
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Hunting Demons (2)

Multitudes of mountains stood in a disorganized formation. Each of them had a height that spanned at least fifty meters. Their bodies riddled with craters and caves.

Another thing that the mountains had in common, asides from their towering height and the craters were the fact that their peaks were all smooth and even. It was almost as if someone smoothened out the top.

About one hundred meters away from this collection of 'weird' flat peaked mountains was a boy that looked about fifteen years of age. He had azure hair and azure eyes. He wore an azure top and an azure trousers. It wasn't wrong to say that everything about him was azure, except his skin, of course.

Azure rushed towards the mountain. If things turned out well for him, he would leave this mountain a worker!

He was rushing at the mountain in a maddened frenzy when he felt a bit of breeze from behind his back, almost like someone just zipped past him.

He paused immediately, scanning the surrounding areas. After a quick look, he decided that there wasn't really something to hide behind. There was a small boulder that was knee height. A small cluster of bushes and some trees.

He was about to continue with his merry journey when he felt a chilling breeze on his back. He paused again and unsheathed his sword, looking around him carefully. At this point, he was sure that someone was watching him.

'Oh lord, why did you have to make me so handsome in this life. Now I have creepy stalkers coming after me'.

He felt the breeze brush past his back again and as fast as he could, he moved his body backwards, hoping to bump the figure that rushed past him.

As soon as his body moved backwards, ha saw a silver blur going for his neck. He immediately raised his sword and used it to deflect the strike away from his neck. It didn't spare his shoulder from the grunt of it though.


Azure sharply exhaled a puff of hair. His other hand would have shot hp to cover where he was bleeding if it didn't have to fend off another attack.

Yet another silver blur went towards his shoulder. He didn't attempt to block it this time, he jumped towards his left with all the strength that he could muster.

He stood up hastily and immediately assumed a fighting stance while warily eyeing his surroundings. He felt the breeze on his back and turned around sharply. He was beginning to feel pissed.

The fact that whoever was doing this could come so close to him freely meant that if whoever it was attacking him wanted him dead, he'd be long gone.

The only other likely explanation was that whoever this person was, was toying with him. Playing with his prey before devouring it.

"Who are you?" Azure asked. If he was going to be toyed with like this then he deserved to at least know the name of the person toting with him.

There was an eerie silence that lasted about a minute. No sudden gusts of wind brushing against his back, nothing.

"You don't deserve to know". A chilly voice said, breaking the silence that filled the area.

"Why haven't you killed me?" Azure decided not to press further and asked the million dollar question that was weighing on his mind. "I'm pretty sure you'd want me dead, whoever you are".

"I do". The voice said. "But I want you to suffer first".

As soon as those words were said, Azure saw another sliver blur. This time, the blur was moving towards his mid section. Without hesitation, Azure jumped away from the trajectory of the silver blur.

"You learn fast". The voice sounded again. "Unfortunately, now I have to kill you".

"Why do you even want to kill me?" Azure was puzzled. Why would someone that he had never met or offended want to kill him.

"You don't know?" The voice sneered.

After those words sounded, a black clothed figure walked in front of Azure. The figure had black hair and crimson red eyes, reminding Azure almost immediately of Sticks. He had two small horns protruding from his forehead.

"I'm worth two stars, is it?" The figure smiled at Azure. Azure saw its large, pointed fangs and immediately came to a conclusion. His greed would be the end of him.

The person, or 'thing' standing in front of him was most likely a demon. The fact that he had already guessed Azure's motive correctly didn't make matters any better.

Azure tightened his grip on grip on the hilt of his sword. He had come all this way, it would be a shame to go back empty handed.

"I see you're still having audacious thoughts". The demon smiled again. "I might have to persuade you to reconsider, if you know what I mean". The demon laughed at his own joke.

His laughter was short lived however, right as he was laughing, his body shook. Few seconds later, blood rushed from his lips and his body capsized forward.

Azure walked cautiously towards the dead body and found a dagger plunged into its back. He picked up the dagger and inspected it carefully.

"You can come out now". Azure said.

"Miss me much?" Tamra said as she came out of a thick cluster of bushes.