
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


- Hey, Dai! You want to be a shinobi, don't you? Then go to the Forest of Death! It is said that those who stay there for more than an hour will definitely become shinobi in the future! - told him one friend, from something chuckling. - Eh?.. Don't you want to go? Cowardly?

- I'm not a coward! - Dai shouted.

Might Dai was very afraid to go to this dangerous place, but not wanting to look like a coward in front of the other guys, he still went there.

Soon, supported by the cries of the children, Dai slowly entered the Forest of Death. For some time he could still hear their unintelligible voices, but at some point they quieted down and Dai was left alone with nature.

- And it's not scary here at all ... - Dai said with a slightly trembling voice, trying to calm down.


Suddenly, Dai heard someone hissing behind him and quickly turned around to find a huge snake in horror!

- AAA! - Dai screamed in fear.

Dai rushed as far as possible from this snake. He ran for a long time without looking back, until at one moment he stumbled on a tree root hidden in the grass.

With a barely audible crash, Dai fell to the ground, hitting his forehead on a stone in the process.

- It hurts... - Dai said, barely holding back tears. - I want to go home...

Holding his forehead with his hand, Dai got up from the ground and was about to return.

- Where did I come from?

Dai began to look around in an unsuccessful attempt to find some familiar place. But soon something dawned on him.

- I'm lost! - No longer able to contain his emotions, Dai began to cry. - Sob... Mom! .. Sob... Someone! Whoop... Help!

However, no one ever came.

- Sob... Shinobi shouldn't cry... Shinobi shouldn't cry... - Repeating the words his father once said to him, Dai slowly stopped crying.

Dayu was very scared, scarier than ever in his life.

- Shinobi will find a way out of any situation...

Might Dai silently repeated this while thinking about how he could get out.

- ...I can go ahead! If I keep walking forward, I will definitely get out of the forest!

Following his idea, Dai chose the direction that seemed right to him and moved there. He went. And walked. And walked...

Sometimes he heard sounds instilling the silence of the forest and was very frightened, but he continued to go forward, without losing his chosen course.

- I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid... - Dai said under his breath, trying to calm down and suppress his fear.

Suddenly, Dai noticed that a tree in his path was starting to fall... Right on top of him!

Having barely realized what was happening, Might Dai stepped aside and the tree fell right on the place where he was a few seconds ago, and almost crushed him with its large branches. But miraculously, not a single branch touched Dai and he remained unharmed.


Terrible vibrations passed along the trunk of an already fallen tree.

Dai, fearing that he had stumbled upon another monster, curled up into a ball and sat on the ground for a long time.

But the sounds didn't stop.


After two hours, Dai's stomach growled, reminding him of the existence of such a thing as hunger.

- I have to go...

The feeling of hunger outweighed the fear and Dai began to slowly sneak along the trunk.

And the unceasing sound only got louder.


Due to his carelessness, Dai accidentally stepped on a branch.

The sound has stopped.

*more than 39 chapters are available at my pat reon

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