
I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Mu Feng, a historian, became the warchief of the primitive tribe! Historical knowledge, the chieftain system is integrated. Drilling wood for fire, ice-cutting for fishing, domesticating six animals, and hunting with bows will take you to experience the rural scenery of primitive tribes! More fortifications, battles for territories, the same primitive tribe, with me, a different way to rise!

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60 Chs

Chapter 30: Healing

After leaving the thatched hut, Mu Feng returned to the cave where he lived.

There are few and pitiful things in the cave, thatch, animal skins and stone pots, nothing else.

Mu Feng sighed again: "At any rate, I am also a great chief, even where I live is so shabby! It seems that many basic things in the tribe have to be done!"

He said to himself: "The house I live in, daily utensils, daily necessities..."

He rubbed his head and lamented that it is indeed not easy to transition from primitive society to modern society.

"There are so many things that can only come one by one!" Mu Feng thought from the bottom of his heart, "do the more urgent and important things first!"

Thinking of this, he went to find Mingguang again.

After all three hunting trips, Mingguang was very familiar with the introduction of the beasts, obviously familiar with the jungle.

Mu Feng wanted him to use his strengths and take him into the mountains to see.

"Mu Feng!" Perceiving the coming of Mu Feng, Ming Guang hurriedly ran out of his cave, "Are you looking for something to do with me?"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng looked at Mingguang with a sad expression, "What's the matter, Uncle Mingguang?"

Mingguang sighed, "Shuofeng..."

"Shuofeng!" Mu Feng was shocked in his mind, and immediately remembered.

Shuofeng is Mingguang's son, and he has followed Mingguang in the wild jungle since he was a child, and he is no less familiar with the wild than Mingguang.

The sour fruit that Bai Ya likes was originally brought to her by Shuofeng.

When the Mang Dragon Division robbed the tribe last time, the reason why I was unconscious was because the Mang Dragon Division smashed him with a big stick.

At that time, Shuofeng stepped on his head and blocked the blow for Mu Feng, and smashed his head directly...

As for why he was "comatose", it should be that after Shuofeng blocked a stick, he suffered another one.

And it seems that the owner of his own body-the original Mu Feng should be dead, otherwise he wouldn't have traveled through it.

In any case, he got to this point only to save "self", and Mu Feng couldn't ignore it.

"Shuofeng, how is he?" Mu Feng asked anxiously.

"He still didn't wake up!" There was grief on Mingguang's face, "I'm about to die now..."

"Huh?" Thinking of the bright light in the last two days as usual, without any clues at all, he hurriedly asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's useless!" Mingguang shook his head. "The old chief said, I'm afraid you two children won't survive. Whether you can wake up depends on God's will."

"And the tribe is in danger right now, the tribe needs you more than we do..."

Regardless of Mingguang's words, Mu Feng went straight to the cave: "Shuofeng!"

Mingguang quickly followed behind.

Mu Feng came into the cave and saw that the ground was covered with thick thatch, and there was a young man lying flat on the thatch, with a thin black face and well-defined features.

It's just that the boy's eyes are tightly closed, and his face is getting thinner because of being lethargic for too many days and not eating much, especially his neck and ears with small blood stains, which look very bleak.

"Shuofeng!" Mu Feng's heart tightened, "Could it be..."

"Oh..." Mingguang sighed helplessly when he saw Mu Feng like this.

Mu Feng stretched out his hand and carefully explored Shuofeng's nose. He noticed that there was still a very weak breath, and the hanging heart relaxed.

As long as he breathes, he has a way to save Shuofeng!

"He's still saved!" Mu Feng hurriedly said such a sentence, so that Ming Guang can feel at ease.

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, Mingguang was stunned, and then exclaimed: "Really?"

Mu Feng nodded silently, turned his back to Mingguang, reached out to the top of Shuo Feng's head, and began to operate the healing technique silently.

Suddenly, light green spots appeared in the cave, and after the spots appeared, they began to rush towards Mufeng's palm.

Mingguang noticed the abnormality and stared at these light spots with his eyes wide open.

"This is..." Mingguang's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak.

And Mu Feng naturally saw the green light spots around him. He watched these light spots converge on his palm, and then poured into Shuofeng's head through his palm.

Different from the last time he used to rescue the old chief, this time he clearly felt the green light pouring from his palm to the top of Shufeng's head, and a warm feeling made him very comfortable.

But then the eyelids trembled, which made him feel drowsy.

"I'm going, it turns out that this spell consumes so much energy!" Mu Feng bit his tongue secretly, not letting himself fall asleep, keeping his palms on Shuofeng's head.

For about ten minutes, it was a great torment for Mu Feng-he was too sleepy!

But fortunately, Shuofeng finally woke up!

After waking up, Shuofeng opened his eyes and looked at Mu Feng, who was holding his eyelids on the head of his bed and staying asleep, and at Ming Guang who was standing aside, and finally spoke: "Daddy, Mu Feng?"

"Wake up, finally wake up!" Mingguang was overjoyed and jumped up excitedly, "Great!"

And the A-niang of Shuofeng, upon hearing the news, she cried with joy when she saw Shuofeng who had already woke up.

Then the couple knelt on one knee, with one hand up, toward Mu Feng: "Thank Chief Chief!"

Shuo Feng, who had just sobered up, was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Mu Feng: "Warchief?"

Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "Uncle Mingguang, you go to the chicken coop to catch a big primitive chicken, kill it, tease it clean, find the stone pot, put the chicken in it, fill it with water, and stew it. Eat the wind!"

"Use a stone pot, stew it?" Mingguang was a little at a loss.

Mu Feng was helpless, so he had to say: "Go and clean the chicken, and then I'll cook it!"

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