
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

The Moon

For a whole month, Danzo spent in relative calm and peace.

All this time, he has been slowly building the Root, which already has over 100 shinobi, of which 8 are Jonin. Plus 26 civilian personnel.

Meanwhile, his work "Theoretical Foundations of Iryoninjutsu" served as a powerful support for the development of this branch of Ninjutsu. New Iryoninjutsu appeared literally every day and many talents revealed their potential in this area.

The same Tsunade, while still a student at the Academy, was able to significantly improve the Mystic Palm Technique, making it possible to heal serious internal wounds.

- Lord Danzō, Orochimaru has requested some living humans for his experiments. - Ryu reported.

- So his research has already reached this stage… - Danzō thought aloud as he took out a small letter from a locker in his desk. - Go to the Daime, I think he has a few people sentenced to death for really serious crimes. If he objects, pass it on to him.

Yamanaka Ryu silently accepted the letter and after making sure that Danzō didn't have any other errands, he set off.

"It's a pity that these Daimyos can't just be slammed, but they have to use ordinary blackmail... By God, any politician would be better than these scum..." - Danzo couldn't help but complain to himself.

The fact is that in addition to the Twelve Shinobi-Defenders, the Daimyo had many protective means to suppress Chakra, some of which were created by the Sage of the Six Paths himself in ancient times.

And if the Daimyo were eliminated, there would be too many problems with the control of the ordinary population, both from a practical and moral point of view.

That is why the Villages had to come to terms with the existence of Daimyos, who were far from being the best people. The only thing that could be achieved is to subdue the Daime's interests for himself.

Hashirama was able to do this due to his immense strength. And Danzō followed the path of Tobirama, who used his wits to pressure the Daimyo in various ways in the negotiations.

Daimyo, like almost any person, was very easily corrupted by power and quickly lost signs of humanity. In his basement was a torture chamber filled with children of all ages...and genders. And this is far from the only crime of the Daimyo, but this alone was enough for the people to rebel against him.

And as already mentioned, it was the power over society that was one of the reasons why Daime remained in his place. If he loses him, someone else will quickly take his place.

"I just have to get stronger..."

Looking for an outlet for his emotions, Danzō took a break from training.


Danzō struck the thick tree trunk one after the other, leaving noticeable marks on it. The most amazing thing is that he did not use Chakra, only the pure physical strength of his body.

And despite this progress, he never even got close to opening the Third Gate.

Therefore, Danzo decided to repeat the method of Might Dai and Might Guy - constant training on the edge and beyond his own capabilities.

"Pain is nothing, the price of strength. I must become stronger...."

He kept hitting the tree non-stop until at one point it swayed and began to move towards Danzō. So much he twisted his trunk with his blows.

But this tree, like almost all other trees in the Forest of Death, was created with the help of Mokuton Hashirama. In addition to their huge size and thick trunk, they had a much higher strength than ordinary trees.

Danzō didn't stop there and approached the fallen tree, continuing to strike at it.

In a few hours, more than half of the tree was turned into chips.

Danzo's hands, for a long time, began to resemble a real bloody mess, in which bones were already visible.

"Injuries are nothing, they can be healed..."

Being in a kind of trance state, Danzo continued to beat the tree, but with his feet, while using Chakra to heal injuries on his hands.

*more than 39 chapters are available at my pat reon

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