
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The World Bubble

How does it feel like to go to Heaven? How does it feel like to fly with the clouds, knowing that you were on your way to paradise? How does it feel to know that you're on your way to meet your father, your friend with whom you have had many conversations with but have never actually seen before?

However it might've felt, it definitely didn't feel the way Alex was feeling. He felt hot, very hot, scorching hot, like he was thrown into a pit of fire.

Wait, that wasn't right. He shouldn't be feeling this way. He definitely shouldn't be feeling this way unless he was… was he in hell?

He couldn't be, everyday since he was ten, he'd read the Bible, he'd pray to God, he'd attend all the church services even the ones that ate into his weekend plans. He'd done it all, every single thing possible.

"Are you shocked to be here?" A voice said softly. It sounded as if the voice came from just behind Alex but he couldn't perceive anyone's presence near him. The only thing that he could see for miles to come was darkness.

"Who are you?" Alex asked. His voice betraying the fear which he felt at that moment. There was only one person that could sound so calm in hell.

The voice chuckled. "Who do you think?"

"Are you… the devil?"

As soon as those words left Alex's lips, the voice broke out into a cackle, until it was interrupted.

"Dave, stop scaring the poor boy and come help me open the portal". Called another voice.

"Boy?" Alex forgot about his momentary fear and raised an eyebrow.

"Bah, you're no fun!" The voice that spoke earlier sounded again, a considerable distance away from him. This time though, it sounded like a rebellious teenager going through a phase.

After it finished talking, the lights came in to Alex's relief, he wasn't in hell. That being said he was definitely wasn't in Heaven, and he didn't know where the fuck he was at.

He was inside a floating bubble, that was the most accurate description of his current location. Outside of the bubble were vortexes, each of them having a different color than the other.

With slight difficulty, he saw two figures that he was certain held him hostage. Whenever he was at, he wasn't supposed to be there. He was supposed to be on his way to Heaven.

One of them looked like a regular human being, save for the fact that he had two bird like wings protruding from his back.

The other… well there was no way that he wasn't the devil. He fit every movie description of the devil he had every come across. He had two horn protruding from his forehead, his eyes were blood red, his face had so many confusing patterns etched in it. There were two dragon wings protruding from his back. He had to be the devil.

"Are you sure that this isn't hell?" Alex asked lightly. "And you aren't the devil?"

"Do you want to go to hell?" The 'devil' smiled evily. "I could take you there".

Now, the normal person would probably feel intimidated, scared, piss their pants and even cry while screaming that they didn't want to go to hell, but Alex said-

"And you're sure that you're not supposed to be the devil?"

"You really are an interesting one". The 'devil' muttered. "Name's Fred actually". He gestured at his bubble. "And my humble abode is called the world bubble!"

The fact that Alex didn't burst out laughing was probably due to his self control and the fact that he still didn't have a full grasp in what was happening. It didn't stop him from voicing out his heart felt opinions though.

"The world bubble?" He echoed. "So you could've named this bubble anything but you chose the world bubble"

"It was Dave that named it actually". Fred said. "I don't care about shit like that"

"You got a problem with that?" Dave spread his wings and started walking towards Alex.

"Never mind". Alex decided not the pursue the matter further. He looked at Fred. "Why am I in the world bubble?"

"Because God wants to give you a second chance". Fred said lightly.


"You died full of grievance and hate, God doesn't want that so you're going to reincarnate in another world".

"You're lying"

Fred shrugged. "Believe what you want to believe".

It wasn't that Alex believed what Fred told him, he just had a habit of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, and since in this particular scenario it suited him perfectly, he decided that he would stick to his principles.

"What type of world am I reincarnating in?"

"A works just like earth". Fred answered. "Except God has forsaken it so you can do whatever the fuck you want".

"Oh…" Alex decided it wouldn't hurt to believe him.

"Dave, hold him down" Fred said. He stretched out his hand and a helmet with many wires attached to it appeared from thin air. "We need to erase his memories"

Alex tensed."Why?"

"Because it's excruciatingly painful and you won't sit tight". Fred answered.

"No- I mean why do you have to erase my memories".

"Because you're not supposed to remember anything". Fred laughed. "Have you ever seen any movie where a person reincarnates and they remember everything from their past life?"

"What if I don't want to forget everything?" Alex asked.

"Well then, we'll have to be forceful, won't we?" Dave muttered from behind Alex.

Alex swing his elbow wildly and managed to catch an unaware Dave on the nose. He pushed Fred, who ran towards him almost immediately down and ran for the vortex that was closest to him.

He jumped through the bubble and entered into the vortex.

"Damn it! Another one died". Fred cursed as he stood up.

"Wait! He entered the right world". Dave shouted after two seconds of silence.

Fred's face lit up immediately. "Yes!" A computer appeared in front of him. "Experiment 317, begin!"

"Uh.. this is 626". Dave corrected.

"When did we reach that?"

"Yesterday night". Dave said. "There was a bombing in Beijing"

Fred slapped his forehead. "Oh yeah". Fred typed on the keyboard for a few seconds. "Experiment 626, begin"