
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Remember The Name Bastian

Azure woke up to the sound of screaming and shouting. His emotions did a quick trip from startled to surprised to amused.

He found it funny watch grown men scampering around running from…

Speaking of which, what exactly were they running from?

Azure realized that he could be facing a serious problem hence, he did the only sensible thing that any other person in his situation would've thought to do.

He picked up his sword, stood up and ran away.

He followed everyone running and had a relatively smooth travel to the front yard of the headquarters.

There were already a relatively large number of squad members waiting there.

"What's going on?" Azure asked the person beside him. He regretted it immediately.

"There's been a breach in the dungeon". The boy was eighteen years old. He had a tall, muscular build. His hair was short, black and very dry. His complexion was ruined with a slight brown tan. "Apparently, some idiot wounded up in the dungeon and forgot to close the door behind him before leaving".

Azure felt an impulse to defend himself after realizing that he was the idiot that caused the mess. Then he realized, they weren't wrong.. he was an idiot. But the bigger idiot was the person that conjured a spirit to protect a house filled with angels.

The stupid spirit kept changing the shape of the house!

After a few more minutes, everyone else had come out of the house and were now standing at the front yard.

In front of the huge crowd of angels, a small, thin figure stood.

"I'm sure that by now you all know that there was a breach in the dungeon". Alex said. As soon as he said this, his gaze travelled towards Azure, but it was only for a moment before he moved it towards something of unimportance.

Even though it was for a moment, Azure noticed Alex's gaze. He cried inwardly. That was Alex's way of letting him know that he knew that he was the fool behind everything.

"Now, there were at least ten demons captured inside the dungeons". Alex continued. "Your mission is to find and capture those demons. If any of them shows resistance, you have permission to kill".

"Yes commander!" Everyone except Azure and a few new members saluted at once.

"Azure, wait behind". Alex said lightly as everyone started to disperse.

"What happened?" Azure said while walking towards Alex.

"That's a relatively calm demeanor for someone who caused the entire problem". Alex smiled.

"I figured if I was in trouble, I'd have been punished already". Azure smiled back.

"You're smarter than you look". Alex said. "But unfortunately you're wrong in this case". Alex smirked when he saw the mild look of surprise on Azure's face. "See, you and I are going to clear a dungeon".

"Dungeon?" Azure echoed the word.

"You'll understand when we get there". Alex said. He started walking towards his right without saying a word. It took Azure a good three seconds to realize that he was supposed to follow him.

They walked towards a clearing in the forest that besieged the headquarters from nearly every direction.

There was a beast waiting there. Azure was slightly startled when he saw the beast then he realized that it was probably logical. The fact that they were still using weapons like swords and spears meant that they weren't an advanced civilization.

Azure hopped on the beast mount only after seeing Alex get on it just to be sure that it wasn't dangerous and wouldn't try to murder him for any reason at all and after a few minutes of flying, they reached their destination.

It was an open grassland that seemed to span for miles to come. There was nothing about this place that provided any familiarity to Azure's imagination of a dungeon.

"When is it?" Azure asked Alex who had already started walking towards his left.

"Would you just hush up and follow me!" Alex shouted.

Though he was puzzled, Azure did what he was told, he shut up and followed Alex. He didn't know what he did that made Alex so on edge but he knew that he couldn't go head to head with a pastor. Only God knew whether he had some other trump card that he didn't know about.

"Don't you think that it's not nice to be stalking us like that". Alex shouted.

"I'll admit, you're good". A voice said from about one hundred meters away from Azure.

Azure jumped slightly when he heard the voice. It was strange to think that someone had been following him all this while and he didn't even detect them at all.

"But that's a shame cos now I have to kill you too". The voice continued talking.

Azure was puzzled. From what the voice just said, the main target of whatever was going on was him. Alex just got caught up in everything.

The body of a middle aged man came into formation just a few meters from where he was standing. The middle aged man had red hair, red eyes and a pale complexioned face. He donned an all black outfit and he held a red chain that had spikes protruding from it in his hand.

"You don't want to do this". Alex said slightly.

"Oh, I think that I do". The middle aged man said. "Remember the name Bastian, tell the devil that he sent you".