
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

You’re Too Weak

"Remember the name, Bastian, tell them that he sent you". Bastian said. He looked towards Azure and scoffed. "For the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy".

The chain that was in his hand had a black mist that outlined it. He cracked the chain before lashing out at Azure.

At the top of the chain, the mist that outlined it converged to form a dragon head. The dragon head roared at Azure then spat out crimson colored flames at him.

"Let your light so shine before men, so that they may see your good works!"

A rod consisting of converged white rays of light appeared on Alex's hand, he threw the rod towards the head of the dragon.

The rod burst into ten rays of light, each of them stabbing towards different vital points of the dragon, it looked like a firework going off.

A hissing sound was made as the rays of light came into contact with the dragon's head. In a few seconds, the head dissolved to form a thick red smoke in its wake.

Naturally, since the head had dissolved, the fire that was millimeters away from burning Azure also dissolved to form a red smoke.

"For the light shineth upon the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not!"

As soon as the fire transitioned to smoke, Azure attacked Bastian.

Azure's sword glowed with an azure light as he charged towards Bastian. A ray of azure light escaped the blade of Azure's blade and went towards Bastian.

Bastian chuckled. His chuckle developed into a laugh which later progressed to a cackle. "Do you think that you can attack me?" Bastian asked. "Very well then, I'll have to teach you one or two lessons". Bastian cracked his chain and once again, it lunged at Azure. "For the light does shine upon the darkness… but the darkness comprehends it!"

The top of the whip lunged at Azure. Its body was outlined with a black most. On its path towards Azure's body, it came across the ray of light that shot towards him.

Long story short, the ray of light made a slight hissing sound before disappearing into a puff of smoke. The chain that was sent Azure's way would've probably killed him had Alex not been present.

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadow of the almighty!"

Alex ran in front of Azure and stretched out his hands. A golden ray of light seemed to have fallen from the sky and landed in front of them. The light expanded until it had achieved a width of fifty meters.

The golden ray of light seemed to serve as some sort of a shield against the chain that was aimed at Azure

"Azure, no matter what happens". Alex said to Azure. "Don't leave this place".

Alex came out of the protection and faced Bastian.

"Alman sent you, didn't he?" Alex said to Bastian.

Bastian chuckled. "What do you think?" He started playing with his chain. "You know, the kid should've just stayed put wherever he was, he wouldn't have been brought into this". He cracked his chain. "But no, he just had to join the angel squad. What's more annoying is that he actually has talent!"

"He doesn't know about what happened". Alex said. "He's of no threat".

"Who is to say that he won't get nosy about his parents death". Bastian started swinging his chain playfully. "You know, look for answers that he must not find".

"Spare him today". Alex said. "Leave him. If you feel that he's beginning to get nosy or that he's close to the truth, then I'll kill him myself".

Bastian laughed when he heard Alex's word. Then his expression took a one hundred and eighty degree turn. He walked towards Alex and stared him in the eyes.

"If you don't make good on your promise". He whispered into his ears. "I'll kill him, and don't think I won't make him suffer before I do". He rolled up his chains and started walking away. After walking a few steps he turned around. "Speaking of which, he can't hear anything behind that golden ray thingy can he?"

"He's oblivious to everything that's happening in front of it". Alex said. He turned around and walked towards where the golden ray of light.

He stretched out his hand and the golden ray shrunk into a small ball then entered his eyes.

"Has he gone?" Azure asked.

"You have so many questions right now, and I understand that you want answers". Alex ignored Azure's question. "But you're always one step away from crossing a very thin line. Once you cross this line, there is only one outcome for you… death".

"What are you saying?" Azure was concerned. It reflected on his face. What really happened in the time he hid behind the golden ray.

"You're too weak, that's what I'm saying". Alex said lightly. "You have questions and you want answers, but you can't even think of getting those answers until you're strong enough".

"This is about my parents, isn't it?" Azure guessed. Alex's face told him that he was correct.

Alex patted his head and smiled. "You really are a smart kid. I don't know whether it's a good or bad thing". Alex turned around and started walking away. "Now, let's get to that dungeon".