
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

I Beat Up Strangers For Fun

Over the next few minutes, Azure and Tamra walked around aimlessly. They had switched roles though. Tamra was leading the way while Azure was dragging Sticks' lifeless body.

Their hadn't gotten any luck in their new 'venture'. No one had come to rob them so far. Azure was about to give up on his 'business plan' when he saw multiple figures walking towards him.

He would've regarded them as passers by if not for the malicious expressions in their faces. He noticed that there was no golden light hovering above their heads.

Azure smiled. They thought that they were smart. They didn't make an attempt to find a demon at all. They probably thought that they would luckily run into weak people that had worked their asses off to kill demons and rob them.

According to the rules, you couldn't kill someone that didn't have a demon core so they were basically immune to any form of retaliation. The only flaw in their plan was that they met Azure instead of any weak person.

"Oi!" The boy that was at the center called out to the three of them.

The boy was a little bit tall. His height would've made him intimidating if not for the fact that he had a very manly figure. He really looked like a real 'pole'.

His brown hair was neatly combed backwards and he had a small gathering of hair around his lips forming a beard, albeit not messy. The beard had been trimmed enough for it to look stylish on his face.

"Do you know him?" Azure whispered to Tamra.

"His name is Lex". Tamra said. "I think he should be in the Gabriel squad or something, I'm not really sure".

Azure turned his attention back to the lanky figure in front of him and smiled. The fact that Tamra didn't know that much about him meant that he was basically a nobody. That was good news for Azure.

Lex raised his brows when he saw Azure's lips curl upwards to form a smile. He was starting to have second thoughts about The whole robbery ploy when he remembered that Azure couldn't kill him. With his new found confidence, he continued talking.

"Bring out your demon cores and nobody has to get hurt". Lex said while massaging the hilt of the sword that was strapped to his waist.

Azure nearly doubled over laughing when he heard the threats that were coming out of Lex's mouth. It took almost all his self control to maintain a straight face as he spoke.

"And what if we don't want to". Azure said while clutching his pockets. He left enough space inside his palm to make it seem as if he was holding something inside.

The eyes of the group shone with greed when they saw the amount of 'demon cores' that Azure was clutching.

"If you don't then we'll take it from you". This time it was someone else that spoke. He was slightly behind Lex.

"Axel". Tamra said. As soon as Axel had spoken, Azure turned to her and she said his name, knowing exactly what Azure needed her for.

Axel was of average height for his age standing at six feet and two inches. He wore a black battle outfit with two red straps starting from either side of his shoulder, moving diagonally and settling on either side of his waist. There were two sheathed swords attached to the strap.

"And you can't kill us". Axel said with a mocking smile on his face. "So hand the demon cores over or things are going to get messy".

Azure smiled. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards the group that were in the middle of their robbery attempt. "Do you know what my favorite hobby is?"

Every single one of them, including Tamra gave him strange looks. How the fuck did his hobbies fit into the matter.

Without waiting for anyone's response, Azure answered his own question. "I like to beat up strangers for fun".

Azure's figure turned blurry as he sprinted towards Axel and used the hilt of his sword to hit his forehead. Lex turned around and raised his sword to strike at Azure.

His hand wasn't halfway through the motion when Azure's palm hit his face and sent him staggering backwards.

Tamra wasn't idle. Four green daggers were hovering in mid air, flying about and cutting random figures that were unfortunate enough to agree to take part in the 'raid'.

Few minutes later, Lex and Axel had multicolored faces while the rest of the figures were in the floor with reddened eyes. Their bodies were filled with cuts to random areas.

They looked at Tamra as if they were looking at a devil. Azure almost shuddered when he saw the state of their bodies. He looked at Tamra with a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Even though I can't kill you, I still have other ways to make you suffer". Azure said while walking away from the semi conscious group on the floor. "Happy hunting!" He said when he was almost out of their line of vision.

They would've gotten into a fight over who to blame for their current predicament, however, the severity of their situation didn't leave them with the strength to argue with each other. They only looked at each other with tears in their eyes.

At that moment, all of them had the same thought on their minds.

Who did they offend that they decided to rob two demons sent straight from the depths of hell.