is also expensive, 200 achievement points!"

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