
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Hunting Demons (3)

"Miss me much?" Tamra said, walking out of a thick cluster of bushes. She snatched her dagger from Azure and sped towards the demon's body. She bent down and stabbed into his head, her dagger searching its inside until it brushed against something hard. Without hesitation, her hand went into the hole and she brought out a red crystalline object. "Shit, he lied".

"About what?" Azure was slightly confused.

"You really don't know anything, do you?". Azure was about to talk when Tamra's voice sounded. "Don't answer that". She kept the crystal inside a small bag that she wore. "Just like us, demons have different levels of strength. There are ordinary demons, like this liar on the floor, there are elemental demons and there are supreme demons".

"Elemental demons are demons that have fully fused with nature, allowing them to control nature's elements. As for supreme demons… well, let's cross our fingers and hope we never meet one. It's been said that only the squad generals and the pope can handle a supreme demon".

Azure sucked in some air when he heard this statement. If he heard this statement three weeks ago, then he wouldn't have considered it much at all, but in three weeks, he realized how weak he actually was.

"So you heard about the mission". Azure said. "Or you were just stalking me".

Tamra scoffed. "You're not that important. It's hard to pass up on a possible ten stars". She looked at the body on the floor with so much disgust. "That's now been reduced to nine".

She threw him a bottle filled with grey liquid. "For your shoulder".

"What's this?" Azure raised a brow.

"You can hand it back if you don't want it". Tamra said sourly.

In response to that statement, Azure opened that bottle and gulped down all the grey liquid that was inside it.

Azure chuckled when he saw her expression. "So… what's next?"

"We wait".

"We wait?"

"Demons have some sort of voodoo that helps them smell other demon blood". Tamra explained. "I killed one before and used the smell of his blood as bait. You would've been collateral damage if you didn't have him so distracted". Tamra shrugged.

Azure's mouth was agape. And here he was thinking that he had made a new friend. She would've left him for dead if he didn't do a good job distracting the demons.

Without even waiting for Azure, Tamra went and assumed her hiding spot behind the cluster of bushes. Azure didn't need anyone to tell him to follow her to her hiding spot. He was still terrified at the thought of being 'collateral damage'.

After waiting for about three hours, Tamra was about to go and check her 'trap. She was very certain that something was wrong. Another demon was supposed to have come already.

She was about to take a step when she and Azure heard a chilling voice from behind them.

"Were you waiting for me?"

They both jumped out of surprise and alarm. Half a second later, when they grasped the situation, they both leaped in opposite directions and looked at their previous positions.

Standing there was a tall demon, very tall. Without exaggeration, he stood at a height of eight feet. His skin color had a major tan. He had red hair and glowing blue eyes. Two horns somehow protruded from the base of his head.

"Not good". Tamra whispered.

"Why?" Azure was confused. Wasn't he just a demon? The two of them combined could probably take him.

"He's two stars". Tamra replied.

He was an elemental demon then. Azure didn't understand the gravity of the situation. The way Tamra sulked when she discovered that the demon that she killed was an ordinary demon made him look down on elemental demons. He forgot that an ordinary demon kept him in such a tough spot earlier.

"So that's what I'm worth". The demon muttered to himself. "You would've thought that the bastard pope would consider me somewhat important".

Tamra seemed agitated when the demon insulted the pope. Azure on the other hand would've loved to have a nice chat with him about what an ass the pope was if he wasn't quite certain that the demon would attempt to kill him.

"For the wages of sin is death!"

A blood red mist appeared from thin air and converged towards where Tamra was standing. The mist reshaped into a chain which Tamra held in her hand. She cracked the chain as she hurled it towards the demon.

"For the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not!"

At the same time, Azure charged at the demon. The blade of the sword glowed with an azure hue and was outlined by an even darker shade of azure.

A small ray of azure light flew out of the sword and went towards the demon who smiled as he saw the light approaching him. He easily moved to the side and dodged the ray of light.

He turned to see Tamra's chain a few millimeters from his neck. With a speed that was barely comprehensible to the human eyes, he grabbed the chain and yanked it making Tamra fly towards him. He used his other hand to send a backhand towards Tamra's face.

Tamra released the chain just and threw a dagger towards his heart when she was close enough. At the same time, Azure had already reached the front of the demon and slashed at his neck.

In response to the barrage of attack, the demon jumped backwards and twisted his body mid air, narrowly avoiding the dagger and the sword that was aimed at his vitals.

He chuckled and threw the chain towards Tamra. "I'm impressed, you plebs forced me to retreat". His smile turned into a sneer. "Let's see you try that again"

Bzzt! Bzzt!

As soon as he said those words, arcs of lightning started flickering around his body. He began to cackle as he held his hand in front of his eyes. A few arcs of lightning began to flicker on his palm. He redirected his palm towards Azure and Tamra and a thin arc of lightning shot towards them.