
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Churches And Angels?!

There were many things that Alex expected a god forsaken world to look like. It could've been a barren wasteland that had neither day or night or an endless dark void or some form of it could have eternal punishment evident on it. He did not expect to be exactly as Fred had described; just like earth. For the part he knew of.

He woke up with a groan. His head was aching badly. He stood up slowly and inspected the room he woke up in.

Wait, this wasn't a room. At that moment, he realized that he had been asleep beside a dumpster.

"Damnit!" He muttered. His hand instantly moving to cover his mouth.

He staggered into the nearest street and walked around aimlessly, or at least tried to walk around aimlessly. He barely moved two steps when he collapsed on the floor, his stomach alerting him to the grave situation that it was in.

"Fuck it, Fred" he muttered. Almost immediately, he covered his mouth. He was a pastor, he shouldn't say those 'swear words'. But then according to Dave and Fred, this was a literal god forsaken world so then-

"Fuck you!" Alex said to the person closest to him.

"Your dad's a pussy!"

"Bitch ass nigga!"

"Stupid motherfucker!"

Now, on a normal day, if he did this he would most likely be mauled to death by an angry crowd holding pitch forks and torches. But this wasn't a normal day. In fact, most of the passerbys didn't presume him to be a normal person.

Alex collapsed on the floor soon after, his stomach making him pay for the joyous outbreak of swear words. His eyes darted to a nearby shop and lit up when he saw the pastries that filled the shop. The display case seemed real sexy to Alex at that point.

At first, Alex tried to instill some self control into himself then it all came to him. If God wasn't here and swearing isn't a sin, then stealing isn't a sin and-

After thinking this, Alex couldn't find the will to muster an obligation and he needed food and as such, he walked towards the pastry shop.

"Azure, my man!" A teenager from inside the store called out to Alex. He found himself staring at a boy that looked about fifteen years of age. The boy had black hair and red colored eyes. His eyes stared at Alex for a bit.

The boy had a slight tan on his skin and his jaw slanted in such a way that his face looked quite handsome. He donned a red top and a black jeans. A long sword was strapped to the left side of his waist.

Now, if Alex was in his old world, then he would have straight up called the teenager a demon and attempted to exorcise the shit out of him. But this was a new world, and a new world meant meeting new types of people. Even though they made him slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you ready?" He asked as soon as he arrived in front of Alex. When Alex stared into his eyes, he saw himself.

His hair was azure, his eyes were azure. His face was somewhat pale, although that could easily be traced back to the hunger which he felt. His chin was perfectly chiseled and his thin lips curled into a smile.

That being said, this body was quite handsome. He donned an azure shirt and azure jeans with azure shoes. An azure colored sword with an azure colored hilt was strapped to the left side of his waist.

'It seems I'm going to be quite the ladies man in this world'. Alex mused.

No, no he couldn't think that. He was a pastor no matter the world he was in, and pastors didn't think like that.

After that thought passed, Alex felt strange. How did he not notice the sword.

"Ready for what?" He asked seeing as he didn't have the faintest idea as to what was happening.

"Did you forget that we're going for angel tryouts today?"

Now if Alex was holding anything at that moment, he would most certainly have dropped it.


If there are angels here then God was here and if-

Wait, it doesn't make sense. Why would Hid pick humans to aud-

"Argh!" Alex cries out while clutching his head.


Inside the world bubble, Fred sat in front of a computer while Dave hovered behind him.

"You think that was a good time to unlock the old memories?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, sure. It would've been dangerous if he remembered them himself". Dave answered.

"Let's just pray he survives. Almost no one has survived this". Fred muttered. He tapped a button on the keyboard and spoke. "Experiment three- ahem! Experiment six-two-six, phase two commencing!"


If there was a word to describe what Alex was feeling right now, it would be pain. If felt like thousands of needles pierced his brain all at once while his head was being cut open. He fell on the floor, clutching his head.

All of a sudden, a flood of memories entered his head, every single thing that had happened to the body he was in entered his head. He understood everything, everything was clear to him.

The boy was called Azure. Nobody knew his real name, not even him. He became an orphan as soon as he was born. His mother was poisoned hours after she gave birth to him while his father was already assassinated a few days prior. Or so they told him.

Ever since he realized the truth about his father's death, he made it his lifelong goal to avenge him. After snooping about for a bit, he found out that his father was killed in a power struggle relating to the church.

Since he realized the truth about his father's death, he became hell bent on destroying the church (although he made no real attempt), to eviscerate every pastor, every pope, everybody that was connected to the church.

He and the boy beside him (Alex remembered that his name was Sticks) decided to join the church army, the angels so that they would infiltrate the church and destroy it from the inside.

Alex, or Azure panted after it was all over. He stood up and dusted himself. His eyes held a murderous glint to them as he turned towards the direction of the church and said to Sticks lightly. "Let's go"


"Yes! He didn't die" Fred said excitedly. He stood up from the computer and walked towards a shelf that materialized from thin air. He picked up a blank CD and wrote 'Experiment 626' with a marker that Audu materialized from thin air.

"Experiment six-two-six, phase three!" He muttered as he loaded the disk into the computer.