
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Snake eyes

- When we were surrounded, we needed a volunteer who could draw all the attention of the enemy to himself. My friend Danzō, who has now become a real hero of Konoha, immediately volunteered for this role, but at that time he was not strong enough and prepared, so I volunteered for this role for him. However, my teacher and the late Second Hokage, Tobirama Seju, told me then the words that I still remember and still ... - Hiruzen loudly announced on the podium, sometimes peeping into speech. - To decide on self-sacrifice, you need to be completely confident in yourself, but at the same time be aware of your purpose and strength, otherwise you will endanger the lives of your comrades. This, in my opinion, should be the guiding star for any shinobi! We must be ready to make sacrifices for others, while not forgetting that our forces are limited and realistically assess the situation! And to give you, the new generation of shinobi, this very power to protect others, to give you the ability to understand what is happening on the battlefield, the Ninja Academy exists!

Danzō, watching from the sidelines, looked a little tired.

"I want to sleep..."

It took Danzo almost an hour to write the speech, then for about an hour and a half he coordinated the speech with Hiruzen, and then he had another long night with Higune, who had already moved to his house.

And this afternoon, Hiruzen forced him to come to this damn opening ceremony, since it turned out that almost all the children wanted to see him! And Danzo had to prepare a speech for himself as well.

"Have I really become so popular with the kids?" Danzo couldn't help thinking.

- And now, I give my word to the one who made the most significant contribution to the victory over the Land of Lightning, the one who gave our village glory and peace, our Hero of Konoha, Danzo Shimura! - In his usual manner, Hiruzen introduced Danzō.

As soon as Hiruzen finished, he disappeared and Danzo appeared in his place.

Loud oohs and aahs from the impressed children rippled through the hall, while Danzō silently looked around at the children.

- Well, I think many of you are very interested, how did it happen that until quite recently, I was not even good as a bait, and then I almost managed to kill the Raikage in Hajime City, walked 200 kilometers in half an hour and killed his son in the Village Hidden Cloud, having provided incredible assistance to our forces…? - Danzo felt some embarrassment inside, speaking about the murder as a feat, and generally from praising himself, but continued. - The thing is that after the death of the respected Second Hokage, I felt how weak, short-sighted and stupid I was. I devoted myself to training and hard work, studied the records of the same Tobirama Senju, trying to find ways to strength. And even so, my strength was not enough somewhere, but I was able to help in the village! What I lacked in strength I made up for with intelligence and insight!

Danzo swallowed softly. His gaze caught on the glittering snake eyes of one pale-skinned child and two other children seated close to him.

- It doesn't matter what talent you have, what mind you have, and even how old you are! As long as you work hard, as long as you're ready to learn, you can help Konoha! - With that, Danzō's speech ended and he disappeared.

Suddenly, a flurry of pops swept through the hall, first raised by parents, and then by children.

With this, the entrance ceremony of the Ninja Academy ended and the children were sorted into classes, after which their first day of school began.