
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs


Few minutes after Tamra and Azure left dealt with the 'robbers' that attempted to make away with their 'purse'. The simulation realm started collapsing on itself. Trees reduced to dust in an instant, the raindrops weren't touching them anymore.

Azure asked Tamra about it and she told him that it meant they were preparing to teleport them back to reality. Azure heaved a sigh of relief in response to that. He looked at Sticks' lifeless body that he had been dragging behind him for quite some time and decided to release some of his frustration on it.

He kicked the body with all the strength he could muster and sent it flying into a nearby tree trunk.

Minutes later, they were all standing inside the waiting room, standing at the exact position where they had been before they were transported to the simulation.

"What happened?" Sticks asked ribbing his eyes. He didn't remember anything after the demon hit him. It was as if he was in a completely dark room for several hours. It felt like torture.

"Nothing". Azure said. "You got beat up by a demon, fell into a coma and we ended up having to drag you around for a few hours and here we are".

"You didn't mention the part where you kicked his body into a tree trunk". Tamra pointed out.

Sticks' face turned towards Azure almost immediately. The later just shrugged. "You're acting as if you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were in my situation".

Sticks considered this new argument for a few seconds and decided that there was nothing that could justify such terrible treatment of a lifelong friend.

"Alrighty! It's time for the third round of the member's exhibition". The middle aged man said. "It's similar to the first round. Go to Brenda and generate your match opponents and come outside when it's your turn".

The middle aged man started off with another pep talk but by now everyone had heard enough of the Middle aged man that they just went straight to Brenda.

After some minutes, Azure, Tamra and Sticks had all generated their match opponents. Tamra was called to fight first. She was up against someone named Zystt.

Tamra hadn't heard the name before much to Azure's disbelief. After his few interactions with Tamra, he found it difficult to fathom that there were people alive in the angel squad that Tamra had never heard of.

Tamra went to the fighting ring. Opposite her was a somewhat chubby figure. Zystt looked as if someone just woke him up from a long slumber. His hair was messy, not in the fashionable way but in the way that said that he didn't care about it. He held two battle axes in his hands.

"Are you ready?" The referee asked. His gaze travelled from Tamra to Zystt.

The both replied in the affirmative and a mildly loud bell chime ring signifying the beginning of the match.

Three pitch green daggers appeared in front of Tamra and rushed straight at Zystt.

In response to Tamra's attack, Zystt raised his axe and deflected two of the daggers, the third one left a relatively shallow cut on his shoulder.

Zystt smiled when he saw the mild injury. "Is that all you got". He said as he ran towards Tamra. "Here I was thinking that you were some powerful bitch". Zystt spat on the floor.

Tamra cringed. She stood with a dazed look for a few seconds as if she was t aware that a fat, blonde boy was running towards her brandishing two sharp axes. She looked to be in a realm of her own.

As soon as Zystt's axe was about to make contact with her body, she did something that caught everyone watching off guard.

She… started crying!

Long lines of warm tears moved down her cheeks. Zystt dropped his axe and looked at her with a puzzled look. What the hell was Happening?

"You called the lady a…". Tamra didn't finish her statement. She cringed when she was supposed to input the last word. "You will pay".

The last part of her sentence was said with such a chilling calmness. Zystt who was already confused became scared as well. He raised his two axes ready to finish off the crazy child in front of him.

"Argh!" Right as his axe was about to cleanly cut Tamra's head off her body, a dagger plunged into his neck. He dropped the axes in his hands and clutched where the dagger was embedded in.

"Argh!" Zystt was the source of another sound of agony barely two minutes later. While he was tending to his wound on his leg, another dagger plunged into his upper arm.

"You cursed at the lady". Tamra said. Her eyes radiating bone chilling malice. "You will pay".

The next two minutes consisted of an irregular sequence of screams of agony and loud cackling. Zystt lay on the floor, his body riddled with so many cuts and stab marks. His body twitched occasionally, showing that he was at least still alive.

Tamra stood barely two feet away from him. She stretched out her palm which had there daggers hovering in front of it. She made a slight pushing motion and the three daggers flew towards Zystt's…

All the males watching in the crowd had sweat all over their forehead. If the dagger landed where she had planned then wouldn't the boy…

No! They couldn't just imagine it. They looked once more at the once innocent looking girl and shook their heads. This girl was the epitome of evil. She was a devil, a pyscopathic devil!


Just as the daggers were about to reach their target, a calm voice rung out. The daggers stopped less than half an inch away from Zystt's 'family jewels'.

Tamra turned and looked at the pope. The pope stared back. It was like a staring contest only that this staring contest lasted for about a minute before the dagger flew back into Tamra's grip.

"Tamra wins!" The referee announced while clutching his 'lil man'. He was obviously shaken by what happened, or rather what almost happened.